
Does a women turn you on?

Ron understood what Mia was trying to do but he didn't want her to be called a one night woman. She was his fiancé and he loved her. What would his friends take her as in the long run when he would introduce her as his better half? Ron's secret was a different thing but Mia's image was more important to him.

Looking at the evident mark on Mia's neck, Janet said, "Well, it seems like you both had an awesome night."

Massaging his temples, Ron decided to give up, "Alright, this is my fiancé Mia."

" WHAT?" Silvia and Janet shouted.

" But you-" wasn't Ron always interested in men?

" See, I'll explain everything but not now okay? Maybe some other day." Ron tried very hard to convince and calm his friends down.

Placing her hand in her waist, Janet fronwed, "You already have a fiancé and you did not tell us?"

" Exactly and what about the times when you kissed-" Silvia stopped midway thinking that Mia has no idea about Ron's weird actions.

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