
Return to Resurgia

The players celebrated the opening of Sandurk. Anyone would feel delighted especially if another place to explore opened up. Not only that, but it also means more quests, more monsters, and more gear to discover. For players, exploring and obtaining items is one of the necessary things in the game.

The pioneers participated in the party, even Harmless Sparrow and Dolly are partying with the others and are eating delicious food. However, I have no time for celebrations. It is just a temporary side of fun and I am not finding parties as a fun activity. I would rather use the time I used partying to complete quests and clear dungeons. That way, my time is much more well spent instead.

"Are you sure you are not going to participate? You are the star of the party after all," Queen Tanya asked while sipping her wine.

"I am sorry, your majesty. But I am not a party person. I would rather go and find a monster to kill than to vibe with others in music and festivities."

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