
Ch. 82: Meeting in the Gardens

After being made presentable Illana and I made our way out of the room along with Snippet, who was now over her tantrum and resting on my shoulder. We were greeted by a manservant that informed us he'd lead me, alone, to accompany the Crown Prince for breakfast in the garden.

Feeling immediate tension, I turned to Illana with a reassuring smile, "If you've got some free time could you maybe track down Richie? Also, let Rodair know I'll be busy this morning so he doesn't come looking for me."

Illana gave a nod, "Certainly m'lady. I'll even make sure some 'witless female' didn't perhaps slug Richie last night for coming on too strong."

Chuckling I patted her shoulder, "You're an angel."

We parted ways with me following the manservant through the various corridors. Snippet couldn't get enough of the sights, eyeing every person we passed by and pawing at the rays of light shining through the hallways. We finally made it to a magnificent garden when the young manservant bowed lowly informing me that the Crown Prince was waiting in the center pavilion.

After thanking the man I eyed my surroundings. Nothing seemed out of place but I got the distinct impression something eventful was about to happen. What was it?

Stepping quietly along the stone pathway I begrudgingly soaked up the beauty surrounding me. This place was even more astounding than the gardens of Geodofa! There were trickling fountains, multiple flowers and blooming trees making this an enclosed oasis among desert lands. Smiling softly, I noticed the same flower Iren called 'Cafe au lait Dahila'. No wonder the kid knew their names - Apparently they grew them here as well.

Running a finger over one of the petals Iren's words came back to me, "Give death a purpose." I gave a bitter smile . . . That kid will make an astounding leader one day.

Snippet started to get restless wanting to explore the beauty before us. After walking a little further and spotting the pavilion ahead, I obliged. She quickly scurried away eager to amuse herself.

Looking ahead I noticed the demon's figure sitting at a table accompanied by two manservants and Kovin standing by. At least Kovin's there even though I knew where his loyalties lie.

Drawing a deep breath, I entered the pavilion being immediately greeted by Baymun raising to stand while giving that calculative cold glare, "Good morning . . . I hope you didn't mind meeting with me this early."

Pursing my lips I replied, "On the contrary - I always enjoy meeting with you at your own convenience."

Kovin gave a smirk but the demon didn't seem amused. Instead he gestured lazily to the chair opposite him, "Would you care to sit? I have some matters to discuss and I believe you'll find the chef's skills to be admirable."

Cocking a brow, I sat down while one of the manservants placed a plateful in front of me as the other did likewise for Baymun. Once our drinks were poured the two men and Kovin were dismissed with a handwave.

What was this demon up to?

It made me very uncomfortable to be in such a beautiful setting eating alone with this man. Biting my lip out of habit, I picked up a fork to start eating. It's not like he could very well poison me. After tasting a mouthful I realized he wasn't wrong about the chef's skills - The food was divine. This put me even more on edge; I shouldn't be enjoying myself around my adversary.

After a few minutes of silent eating, Baymun leaned back dabbing a napkin along those perfectly shaped lips, "Is the food to your liking?"

Small talk, really? I leaned back crossing my arms, "Delicious. Let's get straight to the point - What matters do you need to discuss?"

Baymun leaned his head to the side, "So impatient." He shook his head while clicking his tongue disapprovingly, "Tsk, tsk. Very well, I have a proposition that might prove beneficial to you and the Bodach Empire. Before giving the details, tell me . . . What exactly did you expect to gain from coming to the Bodach Palace a year ago in the first place?"

I furrowed my brows, "I thought I wasn't qualified to speak on this subject until serving as your Champion for two years. If I recall correctly, you said my opinions don't matter - Have you changed your mind?"

The demon prince shook his head with a smirk, "To some, your memory might be considered admirable. I DID say you were unworthy however . . . " He tapped a finger on the table, "As I said before when I stitched up your side, you've proven to have some level of competence since that fateful day of your being appointed champion. The difference now being your opinions do carry some weight. You could be considered a valuable asset to the Empire and I'd like to know if there's any opinion of yours that might be worthwhile to listen to."

Was this a joke?

He really wanted to hear my opinions on his Empire?

I couldn't help but be suspicious so I asked, "Is this a ploy to get me to talk badly of your precious homeland so you can pin me for treason or something?"


His smile caught me off guard. Has there ever been a man whose smile was so divine?

Never in my life would I ever think a man could smile so devilishly sexy as he just did. It wasn't even a big smile either, just a sly smirking tilt but I wasn't prepared for it.

Baymun gave a small chuckle, "Could you not be weary of every little thing and just tell me your views? What is it you aspire for . . . Perhaps we could come to an arrangement in seeing some of those goals reach fruition."

Still slightly shaken from seeing the demon smile, I lowered my arms while straightening my dress. A girl needed to keep her wits about her - Not get unraveled by a freaking good-looking face. Especially when that face belonged to the man I hated the most.

That's right, I HATED this man.

Now back on track I looked up at him with resolution, "Well I suppose if you wanted me dead, you'd just do it without all the flare. My goal in coming here was to find a way to assist Eurosia and, perhaps, any other country undergoing a similar fortune. A future of constant war will only lead to endless destruction - We as a whole need to come together and stop this meaningless prejudice of men against women, country against country, slave against master. I'll admit that total equality would be out of the question . . . A people with no discerning characteristics would be no better than those in Geodofa. They're bland, uncreative, and remain unequivocally similar with no opinions or concerns to cloud any judgement. Living under such a lack of individualism would be a waste of mankind's higher calling. I believe if people were treated with respect without regard to gender, race, or status we could have a thriving future filled with countless possibilities. Coming here was (in hindsight) not the best of choices, but I felt like I could find answers to help my people and to maybe find a way to change something - ANYTHING within the one Empire that rules over more than half the known lands."

That damnable smile appeared again. It was highly unnerving.

Shaking my head to relieve myself from the brief daze, I couldn't help but wonder why he seemed okay with what I was saying? I just said his Empire was not the best choice, why would he smile about that?

He leaned back in his chair giving me a once over, letting my words sink in. Was he actually listening to me? It appeared so yet that fact should be far-fetched . . .

After a few more moments of silence the demon nodded his head, "I don't normally admit to making a mistake, however it might've been wise to hear these opinions a year ago."


Before I could react he continued, "Nonetheless, I still believe the past year has done you good and I've made up my mind in thinking that you're just the person I need beside me. Therefore, I will offer you the position of being my bride, Queen of the Bodach Empire. This will allow you access to usher in a new era of change. You would of course receive all the benefits of being Queen, the unlimited supply of wealth, fame, prestige and I will ensure your homeland is replenished to its former glory - No, even BETTER than what it was before. What do you think?"

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