

"I can control you as I like." Purple grabbed Theseus neck firmly, but the dragon lord looked very calm and collected, yet if one looked closely, they could see a tiny flicker of fear that flashed in his eyes. "You shouldn't mess with someone who held your soul, didn't your parents ever taught you this?"

The fae, who always looked very cheerful and would be on a different page from being hostile, looked like she was ready to swipe the entire earth dragon shifter kind off the face of this realm now.

"Tell me where is the phoenix?" Purple asked again, she then glanced at Hope and Raine. "What happened to them?"

"I don't know. They fell unconscious just like that. I did nothing… yet," Theseus said with a smirk on his lips, despite his life was only a crush away from Purple's strong grab, he refused to show any kind of weakness before his people.

"The phoenix," Purple reminded the dragon lord again.

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