Leon mendesah pelan ketika ia akhirnya melihat Andrei yang tengah duduk di bar sambil menikmati segelas mojito. Ia pun segera duduk di sebelah Andrei dan memesan dry martini pada bartender yang menyapanya.
Andrei menyesap minumannya dan menggumam pelan. Ia kemudian menatap Leon yang kini sedang menikmati minumannya. "Feeling better?"
Leon menganggukkan kepalanya setelah ia selesai menyesap minumannya. "Can you arrange a new room for me? I need a room with a connecting door."
"No problem. I can ask the hotel to arrange a new room for you," jawab Andrei.
"Thank you," ujar Leon.
Andrei tertawa pelan. "You become nice after a bit of alcohol."
"I need this since last night. But you didn't bring it to me."
"You don't ask me to bring you some drink," jawab Leon.
Leon kembali menatap Andrei. "You should know before I'm asking you, Andrei."
"I'm not a physicist, Le. I don't know what you are thinking and what you need without you telling me," sahut Andrei.
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