


Izuku was sent flying into a wall, with a pose that could be mistaken for a modern piece of art. The reason for his sudden position was because of Tatsumaki, who was glaring at him with her body covered in the usual green aura.

"Again, with the holding of hands! And worse of all it was in class! Do you want people to get the wrong idea?!" Tatsumaki yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry." Izuku winced.

"You said that just a while ago!" Tatsumaki yelled.

The position Izuku was in was becoming unbearable. Fortunately, Tatsumaki was able to calm down and pull him out of the wall with her quirk. Now he was back on his feet and shaking a bit.

"So why did you bring me here?" Tatsumaki asked demandingly.

Presently, the both of them were at the mid-section of a stairway. There was no one around to see them or anyone to hear from them as they spoke. Hence, it was with the idea of being alone with her that Izuku looked over to her nervously.

"Well…it's just that you were about to mention All Might. Can you not do that?" Izuku asked. "Something big happened and it has to be a secret."

"A secret?" Tatsumaki asked, now curious. "What secret is that? He isn't blackmailing you, is he?"

"What? No, no, no, no!" Izuku shook his head. The least he wanted was to give the girl the wrong idea.

"Then what is it?"

"I…I can't tell you." Izuku admitted. "All Might has a way that'll make me into a hero someday, so…so I'm going to be following him."

Tatsumaki growled with a low tone and bent forward with a glare at the teen. "You're still going for that hero shit?! And here I thought you learned your lesson from that incident with the monster! I should've not left you alone with –"

Deku! Tatsumaki!" shouted a familiar voice.

Just then, both teenagers found themselves ambushed. An explosion by a certain hotheaded blonde teen suddenly crashed down between them and knocked them apart from each other. So the next thing that happened was Katsuki landing on the same ground as them with a serious scowl on his face.

"I knew it! Both of you were messing with me!" Katsuki yelled angrily. Then his focus went to Tatsumaki. "And you! How long have you been laughing your ass off by playing off as a weak person with a quirk, Tatsumaki! You feel pretty big talking shit behind my back, don't you?!"

Tatsumaki growled with her hair pushing up and her body aura suddenly activating. Katsuki didn't know it yet, but Izuku did; his childhood friend had just made a huge mistake.

And indeed, the mistake was big. The next thing heard from Katsuki was a scream as he was sent flying out of the window and crashing into a tub of water outside. However, if that wasn't enough against the guy's ego, many kids could be seen looking out their windows in shock as they saw Katsuki emerging out of the water all wet and angry.

And then there were Izuku and Tatsumaki.

"Y-You threw Kacchan out the window?"

"Serves him right!" Tatsumaki yelled. "That hothead had to cool off if you ask me!"

Izuku was a bit worried and scared at the same time. For the time he had known Tatsumaki, he had seen that she had different sides to her. The good sides of her were nice to see, but the present side of her was not. However, before he could say anything, the speakers suddenly came on with a woman's voice coming out.

"Tatsumaki, you've been requested to the principal's office immediately. Please do make the effort."

And with that, the speakers went off.

"Oh…shit." Tatsumaki frowned.

Each step Tatsumaki took felt troubling to her. She couldn't think of anything else except for what awaited her beyond the door of the principal. But there was no stopping what had happened. Thus, she knocked on the principal's door and waited for a response, which then came in the voice of the principal. Then, with a bit of hesitance, she opened the door and closed it behind her when she walked in.

"Okay, principal, I know using my quirk against someone in school is against the rules, but I have a good reason for –" Tatsumaki said and stopped. Her reason was because of a humanoid furry animal in a suit and two men next to it. "Uh...why is there a rodent in a tuxedo over there?"

The principal said nothing, other than do a facepalm. Unknown to Tatsumaki she had just insulted a very important individual. Even the two male government civil servants were a bit taken about by her question at the so-called rodent. Then there the two men next to the 'rodent' who just glared at the girl until the muscular one of the two, dressed in a blue tank-top and grey pants, said something in response.

You should respect authority, girl! Clearly, you don't know who you're speaking too!" The super muscular guy said. Then he pointed at the animal. "This is Mr. Principal of U.A High, the most prestigious academy for heroes in the world."

"Ah, Tank Top Master…No need to be so formal." said the animal calmly and sincerely.

Tatsumaki was surprised. It wasn't because of what Tank Top Master had said, but because of the fact that the animal spoke right there.

"Wait, you can talk?!" Tatsumaki said with wide eyed.

"Yes, I can. I can understand how surprising this can be." Mr. Principal said. Then he gestured to the other man next to him. "You now know Tank Top Master and me, but I believe you may not know him. He is the hero Easerhead. We came here in response to a…problem you're facing."

"A problem? I'm not facing any problem." Tatsumaki said straightly. Her nervousness earlier seemed to now be entirely gone as she continued. "And what does a bunch of so called heroes want with me?! I don't plan on going to your crappy academy! Not now or ever!"

"Then I guess you truly are not aware." Eraserhead said composedly.

"Aware? Aware of what?" Tatsumaki asked.

Eraserhead didn't respond. He didn't have to, mainly because the two men by the other side of the office then stood up. One of them had brown hair and seemed to be younger while the other one had glasses, black hair and had facial hair.

"Tatsumaki, we are from the ministry of Housing and Development." said the guy with black hair. "Let me just say your rescue and swift action yesterday was admirable. However, the government monitors fights caused by people with quirks in order to preserve safety and order."

"Hence, why we are here." added the guy with brown hair. "Tatsumaki, what you did yesterday caused major property damage. Normally, payment for these financial losses will be in the hands of the government if the action was caused by a graduated hero with a hero license of any internationally registered hero academy. But considering you are not from any registered hero academy or a graduate of such or the fact that you lack a hero license has…You can see the problem here."

"The government has decided to bill you for the collateral damage."

"WHAT!?" Tatsumaki shouted in shock. "Y-You can't be serious?! I was just saving my classmates from a monster that the other heroes were too chicken to handle! I can't be billed for this!"

You can…and you have been." said the other guy.

The guy with brown hair then brought out a paper and handed it over to Tatsumaki. It was just a simple paper, though in reality it was more than that. Thus, when Tatsumaki took it and looked at it, her eyes widened as her hands began to shake just by staring at the huge numbers before her.

"N-No way…This is too much…I can't afford any of this…None of my part time jobs can keep up with this amount…Yo-You have to be kidding…" Tatsumaki said with a shaky voice.

Sadly, no matter how much she tried to see it, she was really in serious trouble. The paper in her hand held every financial account of the things she destroyed that day, as well as the total of it. In short, the girl was now in a massive debt to the government and there was nothing she could do about it.

Not too surprising, this had an effect on her emotional. Her hands just seemed to continue shaking as her voice just seemed to shake like she was trying to say something. However, when she did act, it wasn't in the best of everyone. Her powers suddenly activated, which immediately began to levitate everything except the people and the couch Mr. Principal was on.

"You're joking! I can't pay for this! Is this what I get for saving people's lives, you ungrateful people huhhhhh!?"

The government workers were a bit taken aback. Tatsumaki's power was now not only affecting the office but the entire school building as a whole. Classes had started since Tatsumaki had left, but with the tables and other objects rising, even Izuku was surprised and knew who it was doing it.

Fortunately, the group from U.A Academy knew what to do. This was obvious when Mr. Principal turned to Eraserhead and called to him, to which the man responded appropriately. Tatsumaki's powers suddenly powered down, much to her shock.

"Huh? What the –" Tatsumaki said.

Mr. Principal sighed with a smile. "That sure was something huh? I'm sorry for having your quirk cut off like that, but we wouldn't want you to be in extra debt, now do we?"

"Uh…true." Tatsumaki replied. "But how were you able to do that? My quirk isn't working."

"Mr. Eraserhead is your answer." Mr. Principal answered.

Tatsumaki turned to who he referred to and noticed something different about the guy. His face expression was still the same, but his pupils were surprisingly red.

'He can shut down a person's quirk? How's that even possible?' Tatsumaki asked.

"So now you understand…" Mr. Principal said. "Tatsumaki, you're a very talented girl and clearly have so much to look forward in life. Luckily, when the ministry made their financial conclusion, we were consulted on a solution to your problem. Of course, the decision you make is up to you. We won't force you…But I would advise you make the right choice."

"What are you talking about?" Tatsumaki asked.

Just then, the man with black hair went forward. "We're offering you a better chance to repay your debt." He said. "If you're able to successfully enroll into U.A High, you'll have a chance to graduate and obtain a hero license. Then once you've accomplish that, all your debt will be immediately cleared. This is a loophole that you can exploit."

"WHAT!?" Tatsumaki shouted and glared angrily at the man. "Be a hero!? You're crazy if you think I'll join a bunch of attention seekers!? I have better things to do!"

"And what's that? Paying off that huge debt?" Eraserhead asked subtly. "Honestly, I don't care what choice you make, but I've seen the numbers…even you can't pay that off before you die of old age. You must know that, right?"

Tatsumaki gritted her teeth in frustration. She didn't want to admit it, but he was right about her situation. However, with her quirk locked and the tension of the situation, there were only two things the girl could do. She clutched the paper in her hand and screamed out loud.

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