
Elementary spirit

Callisto was surprised why the beast in front of him was speaking to him "You are not normal, you are perhaps the god of beasts."

The monster began to laugh at Calisto's comment "I am not a God, in this area of ​​the continent there are no gods, I am an elemental spirit.

It was supposed to be the guide and guardian of what you call beasts, they were not beings that behave that way but two years ago we were attacked by amorphous beings.

They arrested me and I could see how they converted my people to beings without brains, in the end, I managed to free myself and kill the damn beings but I could not return my people to normal.

To prevent them from harming other species, they were sealed in the valley inside the mountain, but with the increase of the cold the seal broke and they were free.

There was not much I could do, I can only live in this place doomed to see how my people become more and wilder while they kill everything in their path. "

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