
Chapter 5

"yes? Hello? Hi, I would like to order a taxi please, I need to get to this certain address...15 mInuTes? Okay great, I will be waiting." I hung up right when in the middle of the mans sentence. Whoops. I feel like crap today so I really don't care. He can die for all I care I just need a ride to my new "job"

15 minutes later~

*BEEP* *BEEP* ! Was all I could hear due to this stupid taxi driver. "I know you're here god!" I snapped at the old man. Just shut up already. Jesus. I climbed in and gave the man the address I needed to get to. "Are you sure this is the right address miss?" I rolled my eyes. "Yes this is the address you idiot." I spat. I got out without paying him a single dime because why would I? There's no point anyways. He doesn't deserve it. He didn't care...really. He just drove off angry haha. I entered the house with a box of cleaning supplies in my one hand and a set of keys in the other. May as well be useful just in case someone really is in here and I need to attack them again. I'm just hoping I don't hurt my wrist even more and I also hope no one is in here. There were no foot steps that I could hear so I assumed I was safe. Boy was I wrong...

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