Right now Tenchi was on his knees with bricks no his legs...By his side was Michelle the eldest Paper sister who had blond hair and huge tits and Maggie the middle child of the paper sisters who was tall and quiet with black hair...
In front of them was a pink-haired beauty with athlete legs and athlete assed. She was about 5'1 ft. it was Anita
Anita: Do you know what you three did,
Tenchi: it was research
Michelle: But it was a new book
Maggie: I'm sorry
Anita: Quiet, You all spent all our money. Right when we arrived to China!
She looked at Michelle
Anita: Mi-nee you disappeared and spent all of your money and brought a book store...
Michelle: But the books were not being read, so I had to do something for them
Anita: Ma-nee you disappeared and had a mountain of books...so much you had to have people carry books to your house and the people you asked were thieves and robbed us when you were reading your books...
Maggie: I'm sorry
she looked sad
Anita then glared at Tenchi: and you came here broke and somehow invested most of your assets on an investment that may end up in failure
Tenchi: Tee-hee,
he says sticking out his tongue and hitting his head
Tenchi received a kick in the face
Anita: Tenchi, I am seriously pissed off. we are completely broke...no because of you we owe money...
Tenchi: Well...I believe in Keima...
Anita: Oh really...well right now were broke....
she then thinks for a moment and smiles
Anita: No...your broke...we paper sisters will do jobs and make money to go to your princess location...
Tenchi: what about me
Anita: Oh...I'm sure you can survive on your own...you are the great Tenchi right!
Tenchi: Maggie, Michelle
Michelle: Ok vote if Tenchi should go or stay...all those who says he stays raise your hand
Maggie and Michelle were about to raise their hand when Anita says
Anita: Because he owes so much if he stays you won't be able to buy any new books
They put their hands down fast
Tenchi: Oi
They looked away
Michelle: All oppose
They all raised their hands
Tenchi: I see when I'm not wanted!
Tenchi runs out screaming: soon I'll be rolling around in money, you will regret it that you didn't let me stay
As he left Maggie asked
Maggie: was it alright to let him leave like that? He will be all by his self
Anita: Don't worry, he is with Kikyo and Yui
Suddenly they receive a phone call on their house phone
Michelle answers it and tells the girls what happened
Michelle: Umm, Kikyo is helping Yui with something in the mafia so they will meet us in a couple weeks
The room was silent...
Tenchi was walking around: Damn them! Anita, I'd expect but Maggie and Michelle! Damn them, That's why Botan is the only one I trust...fuck
Tenchi was kicking cans
Tenchi then started getting hungry: Damn..when did I eat last? a few days ago..fuck...and I'm broke..
suddenly he sees a coin fly in the air
Tenchi: Huh, if I have that, I can turn that into my fortune
He sees it lands on the back of a kid a couple of years younger than him hood
Tenchi: No that kid stole my coin he sees the kid goes into an arcade machine
He goes to him and the boy puts the coin into a motorcycle game
Tenchi and another boy: No my lucky coin
They look at each other confused
The boy who put the coin in looks at the two...
Boy on the bike: Ok then I will challenge you two. if you beat me then I will get you the coin back
Tenchi and the other boy look at each other and said the one who wins gets the coin
The Three of them raced and Tenchi was using the boy who used the coin as a drifting wind and Tenchi pulled up in front of him
shocking the two because they hadn't noticed him. As Tenchi was about to win he pulled the accelerate to speed up more but he used too much strength and it broke... and he stopped. The other boy was behind him and he crashed into Tenchi bike and the boy who took the coin won the race
Tenchi froze thinking about the money he had to pay for the bike
Tenchi: (I already was in debt...now! )*his face went pale
The other two were arguing saying the win didn't count and they broke their handle
The owner of the store saw that these three kids broke his equipment and went up to them yelling at them and Tenchi coughed up blood and passed out, surprisingly the one who used the coin passed out too
Tenchi wakes up in a broken-down apartment. with his eyes closed he heard talking of two kids
boy: Never in my life have I seen two people passed out like that! One from hunger and the other from playing games
Tenchi: (yup it was hunger...I didn't fake it,)
Girl: big brother what are you going to do, we can't take care of two more strangers
Boy: no worries. I find them interesting...ok I'm going to get medicine, keep an eye on them alright
girl: big brother!
He runs out and the young girl looks at the boys
she looks at Tenchi face and thinks to herself
girl: (he is handsome...huh he isn't Chinese...but wow)
Tenchi: cute!
girl: huh
she goes red and jumps back a little
Tenchi: ugh its not cute watching me like that
She begins complaining at him
Tenchi calms her down saying he was joking
Tenchi: Oh I'm Tenchi Ryouta Nura by the way...who is my abductor
girl: Not abductor, healing and saint who saved your life! My brother and I took care of you. Would you liked it if we stayed on the streets...*sigh*
Tenchi: I'm joking I'm Joking
the girl glared at him and said: I'm Su Mucheng and my brother is Su Muqiu
The other boy beside Tenchi says on the bed: I'm Ye Xiu
//AN: Su Mucheng, Su Muqiu, and Ye Xiu are from the Kings Avatar. Michelle, Anita, and Maggie are from Read or die
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