
Open When The Voices In Your Head Just Won't Shut Up

Virgil covered his ears with his hands. The voices kept getting louder and louder. Virgil felt panicked and looked around for a distraction. His eyes landed on the satchel. He poured the contents out and looked through the cards and stopped at one that said 'Open when the voices in your head just won't shut up'. Virgil quickly opened it.

'Dear Virgil,

I know you're probably panicking right now. Just take a deep breath and they'll go away. The voices won't hurt you. No one is coming to hurt you and you are going to be fine. If it's too much, go to my room. Even if it's midnight, I'll still protect you from them.


Virgil walked out of his room. It was midnight, but he needed to be with someone.

He knocked on Roman's door, quietly. There was some shuffling and the door finally opened.

"Virgil...? What are you doing here?" Roman whispered. Virgil showed him the card. "Oh, come in."

Virgil walked inside and Roman shut the door.

"You can lay down on my bed," Roman said. Virgil sat down on the bed and pulled his knees close. Roman went to the other side and sat down. He pulled Virgil close. "Don't listen to the voices, just my voice, okay?"

Virgil nodded. "Okay... thanks, Roman."

"No problem."

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