
Chapter 9

Heaven woke up feeling cold despite being wrapped in her thick, heavy blanket. But it wasn't the weather that was cold. 

It was him. 

Every time he came, the room would turn cold. Or maybe it wasn't the room but her body that froze.

Sitting up, her eyes searched for him in the darkness, but she couldn't find him. Yet she knew he was there. Gripping her blanket, she held it tightly against her body, as if it would protect her. 

"Hell0?" Her voice trembled. "Are you there?"

Slowly he emerged from the darkness. The sight of him made her draw in a sharp breath and want to hide under the bedcovers. He was beautifully terrifying, if that made sense. 

The stranger took a step toward her. 

"Don't! Please." Heaven shrieked, crawling back in her bed. 

"I won't hurt you." He assured. 

"What do you want?" It came out as a whisper. 

He came closer. "I want you. Come with me.��� 

"Why?" She asked. 

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