
Live and Let Live 2

When Daiki came back to his apartment from the hospital, the first thing he did was send someone to collect all the necessary tools for a professional mangaka. His daily schedule then became:

6-8- Running

8-8:30- Brunch

8:30-17:30- Draw Naruto

17:30-18:00- Dinner

18-sleep- Draw Naruto

*Every three days make sure to squeeze in some sex with Kaname or Ryouko(only in first week before she left for vacation)

This schedule persisted for three weeks everyday since his release.


'Finally I am finished!' Daiki finally finished writing his manga for Naruto and did it just a week before school resumes allowing him to take his time in deciding which publisher he should take it to.

[Quest Modification: Publish your manga at Shounen GonGon!]

[Additional Reward: Ban's Healing Blood]

'.....WHAT!?!! Ban's blood can essentially heal anyone from anything....to be able to acquire this reward would mean I could heal anyone of anything from a lost limb to deep seeded cancer!' Daiki feeling excited about this gathered the first 25 chapters of Naruto and left walking to Shounen GonGon.

Daiki continued walking on his way through the city taking in the scenery and the beautiful day. The sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze flowing through the air.

However, right when the publisher's building was in sight, he saw something somewhat upsetting.

In an alley, sitting down with her knees to her chest and looking downwards, was a young girl with long, blonde hair wearing a loose whit and pink dress that was torn and dirty. In fact, the girl herself wasn't very clean signifying she has been living on the streets and has been doing so for a while.

Daiki seeing this feels his heart starting to break at the scene. Unsure of what to do, but unable to leave the situation be Daiki walked towards the girl and crouched down in an attempt to make eye contact. However, this garners now response from the girl at all....actually she hasn't been moving at all!

Daiki quickly reaches out to touch the girls shoulder and shakes her a little finally getting a response. The girl raised her head and Daiki is shocked when he sees her face. Daiki knows exactly who this little girl is.

[God's Request: Greetings mortal, I am a god of another world. My name matters not as I will never contact you after this. The soul in front of you has lived a tortured life and when she finally found happiness, it eventually died away leaving her destitute and alone. I looked into several of her futures and saw in several of them the destruction of my world. That is why I transferred her to this world.....I know what you're thinking, but that is why I am giving you this task. Take care of her and create for her a new happiness. Do this and you shall be rewarded....in addition to preventing the destruction of your world. Byyyyyee~]

[Reward: ???????????]

Understanding the quest, Daiki was feeling compassionate (not towards that irresponsible god) and feels it was unnecessary. There was no way he was going to leave her to herself. Quest or not.

"Hello" Daiki said to her with a smile on his face.

She looks back at him with dead eyes that have lost their light and doesn't say anything.

Sighing Daiki thinks about what to do. He had a pretty good idea of what happened that resulted in her current state, but was hard pressed on how to get her out of it. Seeing no other choice Daiki decided he must do something to show he knows who she is.

Daiki gripped her mouth so that it would be open and scratched his thumb on her canines. Some life returned to her eyes as they widened in surprise at Daiki while she sucked on his thumb with some vigor. After five minutes of keeping his thumb pierced by her teeth, Daiki lightly hopped her on the head and told her, "Not so much, I won't let you devolve into losing your self-control. Now here's what is going to happen, you will live with me from now on and I will let you 'feed' once a month. Other than that you can have all the donuts you want. In fact, I'll set it up so they get regularly delivered to my apartment."

Her eyes brightened as much as possible while still retaining a deep, lingering depression. I smiled slightly and further explained, "If anyone asks our relationship will be that of me taking you in as my daughter, so you are not to change. Now I am on my way to secure income for my future. The question is are you going to accompany me to the publishers or will you reside in my shadow? Whichever you are more comfortable with."

She looked at me. Then my shadow and back at me. She got up grabbed my hand and squeezed it with enough strength that it could crush concrete. However for my hand the muscle itself didn't even yield under her grip.

She looked at me shocked, then nodded and walked towards my shadow and descended into it. Just before she was completely absorbed into it I heard a small whisper, ".....thank you".

With a sigh and a small smile I get up and continue to make my way to Shounen GonGon.

I enter into the building and head towards the front desk.

"Hello I am here to submit my mags for publishing" I say to the receptionist.

She looks at me and is stunned for a moment by my body as I haven't had the time to by new clothes as all of my clothing has been very tight on me. Thereby leaving little to nothing to the imagination. Thankfully, all my pants are very loose so I'm not displaying my hose to every single person in the streets. There's families out here!

"Hmm, I will call down one of our editors to meet you."

I thank her and walk to the waiting area and sit.

After 30 minutes, a blonde woman with twintails and a grey pantsuit came out and greeted me, "Hello, I am Otosuna Mihari. I was told you would like to submit your manga for publishing?"

She stops momentarily admiring me as she gets a good look at me, but quickly composed herself.

I nodded at her and said, "Yes in fact I have written a manga in full and have already completed it. However, I have only brought the first 25 chapters to give you a good understanding of the plot and the quality."

She raised an eyebrow at that and asked,"and how many chapters is your manga?"


Mihari looked at me in shock and asked, "Are you serious?"

I nodded and she then with shaky hands carefully pulled out my manga to read it. This was because of the manga was of high enough quality this company may just be saved.

-1 hour earlier-

A green haired little girl wearing an oversized shirt stood at the head of a long table lined with manga editors.

"Okay people here's the situation with Shounen Jump hosting to people like Muti Ashirogi and Nizuma Eiji we appear to be on a decline while they rise. If this goes on all the good mangaka will go to Jump and won't even give us a second glance.....so...what do we got?"

The person speaking was not a little girl, but in fact the chief editor of Shounen GonGon, Minano Matome.


"Seriously guys anything?"

One editor at the end of the table spoke up and said, "I've got a manga about a flying hippo wearing a tutu-"


Nobody even looked at him with sympathetic eyes because they were too shocked that someone was dumb enough to pitch such a manga.

"Seriously nobody else?...."

'This company is so screwed'


Mushroom is currently flipping through the pages at ridiculous speeds and it can be seen she is vigorously enjoying my work. Although it is not mine so to say I still felt a bit smug about it and thought 'yeah that's what a real manga is'. Having read some of this worlds manga I was not very impressed. There were some okay works in Jump. But everything else was textbook mediocrity.

She is finally finished and then looks towards me with burning eyes. "Please let us publish your manga."

"That was my intent, however even though it's done I would still like to release it weekly bit by bit. Furthermore, we need to discuss the contract. Also I will be coming back in a few days with chapters for a different manga and will be working on that while you simultaneously release Naruto." I was planning on utilizing the fairy tail Manuscript as soon as possible. I wasn't planning on being a mangaka forever. In the end it is only to inspire others, subsequently raising the bar and overall quality of manga nationwide. "Also I will be needing assistants when that does happen. But enough of that for now I would like to begin discussing terms of the contract."

"Yes lets do that.....how do we do that?" Mihari asks with a straight face causing me to sweat drop.

"Uuuuhh is this your first time."

Maintains the same face Mihari remains silent, but becomes bright red.

I sigh, "Okay okay just call your superior and you can get some experience while I can get signed on."

She nods and thanks me. Then goes off to call for her boss.

Five minutes pass and I see the elevator doors opening signaling she may have returned, but before they even finished opening a blur sped out from the elevator heading towards me.

With Goku's Battle Experience [GBE] I was able to see her clearly, but what I saw still stunned me.

Just to clarify MCs Blood is not pure melted Adamantium it is simply instead of Iron he has Adamantium not really much of a benefit besides the fact that he has basically and unending supply of Adamantium.

NovelMonstercreators' thoughts
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