
once again i dont know how to name a chapter...

okay i know i said 2 chapters...but i will not make it today, so i will post 2 tomorrow i promise!


Adelar: sir would mind if i ask some questions?

Captain: not at all

Adelar: why would the Baron want to see me?

altough Rose told him a couple of reasons why the Baron would want to meet him it didnt hurt to know for sure and the captain just may know the reason

Captain: im not sure myself but when our mistress has heard your name in the village where you sold your weapons she immediately contacted her father and next thing we know, she send us away to get you

Adelar: mistress?

Captain: the daughter of the Baron, her name is Freya

'Freya?? i think i heard that name before...'

<yeah me to...>

me and Rose tried to remember where we heard the name but neither of us could remember not matter how much we tried.

Captain: you will soon meet her, the gates of the village can be already seen in the distance

it was true, in the distance one could see a wall entirely made of wood and a gate right in the middle of it, when the guards saw us approaching they yelled to open the gate and stepped aside to let us in.

the village looked rather nice. there were kid's playing or helping their parents, some soldiers casually walking around patrolling the place and its worth mentioning that the soldiers of the village wear a leather armor instead of the fully iron one like the soldiers that are escorting us are wearing

the Soldier's, Adelar and Rose got out of their horse's and some people took them away to tie them up an take care of them while we are going to be in the village

Captain: all of you, go back to your job! i will handle it from here!

he said with a firm voice and turned toward Adelar and Rose while his soldiers hit their armor around the chest area and walked away...huh...neat

Captain: Mistress Freya is currently in the village chief house, fallow me please

and with that he did a 180 and started walking away while Adelar and Rose fallowed after him. Rose looked around and saw a couple of kids pointing at her. at first she though it was because her animal traits as she was not hiding them, but she dismissed that thought as she saw 2 beast kin in the group.

they waved their hands at them while saying "hello!" or "hi!" and she waved back with a smile.

'got to admit for a "village" this is a rather big place...'

<the one in Minecraft/terraria world is bigger and call it a village also>


<where did you learn that?>

'saw it in the internet'

she looked looked at Adelar and pulled on his shirt to get his attention, when he looked at her she said

Rose: i will go look around, see ya later

he nodded and let her go while he still fallowed the captain. it didnt took long for them to reach the chieftain house and when they knocked the chief opened the door and bring them to the kitchen where a girl wearing a black magician robe and a witch hat was sitting by the table and having a friendly conversation with the chief wife

Chieff: Miss Freya, young master GoldenGarden has arrived

this surprised Adelar as he didnt expected the chief to know his identity

Freya: Ah! Sir GoldenGarden! im sorry for disturbing your travel's but i am in need of help and your father told me that you may be able to solve my problem!

Adelar: huh? (my father? how does she know my father??)


Rose stood atop of a small group of kids who were gasping for air

Rose: i'm the master of tag!

random boy: how are *huff* so *huff* fast!?

Rose: i'm speed. *proceeds to put on sunglasses*

---Vlad POV---

Tifa: dad there are some problems

Vlad: well in that case let's solve them!

Tifa: firt of all the wyverns are still going berserk

Vlad: throw zombies at them until they stop

Tifa: we have been doing that for the past 2 mounts!

Vlad: hmm...your right...THROW MORE ZOMBIES !!

Tifa: ...*sigh* second...we still dont have connection with the other secret kingdoms.

Vlad: Quardir was already send to make contact with-

Tifa: the blacksun kingdom i know...third, food is running short.

Vlad: ...hmm...

Tifa: if this goes on we will be starving before winter com-

Vlad: *sigh* send some hunters outside the kingdom to hunt and make them send the prey here with the help of teleportation crystals (if only that girl Rose was found...all i would took to solve the problem is to make her craft some bonemeal...)

Tifa: and finally, there is a problem with our Forrest...a dragon appeared there...

after hearing this Vlad did a spit-take from the tea he was drinking and started to choke on it.

Vlad: a Dragon?! how!?

Tifa: we are not sure either...

Vlad: do we know how old is he?

Tifa: from the description the witnesses told us, he appears to be a teenager...

Vlad: *sigh* it could be worse...

---emperor POV---

???: father may i know why you send a teenage dragon and not a adult one?

emperor: because i dont want to destroy my buddy kingdom of course!

???: b...but dont you want to kill him??

emperor: *sigh* my dear daughter...i hate that son of a b*tch but i also love him enough as my friend to let him die as a badass who fight me in a epic battle that shall be worthy of god's themselves to witness!

???: i dont understand you father...

emperor: yea i know i'm pretty weird...now go grab me a popcorn i want to see how he will struggle to get the dragon out of his forest!

Próximo capítulo