
The Guild

It was finally Haruto's turn for the inspection. One of the guards walked forward and approached him.

"Your identification card please."

"Umm sorry but I don't have an identification card yet, can I still enter the town?"

The guard nodded his head since such case was not rare at all, time to time there were someone that still did not have an identification card just like Haruto or they lost their card.

"I see, in that case you have to pay 10 quartz. Do you have them?"

Haruto shook his head. "I intend to sell some monsters materials for some money first is it possible?"

"Well you can try to sell them to the merchants that lined up behind you but you have to line up again."

"Sure no problem thank you."

"You're welcome kid."

And so Haruto talked to some merchants that lined up behind him and exchange his materials for 75 quartz. He didn't know the standard price of this world yet so he could only accept them as it was. Still, he decided to trust the merchant since he carefully chose them by talking and testing out their personality first before selling the goods but there's still no guarantee since it's impossible to perfectly learn about other people's personality.

After lining up all over again Haruto finally entered the town. The town's name is Calad and it was a very ordinary medieval town. The town is not that large having about 2000m diameter surrounded by 4 meters wall in circular shape.

There were no luxury building such as mansions. The largest building was a four-story building which was the government office for Calad. Calad's residential area were located in the northern part of the town while the Eastern and Western part were the shopping district. The small part of southern was the slums and since Haruto did not intend to enter that area he decided to avoid it.

He did not intend to be like a generous volunteers, helping every people like a saint while he also needed to look after himself. There would be no end of it if he tried to save each one of them so he would just lent his hand to people that attracted his interest or only if there was a valid reason for him to help.

When he arrived at the residential area Haruto went to the nearby inn and rent a room for 25 quartz a night with dinner. Too bad there's not a bath so he could only wipe himself with towel and hot water. He did not need to wash his clothing because it's immune to dirt, another one of the goddess's gift.

The next morning Haruto planned to go to the adventurer's guild to register as an adventurer that could serve as his identity card.

He could also took some quest to earn some money while fighting monsters to get stronger. But his main reason was simply because he enjoyed being an adventurer, a common thing for isekai story where the protagonist will rise from bottom to top. After he finished the registration he planned to find a church and claimed his first waifu.

This was the most important task!

The adventurer guild were located near the center of the city, it was easy to find because it was the place that most people were going in and out. The guild was quite crowded so Haruto had to wait for awhile lining up in front of the counter. Haruto was glad that the receptionist was a beauty, his imagination of isekai was not shattered.

Too bad there's no cliche where thugs would approach him while saying "OI OI WHAT D'YOU THIN' A TWERP LIKE YOU CAME TO A PLACE FOR US GROWN UPS HAA?!!" or else it would be perfect.

Haruto wore his best smile and approached the receptionist.

"Good morning, I'd like to register with the guild please."

"...Of course, the registration will costs 15 quartz is that alright?" There was a slight pause when the receptionist noticed him and she seemed surprised that her eyes went wide but she quickly put on her usual business smile.

"Yes." This didn't go unnoticed by Haruto but since he couldn't figure out the reason he decided to not mind it.

"Very well, then please fill in this form. The column that's not marked is not required to be filled."

Haruto was actually surprised that this world language was Japanese he didn't know the reason why or if it was just this nation but from what the inn's receptionist told him that it was the common language, he's sure that it applied to all over the world.

Filling all the required column he returned the form back to the beautiful receptionist.

"Sugimura Haruto-san, 17 years old is it? Very well, we will process your guild card now please wait a moment."

Thankfully he did not need to fill his hometown since he's basically an outsider in this world but in case they did ask for it he already prepared the answer. The receptionist took out a white card and wrote something on the guild card then she asked Haruto to drop his blood onto the card. After that she cast some magic on it with a stamp-like tool. When she's done the card suddenly turn dark grey in color.

"Well then thank you for waiting, this is your guild card. This card will turn dark grey if it was held by someone else other than it's owner. And if you lost the card please immediately inform us as fast as possible. You will have to pay a small fee and your card will be re-issued."

Haruto nodded and took the card in his hands and it's color turned back into white. On the card was written about his identity like his name and age. The receptionist explained more about the work of an adventurer.

Basically one could only take a quest that correspond with their rank unless they were in a party in which case they could apply for quest with higher rank depending on the rank and number of the people inside the party.

Adventurers had ten ranks, the order from the lowest to highest are white, yellow, green, blue, red, brown, black, silver, gold, and platinum. And starting from the silver rank, an adventurer would be considered as nobles.

There were six ranks of nobles in this world from 6th rank to 1st rank and a silver rank adventurer would be considered equal with 5th rank noble, gold rank equal 3rd rank noble, and platinum rank equal the 1st class noble a title that only below the royalty. 1st class noble also had a special right to decline a royal decree for three times. But the number of 1st class noble in the world was very scarce. A lot of provinces from each country did not even have a 1st class noble. Not to mentioned the platinum rank adventurers, their number did not surpassed a single hand.

When Haruto finally finished his business at the guild he began to search for the church, it's time meet the goddess once again.

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