
Ifrit (3)

Haruto was slammed into a stone wall from the attacks of Ifrit.

When's he flying away from the first attack, Ifrit leaped and charged again, kicking his still launching body further, resulting him being pushed into the corner of Bryan's yard.

Right now he was a mile away from his comrades. He was thankful because with this they wouldn't get involved with his fight.

Well but before that he also need to worry about himself too. Because of the successive attacks from Ifrit his arms suffered some injuries from his flame and power and his body was hurting from the impact.

He could saw the small forest in front of him was burning and the fire was getting closer to his place, that beast must be coming here.

{Haruto-kun, you there?}

A telepathic communication rang on his head, it was from Kaori who's currently staying at the house with Fia and Elsie.

{Yeah, what's wrong?}

{Well, to put it simply, we're attacked.}

{As expected huh, how many people?}

Just as he thought. From what Bryan's was aiming for, his recent attacks to Fia and Elsie must be to lure him here, to his mansion.

During this time he would attacked the unguarded Selianna and her friends on her house but unexpectedly, Haruto brought her along.

But perhaps Bryan was also aiming to capture Haruto himself, considering he was Asami's brother. Maybe either to threaten her using him as a hostage or something.

Although the device could control Asami's mind but it was not omnipotent. There must be some kind of thing lacking by using that, otherwise he wouldn't have to be so hard and asked Asami to swore allegiance to him. He should instead just put the bracelet immediately.

{He's being serious, it's more than 30 people. I can see them as hired adventures, high ranking ones on top of it.}

Maybe they were around blue rank to brown rank adventurers, Haruto thought.

{...Well that's a little more than I thought, can you handle them?}

{Who do you think I am, Haruto-kun? Even if they brought ten times the number it would still be my win.} Kaori snorted and said with prideful tone.

{Maybe you're right.} He smiled wryly.

{But I guess it still needed time since the location was unfavorable for me to go all out, how about your situation there?}

{Not that good I guess? Well, I'll just do something about it}


As he told Kaori that, a gigantic flaming beast landed from the forest, once again eyeing him with his feral eyes.

He could tell Ifrit was very powerful. Never would Haruto expected his strength to be at this extent even though in the game it was not that much.

Well, at least from a game perspective that is. Maybe it was far different in reality or there's something off about Ifrit and he was being strengthened. In any case Haruto might just be in trouble.

{I'll head there as soon as I finished my business... Oh yeah the city too was in uproar because of the explosion from afar and thanks to that, no one noticed us being attacked.} Kaori sounded annoyed from her voice.

{Is that so? Dammit, it's gonna be very troublesome to handle the aftermath.}

Haruto also noticed that the knights in the surroundings outside the wall were oddly did not try to interfere with the situation.

It was as if they're playing watch and see. Just what the hell's going on? Was the Emperor of this country turned crazy? Haruto could not understand what the leaders of this nation was thinking.

{Well, looks like that's all. The adventurers already entered the inner area of the villa so I'll be going now.}

{Sure but don't be reckless okay?}

{That's my line you know?}

With that the communication between them ended. Now both of them was currently facing their respective opponents.

Ifrit charged forward again launching a straight right punch aiming for Haruto's body. The punch cut through the air with bright flames clothing the fist.

Haruto jumped dodging Ifrit's fist while releasing his own attack with his right leg horizontally.

Ifrit rolled forward avoiding the kick and lashed with his flaming claw downwards, trying to rip apart his enemy's body to pieces.

Haruto stepped to the side, avoiding the claws and aimed a strong hook to Ifrit's abdomen but his other hand caught Haruto's hand.


His hand was burning from the hellish flame and he couldn't help but cry in pain. Haruto tried to pull his hand but it won't budge.

"Why...you little..!! HAAAA!!"

Haruto transformed into Super Saiyan and this time he could match Ifrit's strength and pulled his hand along with Ifrit's.

He headbutted Ifrit's head and he groaned while being pushed backwards.

Ifrit received a powerful jab on his chest and another blows to his flank and head. But he did not stay still and countered him with his claws, landing a wound on Haruto's shoulder.

Haruto felt a strong heat from his melted left shoulder but he gritted his teeth and attack further.

He clenched his fists and charged them with power, thrusting them forward with a flurry of shockwaves punches to Ifrit's body in a near point blank range.


The beast received the shockwaves punches striking rapidly on his body and damaging his inner organs. He groaned from the pain he felt.


The beast roared furiously from the attacks of his enemy, the flame on his body burst out and repel Haruto's body.

Haruto was panting heavily, not because of exhaustion but because his body was heated from the terrifyingly hot flame and now was smoking like mad all over. Now his pants and legs was tattered while his arms was eerily dark red.

'His body was just too hot to make contact with, approaching him is even more dangerous than I thought.'

Even if he used his energy to protect his body, the flame still managed to damage him like this, that's just how awful Ifrit's flame was.


Ifrit smashed his hands and claws to the ground and immediately after, Haruto's surrounding was shaking madly and lit up bright red.

Pillars of flame burst out from all over the soil and magma was gushing out from the hole. The flame pillars and magma made the soil melted and causing an earthquake.


Haruto clicked his tongue and used flight immediately to avoid the magma and pillars of flame piercing out from the ground aiming at him.


Ifrit gathered the flame on his body and created a bright red sphere made from fire.

Seeing that Haruto cursed inside his mind, the pillars of flame was still aiming at him and Ifrit tossed the flame ball at him exactly during the time he could not dodge the attack.

Because he was moving frantically and under a flurry of attacks, it's impossible to use Instant Transmission because he couldn't concentrate enough, nor do have the time to execute the technique, even if he dazed out for tenth of a second he would be struck by all the flames.

Having no choice he braced the attack and extended his palm, guarding against the flame ball.


Not good, his hands could not withstand the heat for too long. The flame was far more concentrated than before inside the sphere, resulting the temperature to rise dozens of times higher.

His hands started to let out smoke and turned dark red while his fingers' skin began to blackened.

If this kept up his hands and body would be burned to crisp in a matter of seconds.

Gritting his teeth, he decided to release every power he had all at once!


*Spark* *Spark*

Haruto's golden aura flared intensely and produced sparks of electricity, he finally went Super Saiyan 2 and slammed all of his power forward to the sphere of fire.


The ball of flame was destroyed and it exploded, destroying the surroundings with torrent of flames, producing a ghastly heatwave.

The surroundings were now nothing but fire and magma, the plants and rocks were all melted from the heat. It was truly a hell-like place.

'Now's my chance!'

Haruto withstood the heatwave and did not let go of the chance, he ran forward against the defenseless beast and slammed his elbow on Ifrit's head continued with a knee attack and a strong thrusting kick to the chest.

He fired energy blasts to Ifrit's body, fading out some of his flames. Noticing Ifrit was wounded quite heavily from his attacks, Haruto darted towards Ifrit once again.

Ifrit counterattacked by swinging his leg clad in fire but Haruto ducked and grabbed the leg.


Haruto put power on his arms and swung Ifrit's body in a circular motion before he threw the flame beast upwards, launching him to the sky.

Haruto tried to finish him and released a decisive attack but then he noticed Ifrit already regained his balance midair and then he began charging a different attack.

Seeing that Haruto's face turned pale. Right now Ifrit was trying to use his ultimate attack!

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