
Chapter 47 - Magic Competition Part 6 Cloning George

It was like a Thanos snap, the young man turned into dust, and started floating away.

Meanwhile Tang Yao stood their and wondered, 'Does this affect his real body as well?'

While Tang Yao was thinking of that, the Referee interrupted his thoughts and declared Tang Yao the winner of the first match, and that they will have to wait a few minutes for the world to regenerate.

As Tang Yao got out of the cabin to wait for the 2nd match, Tang Yao decided to un-delete George, just in case his real body was deleted so, Gandalf and Tang Yao would not get into trouble, if the managers found out that, his real body was gone.

Meanwhile unknown to Tang Yao, and George who woke up in the STD, within the Virtual World, another George spawned, charred and full of vitality.

"You may of won this round but, I will win the next one." said George 2 in a sinister voice.

The reconstruction of the VW (Virtual World) took longer than expected roughly half and hour, considering that the whole world was in ruins, it was a pretty fast regeneration time.


Management Team


"Hey... there's an issue Boss." said a young man.

"Hmm, what is it? You know that nothing can go wrong right?" said a middle aged man.

"George's player file was corrupted so now there's a NPC in the virtual world that is 100% similar to the real George." said the young man.

"So? Just delete the player file, and have the machine re-scan George when he gets in the STD." said the middle aged man.

"That's the problem, it won't let me delete the NPC, and the NPC is not classified as a file, but instead a real human being." said the young man in a worried voice.

"WHAT?! Let me see this." said the middle aged man.

After the middle aged man looked at this, his expression became solemn. "Normally if this NPC was a real human, we would just boot him, however this is weird, since the NPC doesn't have a real body, we don't have anywhere to boot the consciousness of the NPC."

Right now the whole management team was confused, and unsure of what to do with this George, who was stuck in the the VW.


Before long, it was the start of the 2nd round of the match, and Tang Yao, as well as the real George loaded into the VW.

However unexpectedly, when he loaded in he saw 2 Georges, and they were both conversing with each other like good friends.

'Is that a cloning skill?' thought Tang Yao, not paying to much attention to it. As he thought it was a pretty normal thing to have a cloning skill.

The Referee counted down like usual, also suspecting that the other George was just a clone, it is a bit cheeky to cast a spell before the countdown, but it wasn't unheard of.





The two George's activated their shield, and began to rush at Tang Yao.

"Two cockroaches, or 1 it doesn't make a difference!" shouted Tang Yao at the 2 George's.

"Huh?! How did you know our middle name?!" both of them yelled in surprise, while stopping their charge mid-way.


'Shit, these guys really are cockroaches!' thought Tang Yao before saying, "Explode."

Not to Tang Yao's surprise, both of them withstood the explosion. Tang Yao didn't want to waste the same amount of time as the last fight, so he summoned 3 Chicxulub Meteor's, and 2 Super Massive Black Hole's. This was a cover, so Tang Yao could secretly erase both of them, and then re summon George when he won.

The 5 spells worked as a great cover as none of the Spectator's suspected anything, when they didn't see the remains of George.

"Wow, there was no way George could of survived that combination of spells!" shouted a spectator.

"He only survived them during the 1st match, because Dip Stick was most likely probing his power!" shouted another spectator.

Many of the spectators agreed with this idea, and when the explosion and black hole's cleared up they didn't see the remains of both George's.



'Good job me, no-one could figure out that I erased both of them from existence.' thought Tang Yao happily.

The Referee who was no longer shocked by Tang Yao's action, promptly announced Tang Yao as the winner.

When Tang Yao got out of the VW, and brought George back into existence, still unknown to him, instead of 1 clone, there' is now 4 clones waiting in the VW, for Tang Yao to comeback, so they can get their revenge.

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