

And the second time Raine opened her eyes was when she felt all the light around her dim all of sudden, turning her surroundings dark instantly. She was in the same room, on the very night of the death of her parents.

Raine was holding the huge blade, ready to kill the two creatures who were about to kill her parents. On the other side, she could see a smiling Belphegor, staring at her lazily.

"Hi again, Raine…" he waved his hand and smirked. "How is it? Happy with your decision?"

Raine fell to the floor and the blade in her hand cluttered on the ground in the quiet, loudly. The time was stilled, but it was not her doing. It was Belphegor's handiwork.

"How…" Her breathe became uneven and her face contorted with dreadful thoughts. "What…" tears were rolling down her cheeks. "How could you do that…?"

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