
Grand Parents

"Oh my, I didn't think you'd have something similar to the reaper form." Mio raised her eyebrow in surprise.

"This is my True Spirit Nature mum. Normally it'll be on a one minute limit but in here it seems to not have a limit." Shiro explained while moving her hand around.

After a minute, she could sense her form shimmer for a moment but held strong.

"Yup, it doesn't run out." Shiro shrugged.

"Interesting…" Mio touched her chin as she glanced at Shiro's form.

"Well your grandparents might be able to tell you more about it I suppose." Mio shrugged.

Pointing towards a large oriental mansion in the distance, Mio snapped her finger as tens of phantoms approached them and kneeled down.

A red aura wrapped around their body as they now looked human with black dresses.

"Welcome back Young Miss. Master and Mistress has been waiting for you." One of the phantoms said as Mio nodded her head.

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