



Janus makes a forced guffaw as he sneered at Mu Lingxi's direction.


[You think you're funny???? Sad. Try harder next time little lass.]

He added as if a wise old man lecturing a small child about the ways of life.

"It's getting dark now, let's go back to my room."

After saying that, she picked her little black cat and settled him in her arms as they made their way back to her chamber.

Mu Lingxi's back soon was engulfed by the darkness of the long corridor until only Janus' bright blue eyes reflected in the scene.


[I knew it. My senses never failed me before.]

Janus narrowed his eyes but he pretended to act sleepy as he hides it with his exaggerated yawn.

When the figure of the master and cat duo disappeared in the sight. The lurking shadow emerges and stands from the light. His eyes were looking at the place where Mu Lingxi and her cat disappeared.

"You still have a long way to go."

The unidentified shadow whispered to no one else in particular as it dashed back to the woods. Leaping away from the dilapidated courtyard inside the Mu clan's residence.

Its ability to leap from one tree to another shows how agile it was. He sure was not a simple character.

Back to Mu Lingxi's room, her door was already replaced with a new one.


[They sure have a good laborer that is why they can blast a door without much hesitation.]

Janus commented as he observed the new door installed in Mu Lingxi's room. While he was busy licking his paw and was leisurely cleaning his sharp nails in the process.

In contrast to her cat's compose attitude, Mu Lingxi was sitting on the edge of her bed, agitated. She recalls the matter concerning her upcoming betrothal to Prince Long Fuzi.

"What should I do? I don't want to end as a pawn for Mu clan's political pursuit."

She said out loud as she places her hand under her chin. Looking deep in contemplation.

Janus had a smirk on his small cute face covered with black fur.


[If you want to ask for my opinion, just say so. No need to act as if you are thinking on your own. I know you're not???? Geez....]

Hearing Janus' catty remark, she snap back and said,

"Okay, okay! Spill it out. What should we do now???"


[What do you want to do????]

Janus answered Mu Lingxi's question with another question.

"I don't know?????????? If I know what to do, do you think I still need to ask for your opinion about this matter?!"

The girl furrowed her well-defined eyebrows. She does not have time to play with her cat's word game at this moment.

Janus makes an exaggerated set of breath in breath our exercise as if he was calming himself.


[So here's the catch, once the Mu clan marry you off to that Prince Long Fuzi, the whole clan will benefit from it. Your Mu clan will rise above the ranks once more and you will be highly regarded lady of the clan since you will be the reason behind their elevation.

If we will going to think of it from a different perspective, it was sure a win-win situation.]

"But I don't want to sacrifice my own happiness for the benefit of the doubt. I don't think I am being selfish for choosing my own happiness over someone else??!!!

I suffered enough already. I endured so much before. I guess it's time for me now to prioritize myself. Because if there is someone who should love me first, that should be myself."


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