
A Silly Enlightenment

Unknown Military Base

Matthew was smiling as he read the report submitted to him by one of his subordinates on his smart watch. He was no longer a brigadier General but a General right now after having amassed innumerable merits in the past few years.

Matthew looked at the night sky enjoying the cool wind brushing across his face as he overlooked the activities of his base standing on a nearby mountain. His Black uniform with obsidian black shoulder pieces shined due to the moon light while his cape fluttered in the air giving of a mysterious aura about him.

The strange thing about the atmosphere though was it actually had a bloody red hue visible in the air. It gave off an ominous feeling. But as if oblivious to this Matthew and Rocky stood there without a hint of worry on their faces.

Rocky was standing just behind Matthew and after reading the same report as that of Matthew he spoke with a smirk, "looks like my nephew is really talented"

After a long pause he asked Matthew awkwardly,

"So what have you decided, will you allow him to join the military school ….umm because sister Remy and I both think it's too early for him to enter that hell hole. I feel like he might be doing this because.."

Rocky hesitated to speak but Matthew as if guessing what he was trying to say replied sarcastically,

"because… he feels like he should become like his father and make me proud….hahaha Rocky, my son isn't that conservative and sensitive of a kid. The brat till today still mocks me for not being home for most of the time. If he wants to join the school then I think that it is his own decisions it's just that I feel this time Alex may have overestimated himself"

Rocky immediately snorted saying in a deep voice,

"Do you really think I will just sit back and watch him get bullied or send him on hunts without anyone to look over"

Matthew shook his head and placed his hands over on Rocky reassuring him,

"I know you will but will your nephew allow you to do so once he finds out that he is being secretly protected"

Rocky immediately gulped his saliva he knew Alex very well. If he had to describe Alex he would just say one word, 'smart', the kid was too smart for his age Rocky thought. Every time Rocky tried to do some childish stuff yo play or interact with Alex he would just feel like the brat was mocking him and would just purposefully ignore Rocky.

There was one time when Rocky took Alex on a ride just to show off his cuteness and in return chat with girls but Alex would just slap those girls away when they tried to touch and pinch his cheeks or to hold him making them go away in embarrassment never giving Rocky the choice to even speak a few words. His high perception always told him Alex was mocking him but the logic never made sense.

Rocky was pretty confident that given the large prowess gap between the protectors he would assign and Alex, Alex would never notice anyone covering him from the shadows yet for some reason he wasn't sure. He didn't know what exactly but something made him sure that the plan would fail imaging Alex's face. So replied awkwardly,

"this umm…"

Matthew just sighed and turned around to leave the mountain on which they were both standing as he said, "Forget it, Alex has asked something from me after so long I can't just deny the brat. If things do really go out of hand we will just have to pull him out of the school. For now let's focus on the task at hand."

Rocky followed along as he suddenly spoke in a soft but sharp voice, "leave the arrangements to me"

Capital City, Faras

Alex came into the house and before he could even park his jet-car he could already see his mother standing on the parking terrace with her hands folded. Alex looked at the time it was 7pm he knew he was in deep trouble now for coming home late. As soon as the car's door opened up Remy's squinted gaze fell on Alex as she started berating him.

"Alex it has been 7 hours since you last contacted me and then you rushed off on your meeting if not for Sebastian telling me that you were with him I was going to call the police to search for you."

Alex simply coughed giving a cute smile to make her mother take pity on him. He was not accustomed to telling someone about where he is going and what is he going to do afterall he was an adult mentally but his mother's worries were indeed justified.

Alex then told his mother what happened and how he became a billionaire, his mother was shocked when she came to know her son had invented something so mind-blowing. She never imagined it's monetized value to be so great.

Alex just sighed looking at her response he had told his parents previously that his work was kind of ground shaking yet at that time his mother did show a surprising expression and prepared his favorite meal for him he never imagined his mother was just putting up a front to not make him feel bad Afterall who in the right mind would believe an 11 year kid if he says he has built something possibly ground-breaking/earth shattering.

But now that she really came to know Alex was speaking the truth she was completely overwhelmed. She quickly called the maid and told her to prepare a feast while she contacted Matthew to tell the news.

Alex was pretty sure his father would already be aware of this fact, the man was a General in army for god sake, yet he didn't say anything. After doing that Remy didn't stop. She contacted some friends of her from the media to tell them about Alex's achievements and to come interview him, not only that but she also called some event managers to prepare a party on the occasion of his son's grand achievement.

Alex almost choked on his saliva after listening this piece of conversation. For some unknown reason his mother was actually far happier than him, Alex was speechless he immediately told her mother to not throw any party or to invite any media people. But her Mother kept insisting finally Alex had to decide one of them and he chose the media interview the one which had the least of the hassles.

Alex had a thick skin but even he knew hew would be nothing but embarrassed if his mother really threw a party because the invention that he made wasn't even his, he had just re-engineered his past memories and worked up to create a preexisting idea.

After a long time of praises and, "Alex eat this, eat that" Alex finally went to sleep speaking to himself, "I swear presenting the device to Roy was not even half as stressful as handling my over-joyful mother"

The Next Morning,

A black jet flew down and landed on the mansion's parking area. The door to the jet opened and a beautiful blonde lady came out.

5 minutes earlier when Alex was busy reading a book on magic he was quickly disturbed by his mother and was carried to the parking area so as to receive the people that were arriving. He had no idea who was coming even in the parking he sat down and kept reading his book until a women arrived from the jet.

Alex looked at the beautiful lady and he raised his eyebrows instinctively giving a sign of approval for the woman's beauty.

The woman was also accompanied by a man with pale white skin and pink hair, Alex guessed he was the camera man. Soon Remy went ahead and hugged the lady in happiness,

"Kennedy it's been so long" The woman started blushing and awkwardly returned the hug and pushed Remy away slowly whispering to her, "Remy Please not in front of my employees"

Alex just face palmed himself as he started walking towards Kennedy offering a shake-hand, "Pardon for my Mom's rude behavior she is well hyperactive at times" As he rolled her eyes trying to avoid her mother's angry gaze on him.

Kennedy was surprised by this sudden gesture. She had seen Alex the moment she landed she also noticed his judgemental face when he looked at her, but it didn't make her angry only curious But Before she could make any sense of the situation Remy her once College Senior overwhelmed her with a hug.

But now that she looked at Alex, his age and his way of speaking were quiet contrasting to each other. She slipped a smile and bent down to shake Alex's hand making her shirt sag down a bit, displaying all that was held within. Two beautiful white mounds with a pink gloss over them shining lucratively. The black bra that was holding them only made it more tempting.

Alex was 18 when he died in his past life and sadly he never had a girlfriend because he was too scared of responsibility and commitment and this didn't help him in having experience with girls. There were times when he made out with someone but it was only some basic foreplay never did any girl allow him to go any further. So he was a pretty much a virgin so far.

As for his current life while he was a baby he had seen his mother naked but had no reaction to it because his body was simply incapable of producing any testosterone/harmones and the fact that it was his mother.

But the situation right now was different his body was that of a 12 year old which was in the process of its adolescence so seeing a gorgeous woman and her assets right in front of him out of the blue was a huge blow to his mind. He sensed the bulge in his crotch area the Pajamas which he was wearing weren't helping the situation at all but in the midst of all this a fact struck him.

Alex had started to look at everything from an adult's perspective for the past few years because mentally he was actually 30 years old he thought until now when he finally realised unless he lived the life of an adult he could never call himself a true adult.

"sigh...Looks like i am still a horny teenager"

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