
Chapter 22: Threatening Stance

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 22

Threatening Stance

Benjamin Blake / Super Fast Semi-Functional Moron / Genius / Hero'ish / Not Quite a Spymaster

Everything in Central Park went off without a hitch. I had invited every community I could think of and had Alfred track all those nasty hate groups and either slowed them down and even outright got rid of a few. There will be no hate or protesting on such a big day. I was super excited that I was even able to pull this off! A master stroke of good advice from Natasha at the end was what made it all work. Then today, I spent a few million and had all the major marketing companies tied in. The world was going to get slapped with the most significant media blitz it has ever seen! I was going to come down so hard on the world with my brand of propaganda; the name Metahuman will be coined by the end of July 5th, 2010.

With just a whisper in my ear from Natasha, I had Alfred make an encrypted phone call to the President's private phone and offered up one billion in funds for his next campaign. Granted President Ellis just got into office but shoring up some political clout now would be a good idea right when I wanted his backing. This could help me make strides when Ellis gets kidnapped in Iron Man 3 in a few years. Frankly, I was just trying to cover as much ground as I could before all the fallout.

The fireworks were lively in the air and everyone was partying. I noticed the kids and adults from Xavier's school were having a blast. The ladies of the FURRY club were surrounding Hank since I invited them on his behalf. Michelle had Warren giving flights to the smaller kids, but I did notice FURY standing under a tree with the look of death on his face. Laura and Peter were over hanging out with Gwen and Jean. I looked and found Natasha with the Octavius couple although Rosaline was fussing over her at the moment. That placed a smile on my face. I was happy to see Natasha had won even after all the crazy mess she had suffered.

I turned around, and the Professor was talking to some lady. I guess it was time to do something about fixing his legs. When I turned around to look for the rest of my crew, I spotted Luke who was laughing with Pops and another older gentleman. Hanging on his arm was Jessica Jones. That made me happy. They got together a lot sooner than I thought but what had a frown on my face was a certain Prince.

I was enjoying some quiet time with Ororo when I kept feeling a piercing stare in my direction. At first I was trying to ignore it and enjoy the festivities, but it persisted. Eventually I had to search it out. Ororo must have noticed my unease because she stared me down next.

"What is the situation that I should be aware of?" Asked Ororo from the picnic table where we were seated. The question alone gave me time to think about how I would like to tell her about my knowledge and discoveries. With my mind made up, I just gave her the salient points of the matter.

"That gentleman over there is the Prince to the nation of WAKANDA. It's one of the most advanced nations on the planet. He is most likely here for you and your bloodline connection to BAST." I told her straight up.

"And how do you know all this?" Asked Ororo skeptically with her eyebrows raised at me.

"Research my dear, did you know the Prince and the Princess both carry multiple Doctorates and PHDs in multiple fields of study and research? There have been no records of them helping their country or accepting aid. Curious is it not? So I sent a spy drone into Wakanda, and you wouldn't believe what I found." I told Ororo making sure I hammed it up. There was no way I was about to let this little princeling get some ass.

"What did you discover that makes you look at him as if your about to challenge him to a duel." Ask Ororo interested in my story.

"They are using hologram technology. With the low flying I did over WAKANDA, I discovered this." As I said that I brought up the images of WAKANDA that I had before they destroyed my drone for trespassing. It was too bad for them that I had nano-explosives distributed, so they had no evidence to place it as my own. When I showed her what I was able to record Ororo crushed the mug she was holding.

Anyone could tell from the aging of the buildings, and everything thing around, that this city has been there awhile. Then with the advancements that Ororo saw, she stated how this would have helped all of Africa. I kept showing her more, until the footage blinked out.

"They are one of the most advanced hidden nations on this planet, but he isn't here for me. He is here for your throne and bloodline." I told her. Ororo gave me a withering look, so I held up my hands.

"What do you know about my throne and bloodline that I do not?" Ororo asked with all joviality gone.

"Well from what you told Xavier and from what I was able to look up, you're the daughter to the late princess of Kenya. Which puts you in line for the throne, which I also know you have turned down. He is a prince that needs a princess. You see the lady on his arm? That's the one he loves, her name is Nakia, but she isn't a Dora Milaje. The situation is a bit complicated you see: his father won't permit to marry her as his first wife. But what if he was to bring home the last descendant of the Shamen tribe's pureblood?" I asked her as I brought up all the info I had gathered on my holo tablet.

"What is a Dora Milaje and what does that have to do with me? Why do you consider me the last descendant to the Shamen Tribe?" Ororo asked, and she was entirely focused now.

"Dora's are women trained from birth to be the concubines and wives to the heir of the throne. They are warrior women, raised just for the Prince to pick from unless he has a royal bloodline to marry. Now the Shamen tribe became important because, when I did some traces to see where the trail leads, it went straight to WAKANDA. Your mother was the princess of Kenya, and your father was the last male of the Shamen Tribe of Wakanda. That's why he came here; to try and woo you. All he has to do is get you in bed and with child and the bloodline is returned to Wakanda and he is free to marry his little concubine with no issues since, well, he is king after all." I told Ororo. Then suddenly the wind gusted and she took off into the air. Yeah, she was upset alright; but it was best she wasn't here for him to have an opportunity to get his claws into her. I would have to fix that later, but for now, this won't become some comic book bullshit.

"Was that necessary?" Asked Natasha from over my shoulder. I knew she had invisibly arrived a while ago. She made her way over to me as soon as I started to eye the princeling.

"She will be mad at me for a while, wont she?" I asked Natasha as I turned to her.

"Ororo will investigate once she calms down. Now, let's go kick them out." Natasha told me with a smile, and I could only sigh at that. Over my comms, I called big man Luke. Natasha walked slightly behind me in my shadow. That subtle move made me very aware of how serious she was taking this even if I only planned for small talk. Natasha had plans for going for the kill if the negotiations failed. She stood at five feet seven inches, and with my six feet three inches, Natasha was easily enveloped by my shadow. Granted she could already turn invisible, but it was okay if certain habits were kept.

"Luke, we have incoming trouble, come back me up" I spoke into my comms, getting his attention from where he was at the grill with Logan and Jessica. I watched as he told Jessica something and then walked in our direction. People parted for him like the sea; it does help that he was such a massive dude. When Luke got to where I was located, he laughed, and so did Natasha, as if I would need back up.

We walked together as a three-person team over to the WAKANDA delegates. Instantly they became alert, although they were playing it off due to the surroundings. I could see Okoye reach for her bracelet. To my eyes, it almost looked ordinary, but that changed when I changed the spectrum I was viewing. Okoye's wrist and a few things that looked like everyday trinkets were absorbing kinetic energy. This was also something the little princeling and his entourage with whom he was walking around were doing.

That was the first time I was able to lay my eyes on vibranium, and it was extremely hard for me to keep my impulses locked down. I wanted to rob it all, but I would wait until I was able to get my hands on Klaue's stash. The princeling and his little group got up and met us a little out of the way, giving us some separation from everyone else.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Blake. This is a great thing your doing," Spoke T'Challa first.

"Good Afternoon yourself, Panther," I replied with a smile. I was about to cut through all the bullshit and get to the heart of the matter. When I called out his Panther title, his eyes slightly widened, and the rest of his group made movements for items that I knew were weapons in disguise. Since this was the asshole black panther from the comics and not the one I watched before I died, I had no plans to give him face.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, but you can call me T'Challa," Stated the Prince as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"Ohh, don't be like that Panther, I know why you're here," When I told him then the look on T'Challa's face instantly changed

"And what do you know? Asked T'Challa with a frown on his face as he carefully acted the well practiced part of a confused person.

"Ohh I know a lot prince: like your nation, has never been conquered nor has conquered others. That your nation fought amongst yourselves until you discovered VIBRANIUM. I know that your nation stood and watched as everyone around you was shipped off to be slaves across the ocean! I also know how your nation likes to hide behind that hologram of yours!" I spoke as my anger started to get the best of me. Luke placed his hands on my shoulder, and when I turned around to look at him, he just shook his head. Yeah, this wasn't the place to break a prince. Natasha though was facing the group at the ready for any sudden moves.

Prince T'Challa's face changed from pride to a frown; I had just dropped the secret about them in the open. His guards tightened their grip on the items they were holding, but I knew they weren't going to do much without the prince's say so.

"If you haven't noticed we only export textiles and minor things to the world. We do not have the funds to purchase such technologies, Mr. Blake." T'Challa spoke with such an easy and fluid manner that if I didn't know better I would have believed him.

"Don't be like that Panther; your country has advanced far further than the rest of the world. With all that VIBRANIUM your sitting on. I wonder what the rest of the world will think if they found out Klaue didn't steal all of the world's most valuable metal and you lied to the rest of the world to cover up and hide your treasure with a mountain of deception." I told him with a smile on my face as I watched as the expressions in his little group changed. I had far more knowledge than some outsiders could ever know.

"How do you have such information? And what do you want?" Asked T'Challa with his anger showing now. It would seem that I stepped on the little kitties toes, to fucking bad for him.

"I want you to give up your pursuit of Ororo, I know what you're after, and I won't let it happen," I told the princeling as I stepped up to him.

"And what If I refuse to comply?" T'Challa asked me while stepping lightly into a loose, ready motion. Ohh yeah, he was prepared to throw down alright but too bad this wasn't the place for our fight. I would break his back and the GOLDEN TRIBE one of these days but lucky for him today is not the day. No, today I was going to be a complete bastard.

So I brought up my holo tablet. When the Prince looked at the image, I could hear his teeth grind. The others around him also showed their shocked expressions. Yeah, I got them right where I want them.

The picture that I had brought up was of the thirteen-year-old princess of WAKANDA herself attending the movies with her friends. The image was of her in BOSTON since she was attending MIT. Of course she would be in the United States attending college.

"You don't know if I have stationed my people as her friends, or in her classes, or as her roommates and lab assistants. The food she eats on campus may be prepared or served by my people or how many of my people are in the clubs to which she was able to get the last spot to join. Stay away, or I burn it all!" I told the Prince as he looked at me with such a death glare I thought he was going to attack with everyone watching.

"You understand that this isn't the end?" T'Challa asked in a near growl as he tried to hold his anger.

"Yes, I am sure this isn't over. Keep your distance, and I shall keep mine. Ororo is off limits for your plans." I told the Prince as I turned around and walked away from him. Too bad I can't keep my word because I plan to pull a Bane and break his back and take the throne. Such an advanced nation should not have such ancient traditions as the rite of challenge.

"You're not going to kill his sister, right?" Asked Luke from next to Natasha. She already knew what I was truly capable of doing to complete a goal. That's not something I can tell a man like Luke; he was just like Peter, a good man no matter what the situation. Too bad I could never be like them though.

"No, Luke, I will not be killing the princess; it's a solid bluff that he bought," I replied with a shrug.

"What about all that you said about them allowing slavery to happen?" Luke asked with what I thought slight trepidation.

"Luke, you would be amazed at what they have done to keep their little secret safe," I told the big man.

"That's… That's… How could they allow such a thing to happen." Luke asked as he turned around to go back and confront the Prince and his entourage.

"Luke leave it alone; this will solve itself with time. You have been to my labs, you see the advancement I am bringing to the world. Let this go and enjoy the party," I told Luke as I grabbed his bicep and then push him in the direction of Jessica and the grill.

When Luke walked away Natasha walked up to lean on my shoulder, "Now that you have had your Alpha male ego trip, I brought you an early birthday gift." she stated handing me a wooden box. I had been so wrapped up in everything I forgot my birthday was fast approaching, but I was pretty sure there wasn't much you could get a soon to be a seventeen-year-old billionaire that he couldn't get himself.

When I opened the box, there were four vials sitting side by side. Two where blue and another two were red, Natasha had gotten me the holy fucking grail. I was so stunned beyond belief. I had been trying to piece together the information I had on the PYM particles. The notes I had stolen gave me some ideas but this...this was the final product. I have wanted for so long; I didn't even know how to respond with my thanks.

Natasha used her handkerchief to wipe my mouth then closed it. Shit, she caught me drooling over the most awesome goodies around. The first thought I had was to run back to the lab so that I could recreate this miracle in a bottle. "Natasha, How?" I asked, stunned.

"You were off doing your crazy scientist thing while planning world domination, so I nabbed it after Alfred notified me when Hank left for some trip," Natasha replied with a shrug, but she wasn't about to get away with that. With a boisterous roar, I wrapped Natasha up in a hug and carried her and my prize back to enjoy the party. I could always science the shit out of these goodies later.

Peter Parker Supreme Nerd Extraordinaire / Giddy Boyfriend

Peter didn't know what to do with himself since things have been going amazingly well for him recently. He gained powers in the midst of losing his chance at an internship at Oscorp. But that was replaced with being the chief scientist of his division at one of the hottest companies in the world right now. Then Laura was introduced into his life, and man, Laura was just wow! She was wow alright.

Peter didn't know where to begin with describing Laura; she was strong, soft, stubborn, and so freaking cute all at once. Then there was her dad, that man's muscles had muscles, and the only thing he knew was growl and death glare. That wasn't going to deter Peter, though, not one bit. He had hope that he could make peace with the grumpy old man as Ben calls him, but that would have to wait. Peter was currently in a very intense game of tag with everyone from the Xavier school, and Laura was it, and her sights were clearly set on him.

Laura was chasing him down between people, between tables, but that was what he wanted. They were fast approaching the tree line, and Peter had a surprise for her. With a swift hop Peter took to the trees, he knew Laura had enhanced sense, so he had a scent nullifier within the tree he was aiming for. With that on his person, Peter left small clues on his way to a small clearing that Peter had defenses marked to keep people away. Laura came dashing out of the tree's looking for him while he just stood on the blanket waiting for her.

She took one look at what him and his mini picnic setup, nodded, and sat down. She was so cute; Peter noticed a slight shading of red on her cheeks even though she did appear tough on the outside. Peter sat down beside her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What about the game and the rest of the party?" Laura asked as she leaned back into his chest.

"They will be fine without us for a while," Peter replied as he laid back with Laura on his chest. Laura slowly crawled up to look Down into Peter's eyes.

"I believe we should continue to check our compatibility. We might have fallen out of sync since we have not kissed in a few hours," Stated Laura as she leaned in to kiss Peter on his lips. His hands coming up, Peter held Laura close, savoring her, trying to ingrain her into his memories. Yeah, that big headed Benjamin was right. Find a beautiful, secure location and enjoy the moment.

Natasha - The Black Widow / Ex-Assassin

Natasha made her way back to the table where Roseline was seated after she left Ben to geek out with his early birthday gift. Hopefully Jean and Gwen could keep him out of trouble for a while. She had seen the look he gave that Prince T'Challa, Ben would keep his word, but at the first opportunity that he felt the Prince was showing weakness, he would strike like thunder no matter the cost.

Tapping a few buttons on her holo-tablet Natasha made some notes for measures against the WAKANDANS. With that out of the way, She went back to enjoying a lovely 4th of July picnic with the Octavius couple.

"Natasha dear, he isn't overworking you is he?" Asked Rosie, Otto's wife, as Natasha sat down next to her.

"I met a Prince believe it or not, and my charms didn't move him," Replied Natasha smoothly as her wrist computer did quick scans of all the food on the table.

"Well, that's too bad for him, you're a fine catch. That's his loss! If you want, I know a Doctor who is a very accomplished M.D." Stated Otto from his seat, waving away the comment about the Prince.

"Otto leave the dear alone, she will like who she likes and that's that. I remembered it took you a whole semester to finally ask me out. Then you flubbed it and came back with poetry." Smiled Rosie as she swatted Otto on the arm.

"Am just trying to help her, dear" Otto answered sheepishly.

That brought a smile to Natasha's face as she remembered when Ben had offered her a family. She knew it was just a sales pitch to the lonely girl inside her. Everyone needed a family, and even a stone-cold assassin was no different; Ben treated her no differently than his friends or his family. To Benjamin, everyone that was in his circle was family. And that was how he operated, but when the Octavius couple came to work at the company, well, Natasha felt for the first time like she had parents. Rosie and Otto always checked in on her even when she was out on a mission. In the beginning, she didn't like their interference, but with Ben giving her more duties within their small circle of influence, she could do nothing but interact with the couple.

After a while, they grew on her and became the closest family Natasha had next to Benjamin. That though made Natasha chuckle: the infamous Black Widow had a family now. The world was such a mystery: Natasha had killed what family she had in the pits. They were made to fight for survival and she killed them with no remorse. Yet, the world gave her more family even with all of her sins.

Natasha just sighed and relaxed slightly; maybe she was overthinking things. They had a win today, and she was going to enjoy at least some of it.

With that, Natasha smiled and focused her mind back on the conversation.

Charles Xavier - Scholar

Charles sat in the location he picked and watched the stage as one of his oldest students was introduced alongside Benjamin and the President. This was uncharted territory for Charles alright, how Benjamin was getting things done was both terrifying and impressive. Charles was proud yet full of trepidation about being out in the world and under such a spotlight. He was excited to educate the world and his fellow scholars towards a better future, but Charles didn't know if he would be included in such a future.

Charles was never able to read Benjamin's mind, what he thought might have been due to the young man's powers, had turned out to be a deliberate case of exclusion. Charles breezed through the President's mind slightly and could only sigh; Benjamin had offered up over a billion dollars in campaign funding through means untraceable.

Charles felt Benjamin was both a gifted young man and one extremely terrifying foe. He watched as Benjamin wrangled the public opinion to side with them while he blackmailed or came down with an iron hand with others, doing things as he pleased. Charles wished he could do something but with mental inhibitors in most of Benjamin's company. There was nothing to do as he watched him lead the charge.

He was fortunate the young man didn't view him as an enemy, but Charles shivered at the thought of the conversation past. There was no need for Benjamin to tell him outright, but Xavier felt the intent to kill in that warning.

Charles' only hope was that Jean would be able to prevent that from happening. Charles sighed and placed those thoughts outside his mind.

Today was a day of triumph.

All around the United States and various parts of the world Metas searched for a phone. The beacon that shone a light for them was the number for contacting Vega Industries in hopes of getting into the Xavier School for gifted learning.

Others hitched a ride, a train and other various means of transportation to this fabled town in New York called Salem.


You can find me here.


BigToFucreators' thoughts
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