

Halloween dawned and since students were allowed to dress up Ivy figured it would be weirder not to wear a costume than to wear one. Her freshman year she made the mistake of not doing it and was one of less than a dozen students in her classes who didn't.

On a day like that, blending in was easier to do by standing out. Since she wasn't particularly into pop culture or dressing up she went as a cat.

Her mom had dressed up as one the year before so the black feather boa and cat ears were readily available. Since she was so pale she didn't own anything black aside from boots (it made her look like a ghost) she borrowed a sweater and skirt of her mom's as well. Black stockings completed the look.

Ethan had dressed up as the Badger. He owned a fair amount of superhero costumes because he loved comics so much. This one was from Halloween two years ago when he was still young enough to get away with trick-or-treating but it fit. Mostly.

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