

3 years ago I met a girl that changed my entire life. She was called Cassidy, a basic name and background.So why was she so special? I can't explain what it was, she had an unusual amount of charisma and confidence in herself that I got caught up in her perpetual attention. She was popular, and loved by many people, but also hated my many. Everyone was so jealous of her. She had an killer figure, like I had never seen before, you could see the divid between her abs. It's not what your thinking, she doesn't have a six pack, but a well toned stomach. Her arse was just the best, in leggings it caught my eye, it was so perfectly crafted. I was attracted to her, and she didn't know it. She didn't even know I existed...

She started my school around the end of year 8 and Cassidy had a reputation. And not a good one unfortunately but I didn't care. I wasn't the sort of person to be judgemental and I think she picked up on this. She sat beside near me in most of my lessons, and we began talking. It turns out she actual shares a lot of the same interests as me, which is weird since we are on opposite ends of the spectrum. We are entirely different people with completely different personalities but we fit together so well. It was almost like fate had bring us together. It would make me feel good when I could make her smile, she just looked so genuinely happy. It was really cute, I couldn't deny that intense overwhelming feeling I got when we started getting closer. One time I had rugby practice and she grabbed my arm and pulled me away to go to her house. My heart was racing and I got completely distracted by her, and I went with her. My feelings towards her weren't clear, was this a friendship in my mind? Or was it something deeper, that's what I fought anyway. I was only young around 14, I hadn't really figured out if liked boys or girls. Naturally I was more drawn to girls, but I ignored the signs. I was attracted to my former best friend, her name was Cherie. Obviously my mind was in a different place, I was too young to realise my feelings. I was always left confused by my feelings inside. I remember this particular time when I was in the train station and I met this boy. He kept pushing things with me and I sat on her lap and she placed her arms around me. My head spun and I had this intense feeling of acceptance. It was probably the best feeling another human being has given me.

All these points added up, I had never felt like that over a boy. Don't get me wrong when fit guys walk past me on the street I admit there attractive, but I don't necessarily feel anything towards them. I'm missing that pull of attraction that you're meant to feel.

I forgot about my best friend Cherie when I met Cassidy. I wanted to spend all my time with her and eventually I spent 24/7 with her. I couldn't describe what it was that made me so so drawn to this girl. She's a grade 9 student, she has ambitions and goals. she's beautiful, imagine throwing that away, I was just a overweight butch that had no social life. I'd love to see inside someone else's mind for a day to see what they truly think. It's rare to find someone that is willing to change your flaws into a strengths and isn't afraid to tell you how it is. We have such an open friendship, and I feel as if she can talk to me about anything. Because she knows I wouldn't tell a soul, I love her for that. What a genuine connection.