
Rhythm of his heart

Xiao Lei looked at the pillow next to him, and after a moment of hesitation, she went over and lay down next to him. Both of them were just lying there, staring at the wall with all sorts of things going through their minds. 

"This is," Han Ye mumbled after a long period of silence, "more awkward than I thought." 

"Yeah." Xiao Lei nodded slowly. 

"I guess it has been a while since you slept with another person who's not your son or your husband, huh?" Han Ye asked while putting his hands under his pillow. 

Xiao Lei nodded. "I guess it's not for you?" 

Han Ye glanced at her, and when their eyes met, he asked, "What made you think so?" 

"Well..." Xiao Lei tried to think of a way to say it without feeling awkward. "You were dating previously..." 

"Oh? You mean Angela?" Han Ye asked. He then smirked and added, "Is Ms. Xiao Xiao Lei jealous of my ex?"

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