
Madness: DECEIT

[1 month later]

It was the day where Billy should be healed, so the first ones that reached the room were Run, Wave and Esdeath.

However, when they reached the room, they found no one, except for a letter.

"Hello, if you are one of the Jaegers, read the letter.

It's me, Billy, since I recovered the first thing I did was going somewhere to train, I will be alone for a bit, but if there is an emergency then ask for me on the casino to Big G, you will recognize him the moment you enter the casino."

Esdeath: So he already left to train… Alright, for now let's leave him alone.

Run: Roger.

Wave: At least he is ok, it seems that the loss against Dr. Stylish made him fired up.


A fissure was opened on the hideout of Night Raid, still under the mountain. In the room where the fissure opened, an unfamiliar person in an apron got in alert and took out his weapon, which was a stave-like weapon with blades protruding from it.

The other people in the room, Najenda, Akame, Leone and Tatsumi, just looked at it with an excited face, some more than others… No, just the last two did.

Najenda: Calm down, Susanoo, he's an ally.

Susanoo: Yes.

Billy came out from there with a bottle of wine.

Billy: I'm back!

Unlike before, Billy was completely healed, he didn't had any scratch or lost arm because he changed body when he turned back.

Tatsumi: Billy!

Leone: Hah! Finally you are back! I missed you!

Tatsumi and Leone stood at Billy's sides and laid an arm over his shoulders, he looked around and noticed Susanoo.

Billy: We got a new member?

Najenda: Yes, he is Susanoo, a biological Teigu.

Billy: Nice, I'm Billy.

He extended an arm towards Susanoo, who clasped it and shook it.

Susanoo: Nice to meet you, Billy.

Billy: Hm, so did anyone die or are everyone still here?

Najenda: No, in this month we took a pause to train, however thank you for Perfector. Still, why did you arrive so late here?

Billy: Well, I needed to trick Esdeath that a dead man kidnapped Tatsumi so I cut off an arm and I got fucked up from one of my minions to make it believable, she's probably still searching for Dr. Stylish. About anything that may have happened in this month, I don't have idea.

Najenda: Alright, it's still nice that you took out one of the Jaegers, not only that, but their best medic too. How much time do you plan to stay here?

Billy: Until they call me back, I am hungry now, is there anything to eat?

Susanoo: No, we already did dinner, sorry.

Billy: It's not a problem, I didn't warn you guys.

Akame: ...I'm going to cook.

She hurried back to the kitchen, not giving time for anyone to answer, soon, she came back with a dish of meat, the entire time she walked she didn't made eye contact with Billy, making him raise an eyebrow.

Najenda: *Sigh* Still with that… Well, Billy, you know the drill, you will be glued to Akame like before.

Billy: Wha-

Najenda: And you will not turn back to the capital unless they call you back.

Billy: Tch…

Billy looked at the dish in front of him and started to eat it with an annoyed expression.

Billy: ...Fuck, why is it so delicious…

While he ate with an annoyed expression, everyone chuckled at him. Meanwhile, a cat reached to his leg and rubbed its body to Billy's, he looked down and saw the cat looking at him.

Both of them looked at each other for some seconds before a fissure opened on the table and Billy took out a gun for paintball, before shooting at the cat.

Cat: Nya!

The cat fled from Billy before it turned into smoke, revealing a girl with auburn hair and red eyes with her clothes dirtied with paint.

?: C'mon… These were my favourite clothes…

Tatsumi: Eh?! Billy, did you already knew about her?!

Billy: No, I just hate cats…

Then he put back the gun on the fissure, which closed itself, then he turned to eat his dinner

Billy: So, who are you?

?: I'm Chelsea, I came here with Susanoo. But why would you shoot at a cat if you didn't knew that it was me?

Billy: Why not?

Chelsea: Heeeh, hey, is it true that you can't die.

Billy: More true than your current expression.

Chelsea's face revealed a surprised expression now, and Billy continued to talk.

Billy: You may be asking how did I know… Girl, I manage a casino and I am the best person at gambling, if I can't read people then what sort of "God of Gambling" I am?

Chelsea: Huh, you are pretty good…

Billy: Meh.

Once he finished, he got and stood in the room for a bit, before following Akame in the bedroom and taking the corner as usual, however, before he could sleep, Akame spoke.

Akame: Hey Billy… I know you still hate me for what I did… But I am glad you came here safely.

Billy looked at her with a raised eyebrow, and she turned her head towards him, making the first eye contact after more than a month. Akame was letting out a small smile while looking directly at Billy.

Surprisingly, it was Billy who broke the link by turning his head around as an almost unnoticeable blush appeared on his cheeks.

Billy: Whatever…

Akame: Hmm, goodnight.

Billy didn't spoke and started to sleep.


Billy was resting over his medical bed, covered in less bandages this time, suddenly, he felt some movements on his chest, and opened his eyes to find a pitch black cat. The cat turned its head at Billy, and his eye twitched.

The cat had big red eye and a white collar with a small red tie instead of a pendant. The cat was literally what would Akame be if she was a cat… In short, Billy had on his chest two of the most hateful things he had, the third being Marco's dark jokes.

Billy almost reached the cat with his hand to throw it away, when it moved towards his face and licked his left cheek, stopping his hand.

Cat: Mrrrroww…

The cat looked at Billy with its big red eyes, Billy gritted his teeth before he let out a long sigh and petted the cat's back with his only hand, then the cat rubbed its body on Billy's cheek.

Billy: What the-

Cat: Purrr…

The cat then laid on Billy's chest and started to sleep, Billy stopped petting it and looked at the ceiling, before his eyes slowly closed.

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