

"What? How is that possible? If weaker adventurers were able to return before how could a higher rank adventurers were eliminated?" Fia's eyes opened wide in shock.

The ossan sighed and continue his explanation,

"That's what made us confused too. I won't say that there's no casualties for the lower rank adventurers but that's natural compared to the high level parties dying with unknown reason. After all a lot of newbies came back with low quality treasures and they also did not encounter dangerous monsters there."

"....Well that does sound suspicious." Haruto said pondering.

"Then what about sending the top adventurers like brown or black ranks?" Fia asked.

"Those adventurers won't accept this kind of jobs. It was a low leveled dungeon after all, there won't be any benefit even if they conquered the dungeon. Those kind of guys had too much pride lending their hands for something like this."

"...Not to mention the abnormality of the dungeon repulsed them even more." Haruto added and the ossan nodded.

Adventurer was a job that no one would know when they would die. Accidents may happened anytime and anywhere. If they could avoid such accidents why bother risking their lives for nothing? It's much better to hunt at other places with more benefits.

'Hm? Then Selianna-san and the other knights? Are they here to investigate the dungeon?'

"So you decided to ask the knights to investigate it?" Haruto voiced his thought.

"Oh? you know about it?"

"I saw them on the street yesterday"

He didn't say 'meet' because there's no reason to.

Knights were more dependable for this kind of case. Since they were the defensive force of the country itself, different than adventurers that did not affiliated with any nations, they had obligations for the safety of the country.

"Yup, we already hired the knights from the capital for an investigation, should be done in the next few days, who knows?"

"I see..."

"Well you have anymore questions?"

"No, that's enough, thank you."

"See you later then."

They bowed and left the guild together. After they went out the girls asked Haruto,

"What to do Kami-sama? Want to go to the dungeon?"

"...No, at least for now."

"Eh?" Fia raised her eyebrows.

"Well I am indeed interested but recklessly delve into something unknown is foolish."

"Nn I think so too." Fia agreed.

"Perhaps it will be another story if it's just myself but there's no way I'll get you two in trouble as well right?" Haruto gently smiled and ruffled the hairs of both girls.

"Let's think about that later, the knights are currently on the move too after all. Let's talk about the quest instead, for this 3 days we're going to gather as much money as we can."

""Yes!"" They replied together.

So Haruto and Fia decided to split up and did the quests separately so they could complete them faster and more efficient.

As a precaution Haruto asked Elsie to follow Fia to help her if necessary.

Fia complained saying that she will be alright but staggered when reminded by Haruto of her blunder back then in the fight with the giant boar.

She could only accept Elsie's support reluctantly. She did not worry about Haruto since he could teleport to them anytime if he's in danger. The same case applied to Fia if she's in danger Haruto too would teleport there and lent a hand.

Walking out of the city gate they splitted the quests in two and went to different directions.

By the end of the day they managed to gain 600 quartz together. If they kept up like this they could gather about 2000 quartz, enough to continue their journey. At least if Fia and Elsie did not do anything foolish again. But it seemed they already learnt they lesson and were now controlling themselves better than before.

Well, Fia was still being a glutton though, that would never change no matter what. Haruto decided that he have to rank up quickly or finding another way to gain much money, just for the sake of safeguarding his wallet from the glutton.

Thanks to their need to focus on collecting money (their wallets were currently empty) Haruto couldn't take on high level subjugation quest to improve his strength by fighting a powerful enemy.

This was also another reason why he's not going into the dungeon. They were broke and there's too much lack of informations. Who knows if he encountered a very powerful monster? He'll die.

Actually, there's still a trump card that he never use before, Super Saiyan transformation.

Since he was focusing on synchronizing his body and mind with Goku's abilities he never tried to transform before because it would hinder his progress.

He made significant progress in the fight with the giant boar but it wasn't 100% done yet. So basically he's never truly gone all out yet all this time.

But then did that mean if he used the Super Saiyan transformation he would be safe?

The answer is "No".

He already knew that in this world there's powerful beings that capable of rivaling the power of the gods back on Goku's world. A mere Super Saiyan was nothing but a garbage compared to them. Because of this he also did not want to be reliant on transformations.

Training and improving his base power would be more effective and made him stronger faster in addition of toughening his foundations.

Even if he reached his full potential, gaining his godly power, he won't be completely out of danger. So he had to always be cautious and never stop on becoming stronger. He must never ever getting conceited.

...Even if the opponent was much weaker than him.

With renewed determination, Haruto moved forward once again in this new world.

He didn't know that this kind of thinking would save his life in the future.


Inside the dungeon in the forest.

A party of 4 green rank adventurers were currently exploring the dungeon. One of them was a magician while the other three were a normal warriors.

Right now they were already on the fifth floor, the last floor of the dungeon, it wouldn't be long before they finally conquered the dungeon, that's what they thought.

"Tch this dungeon was really a garbage, the monsters were weak and the treasures were full of craps!!" One of them complained angrily, kicking a pebble.

"So far we only found some low potions and steel weapons." The other said sullenly.

"Hmph and that rumors of veteran adventurers dying must be a bunch of bullshits." The fourth one snorted.

"Or perhaps we just better than them? Hahahaha!" The second one before laughed cheekily.

"Nah no way, it's just a bunch of goblins, kobolds, hunter ants and grey hounds you know?" The third one said.

"Grrr in any case I can't be satisfied with all of the trashes we found so far."

"Well perhaps there's something worthy at the end of the dungeon."

"Maybe, but just where's the...Oh, what's that?"

"A gate?"

At the end of the dark corridor, there seemed to be a gate with strange runes.

"Hahaha! We finally found it! It must be the boss room!"

Each dungeon would have a guardian every 5 floors so for this dungeon there would be only one guardian guarding the final room containing the core and last treasure chest.

The last treasure chest would always give better items than the other chests before, so it was the one with the highest possibility of containing an artifact.

With vigor the moved forward towards the gate. But when they were near, they noticed someting strange.

"Huh? It's opened?"

"What the hell? What kind of boss room with an open gate?"

"It's not completely opened though, only partially, but yeah it's strange alright."

"Ahhh who cares!? Let's just beat the shit out of that boss!"

They went inside the gate and what appeared before them was an empty room.

"What? There's no one here..."

"Hey I'm starting to think there's something wrong here..."

"Yeah it's just too odd..."

"Hmph so what if there's no boss the more important thing is the last treasure chest, where is it!?"

They began to search for the chest but did not find anything, even the dungeon core was missing.

"So it's a dead end?"

"No way that's impossible."

"Hey why don't we just go back? This feels really creepy."

They decided to go back but one of them were very angry for not finding anything. He started to fire random ki blasts to the room.

"Woah!? What are you doing??"

"Shut up!! There's no way I'll accept this...!"

He finally got tired and stopped firing after awhile but after the dust were cleared a hole appeared on the wall.

"Hahaha see that? There's something hidden after all!!" He was elated at what he found.

He quickly run towards the hole without caring for anything. The other members were following him trying to warn him but when they caught up...


The head of the man was already missing and his neck splurt out blood like a fountain.


They quickly became alert and took out their weapons. But one of them that holding an axe suddenly pointing towards the wall in front of him.

"Hey? That's..."

What they saw was a pair of golden eyes, it's body was fully covered in darkness. Only the eyes were glowing fiercely looking at them.

Not even five minutes later and the hole became silent with four headless and crushed bodies.

Próximo capítulo