
Ch. 75: Speaking of Reputation

Sir Vol smiled happily, said a few more pleasantries then went on his way.

Once he was out of earshot Iren gave a wide eyed look at his brothers, "Umm, not to sound crude but the so called 'Lovely Princess' is not the best looking woman, like AT ALL. Keeping a chic like that in mind wouldn't be a wise decision."

I couldn't stop myself from aiming a glare at Iren saying sharply, "Not everything is about looks."

Iren's puppy-dog eyes turned my way, "Aww Ezzie you can't scold me for something like that! You saw her . . . And it wasn't just her; the rest of their women were very unseemly too."

Iren looked at Kovin, Rodair and Toval for assistance, "Come on guys! You know I'm right. Their whole concept of beauty is screwed up - They thought Ezzie was ugly! Anyone who would dare say that has gotta have issues."

I closed my eyes, pinching my brow and shaking my head. This kid was too much.

Kovin said lightly, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . . . Though I do have to say the Princess is not a very desirable match for you m'lord."

Baymun's attention had remained on Iren and my interaction throughout, but he nodded acknowledgement at Kovin's words.

After a brief silence Baymun turned to Devin, "Well Brother, it seems that a woman so ill suited for our brother or myself shouldn't need to pass to you . . . Unless you're interested in a woman whose looks are apparently the complete opposite of Lady Ezran here?"

Prince Devin's flushed face gave me a quick once over as he coughed, "Umm definitely not Brother - Please don't jest."

Was Baymun attempting a joke? Maybe if the demon had a hint of sarcasm I'd be able to tell yet he was quite solemn.

I glanced over at Richie who raised his eyebrows at me in turn. This whole encounter was just awkward - Why did the demon have to be here? Hadn't he talked with us enough? There were tons of other people in the hall, why couldn't he go bother them? Then again, perhaps he still needed to discuss with me the repercussions of my actions in Grimmheim . . .

As I was now consumed with self inflicted guilt and anxiety, I didn't catch what Iren and Devin began talking about. Instead I was focused on the claminess of my hands, the twitch in my lip causing me to have to bite it and the unnerving gaze of the demon who seemed to keep glaring at me with cold intensity. My anxiety was brewing so much that little Snippet started pawing at my earlobe, trying to distract me. I waved my hand back and forth at her antics, making her stop. If he wanted to discuss my actions in the last battle, why didn't he just call on me earlier before the banquet? Or better yet, why would he have lured me into a false sense of security by having the herald announce that I was a huge success? The demon wouldn't be cruel enough to set me up for a bigger downfall, would he?

What was I thinking - Of COURSE he would! This was the man that led the invasion on my people, killed our men and the main reason for my people going extinct. I mean, that day in the arena the demon did say he was the cause of our desolation and death. So if I was sure of anything it would be not to trust this man . . . And to always think that he may have ulterior motives up his sleeves. He said it himself that he thinks of all the following outcomes and options from every action - I couldn't get comfortable around him. I should prepare myself for whatever he had coming my way.

My attention was brought back to the conversation after Snippet bit my ear. Grimacing in frustration at my little pet, I noticed there was a small lull after Richie had finished saying something. Looking around I wondered if maybe Rich had asked me a question when Baymun (FINALLY) looked away from me, slanting his eyes at something or someone across the room. When I turned to see what he was eyeing, Baymun stepped forward even closer to Richie and me, causing me to lose what I was searching for and step back in alarm. The demon looked down at my stance (was that a smirk?) then looked at Richie, placing a hand on his shoulder like they were old friends.

"Then by all means, please indulge yourself. Perhaps tonight may be another engaging anecdote for you to tell in the future." Baymun didn't smile, but he appeared friendly while Richie was almost swooning.

"Well if the Crown Prince insists, then I will DEFINITELY have my fill of fun tonight!" Richie gave a big toothy grin while I had to swallow some bile and Snippet gave a small growl. Seriously? How could Richie betray our people so easily? I mean, of course he didn't quite understand the extent of our plight - He didn't have to be there during the worst of times but still . . . Baymun was horrible! Richie knew this but he was allowing that man to touch his shoulder as if they're friends? Come on Rich!

I guess Snippet's and my glare was effectively smoldering because once Baymun nodded his farewells and walked away with Kovin and Devin, Richie looked down at me in guilt.

"Come on Ez, don't be mad! He's the Crown Prince - I mean he was being nice . . . Of course I had to be nice in turn." Richie immediately began his excuses.

Iren turned to look at us quizzically, "What do you mean Richie? Why wouldn't you be nice to my brother? Why would Ezzie be mad anyway?"

I heaved in a large breath of air, exhaling slowly. I shouldn't be mad, especially in front of the kid. He may not realize his brother is a merciless demon - I shouldn't allow my hatred to cloud Iren's judgement of his family.

Richie seemed to feel the same way because he plastered a smile on his face turning to Iren, "Oh, Ez just hates it when I swoon over hot guys. Just cause I'm straight don't mean I can't appreciate the handsomeness of other men. I mean, attractive is attractive - It's rare to find such a hottie especially a powerful one."

Ugh. I think his excuse was worse than telling the kid the truth.

Iren just smiled, "Well my brother is pretty good looking. All the leaders in the other countries have been begging him to marry their daughters. And a few of the countries run by women have actually made some proposals as well, even though they know about Bodach's history with women. I guess it's only natural since Brother Baymun has such an outstanding reputation."

"Speaking of reputation, is that who I think it is?" Toval nodded in the direction of a handsome gentleman making a beeline our way.

Iren's eyes got wide as he whispered, "Oh no. It's Jorge - Emphasis on 'whore' . . . He's probably spotted Ezzie. Quick! If we turn around and walk the other direction, maybe he won't see us -"

Before Iren could finish his plan, the alleged Jorge walked up to us giving a lavish bow. Richie and Illana's eyes popped in awe at the gorgeous man in front of us. Iren was unable to finish why he didn't like this Jorge, but what did say probably put Rodair on edge.

He wasn't the only one; Snippet had her hackles raised as soon as the handsome fellow got close; She didn't seem to care for him at all. This Jorge was tall, caramel complected and had an excellent physique. Everything about him screamed seduction - He was one of the men I disliked the most. A guy who was good-looking and knew it.

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