
Chapter 15


"Where are we going?" Klara asked as she followed Roshan through the dark woods.

"You will see once we get there." He said.

Late at night, in the woods, alone without a weapon and with a man who could fight ten men on his own was maybe not a great idea after all.

Klaras began to calculate all the possible ways she could defend herself if he ever tried to do anything.

"What did you do to the guards?" she asked.

While they were escaping she noticed that all the guards lay unmoving on the ground.

"I put them to sleep." He said simply

"How? I thought you couldn't use magic."

"No...but I sang them a lullaby."

Even though Klara couldn't see him clearly in the darkness she knew he had a smirk in his face.

Not wanting to be mocked anymore she continued is silence. Meanwhile she tried to find the perfect opportunity to escape but it was so dark she was afraid to leave Roshans side. Once the sun rises she would escape she thought to herself.

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