
The Calm Before The Storm

"No no no, Taehyung was just showing me around…Right Taehyung?"

"Nope, it was a date…my first date" he smiled dreamily.

I gaped. What the heck? The others started laughing around me.

"What's the commotion here?"

"Taehyung went on his first date!"

Namjoon gaped too, then smiled, then frowned. Was he having a face seizure?

"That's great Taehyung…And Nicole can I talk to you?"

I gulped "Sure"

Namjoon turned to the others and gave them a look. Jungkook and Jimin went away. Taehyung frowned, gave me a last look and went away too.

"So I wanted to talk to you about Taehyung"

"Um, okay?"

"I see some changes in him ever since you came. And I am happy about that, don't get me wrong. He's happier than he's ever been. But you must understand that our band is getting famous more and more nowadays if he strays from giving his best at music… we are going to have problems"

I gasped. What? Does he not want us to hang out anymore?

"Namjoon, Taehyung and I are only friends, I don't have any feelings for him, he just helps me write songs"

"That's all right…just watch out for him"


"And one more thing we have another performance tomorrow, so it will be the same order as last time okay?"

"Okay sure"

I went to bed a bit dazed after what Namjoon said. I didn't want to have dinner since I was so full, so I just took a shower instead. I fell asleep almost instantly after that.

The next morning I sat and stretched. I was trying to get out of bed but didn't see where I was going and fell off the side of the bed…Ouch, looks like it's going to be a bad day. I picked myself up and went down for breakfast. I thought Taehyung would be there but he wasn't, neither were the others, only the eldest… Jin was there.

"Good morning," I said with a smile.

"Ah you're here, have some breakfast" He smiled cheerfully.

"Where is everybody?"

"Dance practice"

"Oh, why aren't you then?"

"I was waiting for you, so I could give you your breakfast. Since you're here, I'll go now. The practice room is in the basement if you need any of us. We'll get ready to leave in an hour"

"Okay thanks" he smiled and left.

I cleaned up after breakfast and went back to my room. This time I dressed up more elegantly. I wore my favorite grey pants suit that had this refined 1960s touch to it. I did my hair up into a stylish bun and made sure I looked polished and dignified. Today I would be exposed to the other staff and had to look proper as I was also going to be giving a speech. I practiced my speech a few times in front of the mirror and timed myself—no more than ten minutes. I was used to giving speeches since I had to do it all the time back in Australia. Lauren used to say I had a professional sort of voice when I gave speeches and proceeded to imitate it. I giggled at the memory, I really did miss her. I decided I would call her today, and tell her the truth of what I was doing here. I trusted her and I shouldn't lie to her. Someone knocked on my door, though I'm pretty sure I already knew who…

"Come in"

"Are you ready, we have to—" Taehyung looked at me and smiled.


"I almost didn't recognize you, you look so…exquisite"

"Is that a new word you learned recently Taehyung?"


"By the way, you don't look so bad yourself"

"Thank you super nice lady".

He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and smiles at me.

"Shall we madame?" He offers me his arm and I take it, chuckling

"Of course kind sir"

We got into the car and went to the venue. Like before, I went through the side entrance and found their dressing room. When they arrived, they quickly dressed up and I gave my speech. Taehyung approached me and said that I did a good job. I felt the giddy feeling again. I swear something was wrong with me, maybe I had to go see a doctor. When they left I called Lauren.

"Lauren, hey"

"Hello Boss, it's nice to hear from you again"

"You too Lauren"

"Um Boss, is something wrong?"

I told her everything, from the deal to living with BTS. She listened carefully to my every word and when I finished she didn't reply.

"Lauren, Are you there?"

"Yes Boss, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that"

"It's all right… just no one needs to know this okay?"

"Of course Boss, not a soul"

"Thanks, Lauren, I'll call you later okay, I have to go now"

"Okay Boss, see you later"

I exhaled and waited from the relieved feeling, it didn't come. Instead, I felt like something was going to go horribly wrong. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder, thinking it was Taehyung I quickly put a smile on my face and turned around. My smile faded when I saw it was Sejin and instead I put on a straight face.

"Did you find out anything?"

He handed me an envelope.

"What's this?"

He takes a deep breath and says "In this envelope lie the names of your parents' murderers"

Namjoon doesn't approve of Taehyung spending time with Nicole. Secrets are revealed to Lauren and lastly, we now can find out who was it that killed Nicole's parents. This should be interesting...

Chubbybunny23creators' thoughts
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