

Getting detention from Umbridge wasn't going to be hard, Chris knew that very well, especially when Umbridge was eagerly awaiting for that kind of opportunity. But Chris decides to be careful in case she suspects something. So when Harry landed another week of detention that same Monday, Chris decides to wait till Tuesday.

Though Chris did not have to wait for Defense Against the Dark Arts to meet Umbridge. She was sitting in the greenhouse three when Chris, Ginny, Colin and Luna entered with rest of the fourth year Gryffindor and Ravenclaws. The class, which had been talking cheerily, fell silent at once. She had a clipboard in her hands and a disgusted look on her face. 

Professor Sprout was looking equally displeased. But as all the students took their places, she started the class with a smile. 

"Snargaluff pods! Very useful and deadly plants."

"Hem, hem! I will not go that far, Pomona." Umbridge interrupted. 

Professor Sprout looked annoyed but didn't say anything and resumed the class.

"Today we'll harvest them in pots and try not to touch them hurriedly, it'll scare them and they will act defensively."

Professor Sprout showed them what to do and Umbridge took notes frequently. 

"Do you know what they do if you touch them suddenly?" Luna whispered to Chris. Chris gave her questioning look so Luna continued, "Father had brought one of this few years ago, and I poked it with my wand without knowing."

"And?" Colin asked curiously.

"Green liquid exploded from it. It had a really bad smell and it didn't wash out for days." Luna explained.

Chris, Ginny, Colin and Luna were working on slowly watering the plant when Umbridge started to ask questions a nearby Ravenclaw. Professor Sprout had already asked them to put their wands away to prevent that kind of scenario. But when Umbridge was very close to them, Chris slightly pushed their pot near Umbridge then poked the plant very hard with her wand, as expected, green liquid squirted from every boil on the plant, thick and stinking. The liquid hit Umbridge, the boy she was talking to, Chris, Luna and Colin. Ginny was a little far. Chris put her wand back hurriedly. She and Luna had their robes drenched with that liquid, Colin dodged in time so his robes got a little bit of that, and the Ravenclaw boy had his neck, chest covered with it. But Umbridge was the shortest among them so she got full on the face, neck and chest. Professor Sprout immediately hurried towards them.

"Oh dear, I asked you all to be careful," she said sternly but Chris saw her trying to hide a smile. "Don't worry, it's not poisonous."

"Poisonous?" Umbridge spat a mouthful of green liquid. "What do you teach then about poisonous plants?"

"I said it was not poisonous, Professor Umbridge," Professor Sprout said stiffly, then waved her wand and the liquid vanished. "You still can go and wash it out if you want Professor Umbridge but it will leave a smell for a few days?"

"Few days?" Umbridge made a disgusted face and looked at Chris. "It was you, wasn't it? Ten points from Gryffindor, each." She looked at Luna, Ginny and Colin then again turned to Chris. "And detention for you."

"Now, Professor Umbridge, it is my class, I don't think it's wise to punish —" Professor Sprout began.

"So are you saying that I can't punish the mischievous ones and there is no punishment for wrongdoers in your class? You just let them go?" Umbridge retorted.

"It was a mistake by a student, Professor Umbridge, not an intentional crime," Professor Sprout said calmly. 

"I'm sorry Professor," Chris said quietly but clearly. She never intended to backfire her idea on Professor Sprout.

Professor Sprout looked at her then kindly said, "It was an accident, Miss Norton. Anyone could have done that." She turned to Umbridge. "Professor Umbridge, Miss Norton is a little weak in Herbology, I know that. She had done this kind of mistakes before. Everyone does. Detention is too much for that."

Umbridge narrowed her eyes at Sprout.

"Let me remind you, Pomona that I'm here for your class inspection, and I don't think the Minister will like the way you're taking your classes."

Professor Sprout looked furious. She opened her mouth to reply then glanced around the class. All the students were watching them. Umbridge smiled her nasty sweet smile then walked out of the greenhouse.

"Like the rumours, she is spreading about Cedric is not enough." Chris heard Professor Sprout muttering angrily.


"Hey," Chris called Harry, as he walked towards Umbridge's office.


"I'm going with you," Chris said. "I've detention with her."

"What!" Harry stopped and looked up at Chris.

"I said I have detention —" Chris repeated.

"I heard you for the first time," Harry said impatiently. "But why?"

"Nothing glorious like you," Chris steered him and they resumed their walk. "I accidentally blasted a smelly plant on her face."

Harry laughed.

"Oh, that's why she didn't go for any other inspection today," he said. "Fred and George were telling us."

"Well, I know that was kind of reckless of me and trust me, I didn't plan it but then suddenly I just did it," Chris said.

"Maybe, this is the result of spending too much time with Fred and George," Harry said looking amazed.

Chris chuckled as they reached the third floor.

"Chris, are you sure about this?" Harry said before they could reach Umbridge's Office. "Because it really hurts. Cutting your hand, I mean."

"That's good then," Chris smiled.

Harry looked more confused but didn't ask anything. When he knocked on the door Umbridge said, "Come in," in a sugary voice. They entered. 

The office was exactly like Chris saw in Harry's mind. The surfaces had all been draped in lacy covers and cloths. There were several vases full of dried flowers, each residing on its own doily, and on one of the walls was a collection of ornamental plates, each decorated with a large Technicolored kitten wearing a different bow around its neck.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter," Umbridge said then turned to Chris. "Oh yes, we've another troublemaker today. Good evening Miss Norton."

Chris didn't reply which again annoyed Umbridge. There was foul smell in the office, Chris realized it was coming from Umbridge herself. Robes were replaceable but her toad-like face wasn't.

"Well, sit down," she said, pointing toward a small table draped in lace beside which she had drawn up two straight-backed chairs. Two pieces of blank parchment lay on the table, apparently waiting for them.


To be continued...

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