
New Teacher and Breaking Stuff


'Man, waking up to a full fridge is probably one of the best feelings ever. I should thank Tatsumaki-san for always helping me— why does she even help me so much anyway?'

When Lin Wu transmigrated into this world, the memory of the host body was mostly lost. He only remembered the basic stuff such as language, age, pin code, and the like. Everything concerning his personal relationships involving both his parents and himself is still foggy, he did know that Tatsumaki played a decently large role in his childhood.

He honestly doubted he'll ever get the full picture though.

He didn't mind, it was better to forget the past than to let it chain you in the present. But just because his memories concerning his intrapersonal relationships aren't necessary; it doesn't mean that he can shut off his parent's connections to others.

Such as Tatsumaki.

The supposed 'Tornado of Terror' had always treated him well, maybe a little bit too well with how often she'd go out of her way to help him...

Unknowingly, Lin Wu smiled a little bit as he felt his chest warming up a bit.

He wouldn't 'exploit' her though, for example, he could use her high status to secure himself a good job at the Hero Association but he wouldn't do it no matter what.

'It's like having a sister...'

In the short three weeks that he had been here (though he calls it a month for the sake of simplicity), she always visits him 2-3 times a week.

Lin Wu was sure that she wasn't the only one who had (and has) some form of relationship with him. He had to admit he was kind of interested in his parents, for some reason— he doesn't even have their pictures! How is that possible in this era? Something had to be going on the background.

'Maybe the answer is hidden inside my basement.' Lin Wu joked, he knew the answer wasn't in the basement like a particular anime. As a matter of fact, he avoided the basement altogether because it gave off a dangerous aura.

"Are you listening to me?"

A sharp and regal voice brought Lin Wu back to Earth.

The first thing he saw was the crimson like blood eyes.

'You know, I was joking when I said that the old man would be replaced by a sudden transfer teacher who just happened to be mean and scold me for not doing my homework.'

Her dignified appearance with golden hair flowing down like a gentle river stream. Her mysterious yet dominant radiance that makes people subconsciously want to submit. Not to mention, her C-cup assets that no one could complain about, covered by her white shirt under her black blazers.

Gilgamesh, or her fake name 'Gilma,' curled up his blank history homework, titled "The Epic of Gilgamesh and its influence on the development of Culture Heroes," and smacked him on the head.

She then lightly smacked the other blondie with twin-tails next to him before taking out two buckets of water under the podium and one to each.

"Wait outside."

Lin Wu and Natsumi walked outside of the classroom, holding a bucket each, he heard Gilgamesh speak to the rest of the class before the class started to chuckle.

"It's my first day, and there are already two students who aren't doing their assignments. I hope it won't be like this for the rest of the year or we'll have to allocate budget to water and buckets." She sneered.

Lin Wu turned to the girl next to him, waiting by the halls staring at the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard.

The twin-tailed girl looked at the top of his head for a brief second before turning her cerulean blue eyes towards him, their eyes meeting.

Natsumi gave him a bright contagious smile.

"First time?" Lin Wu smiled back.

"Nope, won't be the last either dattebane!" Natsumi smiled as she accidentally let out her verbal tic.

The door slammed open as Gilgamesh walked out of the classroom and stared at them—no, at Natsumi.

"You're quite a specimen," she said to Natsumi as she then turned to Lin Wu, her eyes narrowing for a second before she continued, "You... whatever you are, I'm feeling generous today, go back and don't let this happen again."

Lin Wu was shocked. 'Wasn't she going to keep on scolding me?'

"Well? Get lost." She scowled before she turned back to Natsumi, her scowl quickly disappearing as if it had never appeared in the first place.

'Well, she's as snarky as always.' Lin Wu resigned as he quickly bowed and walked back into the classroom.

As he sat down after putting the bucket away, his ears perked as he started cringing.

'I want you.' He repeated what he heard as he started cringing even more.

'What are you? A chunni? Do you even hear what you're saying? Well, she did let me scot-free so I can't be rude to her...'

Twenty seconds later, Gilgamesh walked back into the room, followed by a blushing Natsumi.

The golden teacher turned to the class, quieting down the gossip.

"We'll now start World History. starting from the Old Babylonian Period, from 2000-1600 BC."

"But Gilma-sensei we're currently at the Sengoku peri—"

Before the class president could continue, 'Gilma' locked her gaze on her. The student stopped speaking as she looked down at her desk.

Surprisingly enough, 'Gilma' is a really good teacher as long as one phrased their question as respectfully as possible while looking interested in the subject.

'She's not too bad of a person.' Lin Wu summarized. He hadn't delved into the Fate universe, otherwise known as the Nasuverse, because whenever he reads the comment section of an episode, the fans would go into deep lore-related conversations that'll leave any casual watcher such as himself more confused than when he first started.

But he had to admit; he absolutely loved the character designs, especially some of the genderbend ones.

The class quickly ended, the second class is a free period meant for students to study. Each student went to their cliques as they started gossiping on the new history teacher.

"Do you know what happened to the old man? He was so nice, but I like this new teacher as well."

"I heard someone saw him walking home with gold bullions! But I guess it's to be expected, we're funded by big-name corporations after all."

"Apparently Gilma-sensei was caught arguing with the Emi-sensei!"

"Really? Emi-sensei is so nice! She even gave me tips on cooking for my boyfriend! I can't ever imagine her being mad..."

"Tips? She practically did the entire thing for you!"

"Pfft, semantics! Accusata scusata!"

"That's literally the only proverb you remember from Italian class!"

"I saw that Gilma-sensei bought a ticket to U.A.'s Sports Festival! Do you want to go as well?"

"Yeah, I've heard that they were going to do a new massive event! My parents told me that it was going to involve the U.A. students—including the famous Big Three seniors—, the Hero Association, and even us, the guests! I think the government will be issuing a country-wide notice too!"

"Hey, hey, Lin Wu." Without evening turning around, he knew who was poking him.


"You have soy sauce?"

"Yeah," Lin Wu quickly responded before reaching into his interspatial bag and took out a small container, "Here."

He lifted up the container just over his shoulder before a snow-white hand grabbed it.

A second later, the person started poking his back again.


"Yeah," Lin Wu reached for his bag again, taking out a jumbo-sized egg.

The eggs quickly disappeared from his hand as he heard the sound of them cracking.

And then the sound of chopsticks hitting porcelain soon followed after.


"Kagura," Lin Wu turned his posture around, his arms lying on the chair with his head resting on top, facing the girl behind him.

Vermillion red hair with contrasting ocean blue eyes. With fair and flawless skin similar to his, but with snow-white skin. Wearing a red cheongsam with yellow piping at around 160 cm, her vermillion red hair tied in two knots to the side of her head covered with ornaments.

Kagura, otherwise known as 'China girl,' age 16, a freshman at Kuoh Academy's High School Division.

"What?" The voice of the iconic Rie Kugimiya asked.

"Haven't your parents taught you to not talk while eating?"

Kagura stopped midway before adopting a thinking expression, "I think so?"

She then turned back to her food before her head snapped at him.

"Ah, Lin Wu!" She screamed as everyone in the class turned to her; they started gossiping to each other while pointing at Lin Wu.

"Yeah?" He ignored them; he's accepted that the 'misunderstanding' wouldn't disappear especially when 'someone', he rolled his eyes at a particular brown hair student, made such a big deal out of it. He can only shrug and laugh it off.

"You want something to drink?" She asked cutely.

"Huh? I thought your allowance was lower than mine." Kagura was even more of an impulsive buyer than he was!

"Don't worry about it." She waved it off.

"What?" Did the girl become rich overnight or something?!

"Wha... Water? Ooh! Watermelon! You want watermelon soda? Okay!" She misheard as she jumped off her chair, leaving her meal unfinished.

"Wait, get me a Wang Lao Ji... Actually, get me coffee! Any can do!" He yelled as half of her body had already left the room.

"I thought you don't drink coffee." She walked back in as she tilted her head in confusion.

"I'm trying it out." The coffee maker was still on sale! He'll buy it as soon as he gets his first paycheck or something!

"Whatever, watch my food for me!" She pointed at her food before sliding the door shut, immediately after she ran back in and grabbed her parasol—which had a similar design to that of his in his bag—that rested next to her chair and headed out.

Lin Wu looked at her oyakodon that almost finished. After thinking for a little bit, he took out a container of pre-cooked rice from his bag before dumping it on top of her porcelain bowl. After mixing them, he took out another jumbo-sized egg and cracked it open on top of the bowl before mixing it with soy sauce.

He wasn't that hungry since he had just eaten a big breakfast a while ago, he then pushed his chair away and combined their desks.

Kagura returned, his eyes widened as he stared at the stack of beverages she's holding, it practically covered her face!

She quickly walked up to the makeshift table and dropped everything down, some even rolling off the table!

"Ohhh, thanks for the food!" Kagura smiled as she smacked him on the back before resuming her early lunch.

"How come you got so much?" He pointed at the large pile of drinks. He couldn't even see Kagura at the other end!

"I dunno, I just got as much as I could carry." She said as she resumed eating.

"Did you... break the vending machine?"

"Can you pass me the vanilla-flavored milk, the one with the blue-green top half, yeah that one," She then caught the carton of milk tossed over the pile of beverages. "Oh, and yeah. Someone repaired it again so I figured might as well."

Kagura nonchalantly commented as she tossed over a brown carton labeled 'Cafe au Lait' by Rakunou Milk Company to Lin Wu.

"Wait, you were the one breaking the vending machines throughout the entire campus?" He caught the carton and opened it.

'How did she get past the invisible drones?!'

"Don't sweat the small stuff Lin Wu, that's why you'll never get a girl! You might go bald like Papi!"

"I can just buy love, you know?"

"Eoh?" She stopped chewing, "Whesmhsre?"

"In the convenience store."

"How mucgefgsh?"

"You want it? Why buy it when I can just give it to you for free?" Lin Wu joked as he tried to look as cool as possible, despite the pyramid of drinks blocking their view.

"Disgusting," Kagura said as she rolled her eyes, chewing even more obnoxiously, "Did you think that cheesy pickup line that probably comes from a second rate novel could make my heart go 'Doki-Doki' or something? Even Gin-chan's hidden magazines have better lines than that!"

Lin Wu laughed, "I'm just joking, China girl."

"Hehe, I know."

This is why he was fine with this new world.

The characters have 'life' in them.

They weren't 'basic,' characters with no depth to them. They reacted 'humanly,' for example if he were to flirt with a girl, they wouldn't blush and slowly start to fall in love, if anything—they'd be disgusted and creeped out! Maybe even snap a picture of him and spread it online!

The world wasn't centered around him, catering to his every need.

As a matter of fact, Lin Wu beleived that even if he were to die, the world would continue going on.

"Oh yeah, Kagura," Lin Wu started as he finished drinking.


"I thought you never do your homework, how did the new teacher not pick on you like me?"

"Oh, I just wrote in some random words, here," She said as she grabbed a Wang Lao Ji and threw it over the pyramid of drinks. After hearing the can open, she continued, "I don't think she's the type to check."

'Is this the legendary 'collect but never check' teacher?! Damn, I should've done that!'

"Anyway, did you take the money from the vending machine then?"

"Mami told me that stealing money is bad."

'But breaking stuff isn't?!'

Before they could continue their conversation, a soft but tomboyish voice chimed in.

"Umm, excuse me, may I join?"

*Changed Cover from Enel to the current one. No particular reason lol, just looks better




Please use the above link to see how the following characters look like:

-Female Gilgamesh

-Kagura (16)

-Female Naruto (you won't expect this)

Please check the link out, seriously.

Kagura is two years older at 16. Also, no, Shirou won't be a major character in this story (or even a side one), but something will happen.

Robot9001creators' thoughts
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