
Holiday special pt.2

(Nikki's POV)

I wake up feeling someone pounce on me sobbing. I focus on who it is and I see it's Jason! So I hug back and he holds my shoulders and turns me to face him. He says, "Cookie do you know who I am" I smile nodding and he looks relieved so he hugs me again. I smile once more sinking into the hug so I say, "Don't leave me please" I feel him dig his head into the crook of my neck and he says, "I never dream of it and baby" I make a hmm sound before he continues saying, "I'm so so so so sorry Cookie it's fine if you ignore me" I softly smile before I ruffle his hair as his head is in the crook of my neck I hear him sob so I say, "Why would I ignore you Jason now shhh don't cry I'm fine see" I pull him off me and he comes on the bed in a dog position and I cup his cheeks as I wipe his tears. He lays me down and he lays down next to me and I look seeing one hand he's holding his weight up and the other is stretched out on me and he stuffed his head in the crook of my neck again. I say, "Jason what's wrong with-" I feel him bite my neck,I moan a little and he says, "Sorry this vacation didn't go great" I grab his face again and I slam my lips on his. He blushes a little and I giggle as I say, "Oh Jason this vacation has gone better then any vacation I've been on" I see Jason's eyes widen as he looks at me saying, "S-Stop lying baby

girl you don't like this vacation" I smile saying, "I love this vacation because it's one of my first vacations since...since a long time" Jason looks at me and was inching closer but I hear the door open wide. Jason removes his arms and just sits up and I sit up as well and what we see is my mom with widen eyes. I smile saying, "Hi mom" she runs over and hugs me like no tomorrow and says, "Oh baby are you ok hija" I smile as I hug back saying, "No problema mama (No problem mom)." She breaks the hug and Jason looks at us with a confused face, I giggle and I whisper, "That means No problem mom" he says, "Ohhhh" my mom smiles as well and but then she looks at me seriously and says, "Hija are you ok" I nod and then she goes to my ear and whispers, "Oh and Hija your father just called asking you to visit him since he's in England as well" my eyes go wide and I say, "B-But mama-" *Phone rings* we look at Jason and he sighs and gets up and goes out the room for he can answer it she says, "Go don't worry I'll tell Jason and the rest of his family since the dinner will be rescheduled tomorrow that your gonna visit someone you haven't seen in a while" I sigh looking down and playing with my fingers before I say, "What If-" she makes a shush sound and says, "Don't worry Hija you'll be fine,what happened in the past this is now" I say, "Ok I'll go." Mom smiles and hugs me and then I hear another knock,mom answers and I see it's the nurse and she must of told mom that I could leave because she runs to me and grabs my bag and puts her car keys in there and says, "Go give him some Christmas cheer" I smile and say, "Ok but your rented car are you sure" she smiles and pushes me out the door quickly. She says, "Go before you get asked questions" I kiss her goodbye and I say, "Tell Jason I love him." before I rush out and I go into moms white Honda that Jason's family let her rent from the renter cars when we got here. Anyways I turn the car on and I go in before I drive to York since now we're in London I go get a whole tank of gas because it's a long drive (Fun fact is that from London to York it's 3hours and 55 minute drive). I then start my journey to MainStreet Fulford in York.

(Jason's POV)

I come back from my phone call with Dad saying that he wanted me home with Nikki and her mom. I go in the room seeing only cookies mom,my eyes widen before I say, "Ms.Morales where's Nikki?" She says, "oh she's going to see someone she hasn't seen in a long time she sends her love to you though." My eyes widen before I say, "We need to go to the hotel now." I rush to the car and Nikki's mom rushes a long side me as well saying, "why we rushing for Jason" I say, "Because my dad wants us home quickly" I sense her nod as I drive to the hotel.

Once we got in the hotel we go upstairs into my parents sweet. My dad goes to us and says, "Where's Nikki" I was gonna say something but her mom says, "She's visiting someone that she hasn't visited in a long time." I question, "Who is?" I say out of curiosity she says, "Well her father" my eyes widen and I say, "her father,she never told me her father lives in England" she says, "Well it's because- you know what I'll let Nikki tell if she wants to tell." I hear my father clear his throat saying, "Well on to what I called you guys for is because we got invited to the Christmas gala here in London since where the 3rd richest family. Oh and I asked and you can come with us but I asked about Nikki and she said that she's already invited for the Morales family which is the richest family going" my eyes go wide before I say, "Nikki told me you guys wasn't rich" I glare at her as she says, "Well yeah we're not rich but she never said her father wasn't" I say, "Well what's her fathers name?" Me and my family go and sit on the couch and Ms.Morales follows and she says, "Well you may not believe me but her fathers name is Cornel Morales." My mouth drops before I say, "What!? It can't be-" I hear a door crack open and I look seeing Zoey rubbing her eyes with her light pink night gown on. I stand up and I go to her saying, "Zoey go back to bed" she shakes her head as she nods saying, "I'm curious about Nikki's papa to" I chuckle before I grab her and I carry her to the couch. I sit her on my lap before I turn to my dad saying, "Does Ray know about this" my dad nods before I turn my attention to Ms.Morales who was talking to my mom. I interrupt them by saying, "So Ms.Morales where does Nikki's dad live in England,What city?" She says, "Well he lives in the city of York." My eyes go wide and my jaw drops before I say, "And I thought London was rich wait what part" she says, "Fulford." My jaw drops again but then I glare at her saying, "Why would you let her go it's almost 4 hours from here" she says, "Because she hasn't seen her father in 3 years because- Well the rest you ask her that" I say, "Why?" She says, "Because what if she don't want you to know about what happened" I sigh and I nod in agreement. I hear Zoeys little snores to I walk her to bed and I check my phone clock seeing it's 10pm. I sigh as I put her to bed,I tuck her in before I walk out seeing Nikki's mom left. I wave bye to my parents before I go in my bed having a cookie less night.

(Nikki's POV)

I walk inside my fathers mansion and I say, "Dad I'm home" I look around seeing if anyone comes out, I see my older brother Jackson come out I smile saying, "Hey Jackson" he smiles and runs down saying, "Nikki!!!" He pounces on me and I fall back hitting the floor he then gets up and says, Sorry sis" I smiles saying, "It's ok Jackson anyways how's everything and where's father?" He says, "Fathers in a meeting right now but he's gonna be so happy that your home now let me get your stuff in the car and-" I interrupt him saying, "Jackson I'm not here to stay" I see Jackson's smile turn into a little frown saying, "Why not" I say, "Because I'm here with my boyfriend and we're visiting his family" he says, "Really!" I nod. He smiles and hugs me saying, "And you opened up to him" I smile saying, "Yes I-I did" Jackson smiles. I then hear someone walking down stairs,I look seeing my dad,dad smiles and says, "Hello Princess welcome home" I smile before I run up the stairs and I give him a big hug. I feel him hug me back as I stuff my face into his chest. He break it and dad says, "So Princess Wait *Looks at Jackson seeing he don't have her stuff* Jackson what you doing standing there your sisters been through a long trip go help with her bags." I hold dads hands and I look at him and I say, "Dad,I'm not staying-" he interrupts me saying, "What why?-" I interrupt him saying, "Because I'm visiting London" dad says, "oh that means your mothers here oh please bring her I wanna see her again" I say, "She's in the hotel and I'm visiting with my b-boyfriend." Dad looks at me glaring at me saying, "Who is he I wanna meet him" I hear Jackson come up the stairs and he glares at me saying, "I wanna meet him." I nod nervously saying, "Y-Yeah y-you guys will meet h-him at the g-gala!" They both look at each other and nod before I hear a pair of feet come towards us. I look seeing one of the maids with her hands neatly folded,the maid says, "Dinner is ready Mr and Ms.Morales" Jackson and dad looks at me and Jackson says, "Nini can you please stay for dinner" I look at my phone seeing it's 9:50 so I say, "Yeah and mind as well stay the night" I see Jackson smile big before hugging me causing me to fall on the floor. He says, "Sorry Nini" I say, "I'm ok Jackie" Jackson helps me up and from there we make our way to the table. We sit down and we have dinner.

I walk to where my old room is and I open the door seeing it didn't change everything's still the same. So I go and do my women business in the bathroom before I let the darkness take over me.

-Shoot I forgot to tell Jason I'm staying the night!-

(Jason's POV)

I groan awake,not opening my eyes I stretch my arms and I feel nothing. I sit up with my eyes widened.

-where is she!-

I say, "Cookie are you here" I wait for a few minutes seeing if they respond but I hear nothing,I grew more worry when I hurry and reach for my phone on my night stand. I dial her number in and I press the call button.

-Please pick up,Please pick up-

N-Hello? Jason

J-COKKIE! Oh thank god where are you? Why didn't you come back yet? Want me to pick you up? I-

N-Don't worry Jason I went to see my dad in York and I stayed the night I'm so sorry I didn't tell you!

J-it's ok Cookie but your getting a punishment

N-L-Like what?

J-hmm you have to let me kiss you for 2 hours straight

N-What no!

J-if not that then let me pick an outfit for you can where for the whole day until the dinner

N-Ok sure

J-please come home though I miss you

N-ok I'm coming just let me get dressed and say goodbye

J-ok baby

N-ok bye


I go to the mall and I pick out an outfit for Nikki and honestly it's adorable but wintery to but still adorable and now I just have to wait.

I say, "So Dad what time is dinner" he says, "Oh it's at 6" oh so right now I'm talking to my parents and Nikki's mom and well everyone basically. I feel something vibrate,I go in my back pocket and I see a call from Nikki so I answer.


J-yes baby

N-I'm here

J-Oh now come here your outfit is ready

N-ok it better not be perverted

J-it won't be I promise

N-ok then bye

J-bye baby

I put my phone on the counter and I smirk hearing someone open a door and the person says, "You choose something revealing didn't you" I nod. Knowing it's Ray I smirk more then I hear a door crack open. I immediately look seeing Nikki,I get up and I run before I give her a big hug. I feel her stuff her head into my chest and I stuff my head into her head of hair. I break the hug and I look at her seriously and I was gonna say something but I hear someone get up. But I grab her hand and I walk her to the couches before her mom sits back down,I sit Nikki on my lap and she blushes and tries to get off but I chuckle and I keep her on. But I see her look around seeing my parents having a curious face on,Nikki looks at me and I have a serious face on and I say, "Baby can you explain to us who's your father,your mom told us stuff but we wanna hear the rest from you." I see her take a breath before she says, "Well what have my mom told you" I say, "She told us where your father lives and that he's the richest man" she nods and says, "W-Well y-yes h-he I-is t-the richest man. A-And well mom c-can I tell them *Nikkis mom nods* Ok s-so h-his name is Roger,Roger Morales a-and him and my mom a-are still together b-but they don't live together due to them arguing where to live so they live separate. O-Oh and I have a brother named Jackson,he's older then me and now where's Tony" I say, "He's sleeping in his room" she sighs and says, "Awww I wanted to take him ice skating" I smile before I say, "We could go ice skating baby" she says,"We could but I wanted to take Tony and you and Nikki because he always wanted to go ice skating." I nod understanding what she's saying. So I pick her up and I go in Tony's room. She says, "Why you going in there Jason?" I say, "Because he deserves to go" with that I tap Tony.

Once we get to the skating rink I was putting on my skates seeing Tony drinking his hot chocolate,he wanted it before he got on the rink. I look on the rink seeing Nikki skating with my sister,I smile before I finish and I walk to the skating rink. I was about to get on but I see Nikki skate towards the entrance which is where I'm standing.

She gets in front of me and I smile saying, "You ok cookie" she smiles saying, "Yup but little Zoey here is tired." I smile seeing Zoey rubbing her eyes before I help her off and she walks to the bench and sits by Tony. Nikki was skating backwards and she reaches out her hand,I stand on the ice and I skate for it but she skates more back. I pout saying, "Cookie come backkkk" she nuzzles her nose and says, "You have to catch me first" I say, "But baby one issue" she says, "What is it" I say, "I don't know how to skate" she smiles and skates towards me. She grabs my hand and pulls me causing me to drift off the edge,I smirk and I skate behind her and I carry her going to her ear whispering, "Just kidding" she glares at me as I have her in my arms. She says, "Pervert!" I chuckle before I let her down and I skate with her holding my hand. I then go to the edge of the skating rink and I hold on the the ledge saying, "Wanna race cookie" she smirks and holds on to the ledge as well and says, "All around the rink if I win I get to do your hair" I say, "Ok and if I win I get 25 kisses when we get home." We both agree before I count, "Ready...set....GO!" And then we're off,I start skating around the rink with her on the other side of me, I pick up the pace and she mumbles something before she zooms off. She makes it half way and my mouth drops how fast she's moving but I try to skate as fast as she can. I skate faster to close to where she's at but then she wins. She skates backwards and says, "I win" I smile saying,"Yup you did."

I stand next to Nikki holding her hips as we take pictures,we desired to take pictures with Tony and Nikki. So after I grab Nikki's hand and I say, "I wanna show you something." She nods and I drag her to a fountain. It had a girl and a dolphin on it,I smile and I go to a bench and I sit down with her and Nikki and Tony follow. We sit by the fountain seeing a choir passing bye singing I saw mommy kissing Santa clause in mixed version with there's voices. I smile seeing Nikki stand up and giving them money. They smile at her as they move on but when she comes back to us I peck her on the lips.

"j-Jason d-do I have to come out"

I say, "C'mon baby I bet you look cute and adorable in that" she says, "Ok don't hate ok." She comes out and I look at her in adoration,she has a purple dress that's a little short with shorts under. I feel a nose bleed coming so I take tissue and I put it on my nose. She rubs her arms and I go to her and hold her hands saying, "Baby don't do that it's a turn on" she blushes and smiles. I smirk before she goes and sits on a chair,I smile at her fixing her hair before I go to my room and I get ready myself.

I hold her hand and I knock on my grandmothers door,I feel cookie shake so I give her hand a squeeze earning a jump from her. She looks at me and whispers, "Why you squeezed my hand for" I say, "Because you look nervous" I feel her shake more saying, "I-I AM nervous" I chuckle and I hug her from behind and I say, "Baby it's gonna be ok there gonna love you" I then hear the door open hearing Nikki say, "Ok I'm leaving" she tires to walk away but I hold her. She pouts before the door opens wide revealing grandma and grandpa,I say,

"Hello grand-père et grand-mère" (Grandpa and grandma).

(Nikki's POV)

I look at him confused at what he just said. Anyways his grandpa says, "Jason comment vas-tu et qui est-ce"(Jason how are you and who is this). Jason says, "oh c'est nikki Morales, ma copine" (Oh this is Nikki Morales my girlfriend) I smile when he turns to look at me. The grandma looks at me and smiles saying, "Oh honey you must be cold standing out there come in." I smile as I walk into the beautiful house they own,I look around amazed before I look seeing a guard wi Th coats,he says, "May I take your coat ma'am" I smile taking off my coat and giving it to the nice guard saying, "Yes you may and thank you,*Looks at the guards tag seeing it says Gabriel* Gabriel." The guard smiles at me saying, "Your very welcome Ms.Morales" I go in shocked that he knew my name so I asked, "May I ask how you know my name sir" Gabriel says, "well Ms.Morales your father Roger Morales is kind of a legend here in London for his work" I smile saying, "I'm glad you heard of my father and my family name now what is your biggest dream sir." I watch the guard scratch the back of his neck saying, "W-Well I always wanted to be a w-writer just like he is" I smile and I go in my purse and I take out a card and I hand it to him saying, "Then here's his card and I will totally love to put a good word for you." Gabriel smiles saying, "Thank you Ms.Morales thank you so much" I smile and I say, "No problem." I look towards the door seeing Jason and his family quite in shock at the exchange I just did. I blush and I put my head down hearing the grandma say, "Your father is The Roger Morales" I shyly nod before I see the grandpa say, "Wow I am honored to have you over for dinner Ms.Morales" I look at him and the guard saying,"Call me Nikki" Jason's grandpa nods and smiles at me saying, "Ok Nikki" I smile seeing Jason walk to me,he hugs me from behind saying,

"See I told you they'd love you cookie" I smile and I turn my head facing his saying, "You did,I was just nervous."

"First Dinner" Jason's grandma says as she rings the bell,I sit next to Jason whispering, "Whats with the Bell" he says, "My grandma and grandpa are a little old fashioned so they ring the bell for the guards to come with dinner." I smile nodding saying, "My dad just calls out to them saying being my food would you please" Jason chuckles before I see the guards pass out dinner to us. Once I get my plate I look down seeing it's Salmon with vegetables and sushi. I look up hearing the grandma say, "Oh Nikki I do hope you like Sushi" I nod smiling saying, "I love sushi Ms.Wild." She smiles and I look at Jason seeing his grandfather whisper something to him. I just take my fork and I start eating my food.

I give my plate in saying, "Thanks for the meal" the guards smile and they take off with the plates in hand. I look at the grandpa seeing him ring the bell saying, "Now one for dessert" I look at Jason making a mmm delicious face before I see the guards being in strawberry ice cream. I smile and I bounce in my seat a little making sure no one sees but my mom does so she smiles. The put the ice cream in front of us and I start eating immediately.

We give our ice cream cups to the guards before I hear Jason's mom say, "Sweetie would you like to see baby pictures of Jason" I nod. Jasons parents get up and so do I. But I was gonna go with them feeling Jason hug me and he pulls me to his lap,I hear the grandma chuckle a little bit before I say, "J-Jason g-get m-me o-off" I hear Jason chuckle saying, "Not until you say no for seeing my baby pictures" I giggle saying, "Nope." I Pri his hands off before I run to his parents saying, "Go quick" the father giggles before his mom grabs my hand and we hurry up the stairs. I hear Jason's big feet chase after is but we were faster,we go to a room, I close the door and lock it hearing Jason stop and he knocks on the door. I giggle as I see his mom sit on the bed,I walk to her and I say, "May I sit Ms.Wild" she says, "Yes you may and please call me mom" I blush a little saying, "O-Ok mom" I sit down. Jason's mom then gets up and grabs a book that was in a cabinet,she sits back down and opens it. I look along with her seeing a big picture of Jason when he was first born. I smile before she grabs the book and puts it on my lap saying, "You Look at them." I nod smiling as I flip through the book seeing Jason and Ray playing,Jason and Ray being Winnie the Pooh and piglet on Halloween. I smile before I say, "What happened to those two" Jason's mom looks at the page I'm looking at and she says, "Well they used to be very good brothers,but they both got broken up cause of a girl." My brows go up at shock so I ask, "What was her name?" She says, "Her name was Saria,Saria Cornell" I say, "How did she break them up" she says, "Well she was first with Ray and Ray loved her,more then anything but then she met us and saw Jason so one day Ray was coming to the living room and Saria was sitting next to Jason and when Ray came in Saria purposely kissed Jason and from there it went down hill,Jason tried to tell him the truth but Ray ignored him till Jason just gave up." I was shocked saying, "How horrible but what happened after" she says, "Well Saria tried to date Jason but he just shoved her away and she got mad and just left." I felt bad for the brothers but I didn't wanna talk about that anymore so I look through the rest of the book and I close it but I take a picture of the first page of Jason when he was a baby before I put the book on the bed and I set the picture as my wallpaper. Jason's mom says, "Ready to go" I nod saying, "Yup" Jason's mom opens the door and next thing you know is I'm pinned on the bed by Jason. He says, "Give me the photo" I say, "I-I don't h-have any" he smirks and I see him go to my sides saying,"I'll tickle you" I say, "NO please but I don't have any it's true" I see him just smirk before he starts tickling me,I laugh hard trying to take his hands out but he just keeps going. So I say, "OK CHECK THE BOOK I SWEAR I DIDN'T TAKE ANY" I cover my mouth feeling him stop and he looks at me chuckling. He then goes to my ear saying, "I know baby I just wanted to have fun" I pout glaring at him as he gets off of me and brings me up. We then get out the room and walk down the stairs seeing Jason's family gathered around a grand piano. I smile as I drag Jason down the stairs,we go to the gathering hearing the grandma say, "Jason come and play for us will you" I gasp looking up at him seeing him scratch his neck saying, "Nah I'm good-" I pull him to the piano and I sit him down saying, "No play" he looks at me and I say, "Please" he sighs before I see him press the keys and he starts playing.

"Do you know how to play cookie" I look at everybody and I see the mom and the grandma say, "Go on let's see if you know how to play" I see the grandpa look at me with a raised brow. I sigh before I sit down on the grand piano,I was gonna play but I hear Jason say, "Baby you don't have to play if you don't want to" I shake my head saying, "Don't worry I'll play I just haven't played since we dated" I look seeing his eyes widened. I giggle before I look at my mom seeing her smile at me knowing this is a big step for me to take. So I look at the piano and then I started to play my own Beethoven 'Moonlight' Sonata. I closed my eyes thinking I'm in front of my father as I play the tone.

I open my eyes,now that I'm done. I look around seeing everyone clapping having a smile on there faces. I smile seeing Jason come behind me,I was about to get up from the seat but I feel his hands travel under me. I try slapping his hands away but it keeps moving until he carries me, I blush as I put my arms around his neck. He brings me closer to him and I say, "Jason what are you doing-" he then kisses me. I blush very hard hearing 'Aww' or So cute' I then hear little footsteps come towards us as we kiss and the person taps me. I break the kiss seeing Tony say, "C-Can you let m-my mommy d-down please" I smile before I look at Jason with pleasing eyes. He rolls his as he lets me down and I kneel to face Tony and I kiss his temple hearing even more 'Aww' and 'Adorable' then I hear Jason's grandpa say, "So this is my grandson" I look at him before I stand up hearing Jason say, "No Tony isn't her son grand-père" he glares at me and says, "But he called her mom so she must have cheated" Jason look at me saying, "No she wouldn't do that right cookie." I shake my head before I say, "No it's just that he calls me mommy because I raised him basically" Jason says, "What you mean basically?" I say, "Well you see since *Nikki wraps her arms around Tony* he was a baby he had 2nd degree cancer so well when I used to work in the hospital here for junior high his sister brought him in. He was 3 months old and his sister told me that there's something wrong with him. So me being young I easily checked and I found out he had cancer so the sister kept him at the hospital. I used to only have 5 hours of sleep of less because I had to take care of him then I moved to New York and but that time he was 12 months and he adored me,he wouldn't talk of eat with anyone else but me so my dad payed a private jet so me and him could fly to America. Then in New York I still went to middle school but I had to take care of him to so I used to do school then some after and teach him how to walk,I had to poty train him, I had to teach him everything he knows and well now that he's 7 almost 8 he's a lot better but I still have to teach him. Oh and during that time I allowed him to call me mommy cause we'll you heard the story." I then carry Tony and I kiss his cheek hearing him giggle, I see my mom stair at me saying, "Is that why everyday you woke up for middle school you had black bags under your eyes" I smile saying, "Yup!" Jason says, "Homework,h-how did you do it" I say, "Well I did it while I was at school" I feel Tony hug me saying, "I'm sorry mommy." I smile saying, "Oh Tony it's fine that was the past anyways" I look at the grandpa hearing him say, "Sorry for judging you Nikki" I say, "It's fine." As I carry Tony I feel someone pull on my pants so I look down seeing Zoey. I smile before so kneel saying, "Yes Zoey" she says, "Nikki I-I wanna go home" I smile before I walk to Jason and I whisper, "Zoey wants to go home" I see the mom sigh in defeat saying, "Ok then sorry grand-père et grand-mère Zoey is tired" they smile and they say, "It's fine oh and Merry Christmas" I smile saying, "Merry Christmas" along with everyone.

Jason tightens Tony's seat belt before coming to the front. He puts his hand on top of my thigh and I blush,he smiles as I play with his fingers hearing him say, "Baby promise me something" I say, "Ok what do you want me to promise" he says, "Well baby *stops the car for a second* promise me you won't push yourself that hard." I giggle hearing him say, "I'm serious cookie" I say, "Ok then I promise" I see him smile before we continue the ride back to the hotel.

I wake up smiling knowing two days away from the Christmas gala and days away from Jason meeting my dad and brother and his girlfriend. I look on the side of me seeing Jason sleeping with his nose cutely scrunched up. I smile before I get up, well at least try to but then I realized that Jason's holding on to me so I can't move until he wakes up. Curse men and there strong ness, anyways I poke his nose seeing him scrunch it up more looking so adorable so I reach over to grab my phone. Once I grab it I take a picture and I save it to my gallery, then I poke his chest, I poke his cheek,Forehead,eye and nothing wakes him. So I do my last resort,I kiss him knowing him he wakes up and flips home over deepening the kids. But surprisingly he didn't he instead he kept sleeping so I got worried and so felt his forehead because last night he was out a little late helping his brother because I told him to. It felt normal so I lean to kiss him again and as expected I feel him grab my waist and flip me over. I giggle as I let him deepen the kiss.

Time passes and he still kisses me and I hear my phone ring,I try to reach it but Jason grabs my hands and he puts them above my head. I moan feeling him kissing my collar bone before I say, "J-Jason c-can I-I get m-my phone" he pecks my lips saying, "ok baby" I smile before I answer it.


A-Hey lady

N-Alice!? Hi how's it been?

A-Great you?

N-Good now why you calling from Jackson's contact

A-well cause I didn't have your number but anyways 2 days until the gala so let's have a girls night day

N-Oh I know what that means

A-I know you do so how about it sis

N-Hmmm sure why not

A-yay good so meet at your dads place at hmm 3

N-Umm *Checks her phone seeing it's 8* Ok sure

A-Good see you then bye


(Jason's POV)

I watch her hang up as I say, "I don't want you to go baby" she smiles at me and kisses my cheek saying, "But J-Jason it's been a while since I've hung out with Alice" I ask, "Who's Alice" she says, "Oh she's my brothers girlfriend." I make an oh face before I get off the bed standing up saying, "Where you going" I look at her shrugging before I see her eyes sparkle before she grabs her phone and dials a number,putting it on her ear.

N-Hey Jackson


N-Can I bring my boyfriend for the house when me and Alice meet


N-because it's the perfect time for you two to know each other

J-What! But sure I guess

N-yeah! He can meet dad and get to know both of you and you can also invite Alices brother Stan so they can get to know each other

A-yeah perfect so bye


She looks at me and smiles before I walk to her and I grab her shoulders and I bring her to me saying, "Baby are you sure" she smiles and says, "I'm positive."

(Third POV)

"Make sure you call me every hour and a half to make sure your safe" Both Jason and Jackson say. The girls look back at them and Nikki says, "Ok I will" Alice stops her and says, "Nah I'll call you when I get there but not every hour and a half." Jackson glares at her and says, "I'm serious Ali" Alice rolls her eyes before leaving out the front door. Meanwhile the boys walk to the TV and they sit in front of it watching football. 20 minutes go by and they still watch football until Jackson says," Wanna play video games before my dad comes" Jason nods saying, "Sure."



Jackson says, "Bro you cheated" Jason argues, "No I didn't it was a fair game and hey once you pulled my controller out" Jackson agrees before he hears the door open so he goes out saying, "Oh hey dad." Jason freezes before he turns and sees Jackson with a tall man by him saying, "Dad this is Jason,Jason this is dad and dad the reason why I'm doing this is because Nikki and Alice are out on a girl night out" I see the guys rolls his eyes before he reaches his hand saying, "Nice to meet you Jason" Jason smiles. Jackson then goes in as Jason watches the dad leave Jackson says, "So how's you and my sisters relationship been going." Jason says, "Great" Jackson mumbles, "It better be" Jason cocks his head and says, "Huh?" Jackson says, "Nothing any phone calls" I check my phone seeing texts from Nikki so I say, "Text from Nikki saying there at a dance club so they can't call" Jason and Jackson growls but they stop before Jason messages his head saying, "I hope there ok." Jackson says, "Me to anyways so how's you and my sisters relationship" I smile saying, "Great,she's absolutely adorable" I hear him chuckle saying, "Yeah I get that a lot about her." I growl saying, "she's had other men here" he nods saying, "Well she used to go to school here after all" I say, "Has she dated anyone" he shakes his head and says, "Nope they asked me if they could date her all the time but I always said no and so did she" I smile hearing that but then he says, "But what I'm confused on is what's so special about you?" I smile nervously saying, "Who knows?"

The days come,the day of the gala and right now I'm with Jackson getting ready and also with the father. We learned a lot about each other and Nikki's fathers side is not that bad for being the richest family there nothing like Scarlets.

(Nikki's POV)

I get off the Limo seeing Jason looking at me up and down. I get a little flustered seeing him looking hot in his black and red suit. He had a big smirk plastered on his face before I see my brother and my dad glare at him but then smile. I see them look at me and I smile that they approve I then look at Alice and we exchange smiles before she goes off to my brother. I go to Jason and he gives he a kiss on my temple before giving me my hand saying, "May I Ma lady" I smile and I give him my hand saying, "Yes you may handsome" he smirks and we start to walk in. I look back seeing the parents talking as I smile widely glad that our parents are talking. I then focus on Jason as we get in the gala he brings me to our table and we sit down seeing Alice and Jackson at the same table as ours. I smile before I look at Jason hearing him say, "I love your dress baby" I blush moving a strand of hair out of my face and I say, "T-Thanks." He kisses my cheek before he gets up saying, "Want any drink" I say, "Sprite please" he kisses my temple before leaving to get the drinks. I look on my phone before I see a big hand take it away,I pout look up seeing Jason. He says, "No phone" I pout hearing them play a slow song. I smile before I take Jason's hand and I lean on he dances with me as I hear him say, "I love you so much,Merry Christmas baby girl" I look up at him and grin before I use the length of my heels and I kiss him. I break it saying, "I love you to Handsome." We continue to dance.


The couples continue to dance with there loved one and the rest of the night they spend time with family having bright smiles on there faces as Christmas hits London at 12:00.

ITS FINALLY DONE! Thank you so much for you guys patience, I know you guys weren’t but thanks for waiting and THANKS FOR 50K that means so much to me and of course I will do a special. And I’m also sorry it’s very long I was thinking of making it three parts but I’m like nah they deserve all. So enjoy reading and I hope you guys out your comments in for PXJ to be the 50k if not then I’lol still maybe do it. Also any mistakes I’m SO SORRY!!!

EugeoKiricreators' thoughts
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