
Kindness and Unkindness

"That was a good one, Sol. You are improving very quickly," Chris said blocking another of Sol's fireballs.

"Well, he comes from my bloodline. Most of us are extraordinary," Fergus said standing beside Sol, who unaware of Fergus, grinned at Chris because of the praise. Chris rolled his eyes at Fergus.

It was just the morning before new year's Eve and Chris was training Sol on the obscured terrace of Grimauld Place. After the day of Christmas when Harry had that vision about Voldemort, Ginny talked to Draco and found out that Voldemort had increased security around Hogwarts, in fact, no student got to go home for Christmas. The Death-eaters and Malgino's minions were keeping everyone under watch and they had blocked all the hidden passages leading to Hogwarts. In simple terms, Hogwarts had become a prison and if Harry, Chris, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Colin wanted to break into Hogwarts, they needed to have a solid plan. 

They also felt like planning everything in Bill and Fleur's house could be a problem since Sirius, Aurelia, and Remus were the ones, who were continuously going out to save wizarding people and gained a better idea of what was going on outside. Moreover, Cedric and the Weasley twins were also stopping by Grimauld Place with information. Tonks was already staying there as it was safer for Teddy. So when Sirius asked they decided to go with him. 

But even after spending hours a full proof plan was looking impossible, so while everyone else was cramming their heads and Sirius, Aurelia, Remus, Cedric, Fred, and George were looking for information outside, Chris was training Sol as much as she could to make the boy feel comfortable with his magic and to distract herself. Even though Sol had learned a few wizard spells from Chris, Chris realized Sol's magic was more elemental like his mother and other vampires, so she asked for help from Fergus. With Fergus's help, Chris was teaching Sol to control and use his elemental powers and by far Sol was showing great results. 

"Am I doing good enough . . . to show Mother my magic . . . when I see her?" Sol asked Chris as they took a break from training. 

"I am sure, Sol," Chris smiled as they both sat down. Even though there was still no news from Titian about Rosaline's condition, Chris didn't want to break little Sol's heart. Especially when he had just started to recover. Chris had also noticed that Sol was getting better at speech as well. He was faster and better than before, Chris assumed and Fergus confirmed that it was somehow related to his oppressed magic.

"When is Oziyat . . . coming back?" Sol asked nervously moving his fingers and watching them create a swirling layer of magic.

"No idea," Chris shrugged without trying to look worried.

Oziyat left two days ago to gain any sort of information about Titian but still hadn't returned yet and Sol was getting worried. So was Chris. Chris noticed that after seeing Harry and her, Oziyat was not acting like his normal self and looked a bit upset. Chris genuinely wanted to talk to him about it but before she could he left just saying that he needed to go and see if there was any news from Titian.

But Sol didn't deserve to be upset, so Chris did everything to cheer him up. The last few days have been a bit stressful for all of them. Nobody had any idea what was going to happen next. But Chris thought that the upcoming danger didn't need to worry Sol, so she decided to change the subject.

"You know Sol, this is the perfect time for you to try to see the auras around people," Chris suggested.

"Again? Last time I just . . . saw stuff like dust. You said it will take . . . a while to learn it," Sol said surprised.

"And I also said that seeing even small dust is an improvement," Chris replied patting his head. "C'mon let's try again."

"Ask him to focus on the person rather than their surroundings," Fergus suggested sitting down a little far from them.

"Focus on the person — focus on me when you are trying to see my aura. Don't look around, ok?" Chris repeated Fergus's advice and Sol nodded.

As Sol focused on Chris, Chris's mind drifted away thinking about a way to enter Hogwarts. She had no idea how long they were sitting like this but her train of thought only broke when there was a loud noise in her ears.

"Chris! You need to come down now!" Ginny almost screamed through the talisman and Chris flinched. But Ginny continued, "I just talked to Draco, he found a way to let us in."

"Really?" Chris stood up grinning. "Great news, Gin. Wait, I'm coming."

"Ok, I am calling the others in my room," Ginny replied.

Chris turned to Sol, "Sol, we need to stop today. Ginny, I and my other friends need to talk about . . . things."

Sol nodded and Chris started walking towards the stairs. 

"I didn't see much," Sol said looking disappointed and following Chris.

"It's alright, Sol, you will learn," Chris smiled reassuringly. 

Leaving Sol in her room (where Sol was staying as Chris didn't feel like leaving him alone in the room), Chris entered Ginny, Luna, and Hermione's bedroom on the same floor, where once Chris, Ginny, and Hermione stayed, but after Chris got her own bedroom in the Grimauld Place two years ago, she stayed there.

"So what did Dra -" Chris began but stopped seeing everyone else in the room. "What did your friend say, Gin?"

"And why do we still don't know her name?" Ron asked confused as Chris sat down.

Ginny glared at Chris, who quickly looked away.

"Let's not waste time at that," Harry said diverting the attention. "So what did she or he find?"

"Yes, so the update is Neville was missing for the last few weeks in Hogwarts. Everyone thought he ran away because of the Death Eaters and Minions, but recently my friend found out that Neville was hiding in the room of requirements," Ginny stopped to take a breath or for dramatic effect before continuing. "And Neville has found a way to go in and out of Hogwarts through a passage in the room of requirement, which leads to the Hog's Head Inn." 

Ginny grinned as everyone else stared at her surprised then Harry smiled.

"This is it. The opening we needed. We can go to Hogwarts undetected," Harry said.

"Neville can also help us get inside the castle then," Ron suggested.

"Yeah, he can," Colin smiled as well. "So when do we leave?"

"Tonight?" Harry looked around the room, everyone seemed ok with it but Chris —

"We can't leave tonight, Harry. We can't go until Oziyat is back," Chris said and everyone looked at her questioningly, so she added, "Oziyat and Rosaline trusted me with Sol. I can't leave him here like that. I know Sirius wouldn't say anything but still, it's not right."

"Then you can just stay here with him," Hermione replied rolling her eyes. "Nobody expected you to come with us. Ron and I have helped Harry till now, we can continue this without you."

"Hermione —" Chris began but Harry cut her off.

"Hermione, drop it. Please," Harry said looking frustrated. "Chris didn't mean it like that."

"She never does, does she? It's always normal people like us, who misunderstand her," Hermione snorted.

Chris was taken aback and so were Ginny and Colin, who looked so shocked that didn't know what to say.

"Hermione, you are usually not very kind but you've never been this unkind to Chris before," Luna stated staring at Hermione, which made her madder.

"Yes, I am not kind because I don't care what any of you think but after what she made Harry go through, I won't let her do that again. I won't let her break Harry's hea —"

"Hermione, stop it," Harry said, looking shocked. "If you are doing this for me, please stop it. I know you care but it's not helping anyone. You can't scream at her every chance you get. It's not —"

"You didn't talk to us for days! You didn't sleep! You didn't eat properly! You didn't want to really look for Horcrux but wanted to go after her. You literally decided to abandon everything you have worked towards just because of her!" Hermione's voice got louder. "And what did she do? She ran away! Pushed you away at every chance she got. She hurt you repeatedly, she treated you like garbage, Harry. And just like that she is back, waltzing into your life like everything will go back to normal just like before?"

Hermione turned to Chris, her brown curls flying everywhere. 

"Tell me Chris what's your plan now? Hurt Harry again? So much so that he stops his mission and his world just revolves around you? It's always like this. You go and do something and we have to pick up the pieces after you. Harry has to fix everything and help you every time you f*ck up. You use Harry and then ride off to the sunset with someone else leaving Harry alone. At first, it was Jason Fawley, and now it's Prince Oziyat," Hermione snickered and Chris's eyes widened. "What you thought I was blind? Everything can't be all about you all the time, Chris. You can't use Harry whenever you feel like it and leave him like a —" 

"Hermione, that's enough!" Harry roared and Chris realized he was shaking. "Chris didn't —"

Tears threatened to fill Chris's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Chris whispered before the tears could spill out, and ran out of the room.


[To Be Continued . . .]


Hey guys,

Here's another chapter. Don't forget to tell me how you feel about it. I hope you enjoy it.

Love Snowflake :)

Mystical_Snowflakecreators' thoughts
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