
I Wonder Why?

I haven't always had this thing for just plain and simple words on a page. That is why I most always shy away from those paperback novels regardless of genre.

It was to the point that when I come across those types of books and the like, no matter how interesting the title seemed to me, I would glance it over, maybe skim across a page or two return it back to the shelf and move on. It was like that for a greater part of my time until I came across online novels.

It was not as if it wasn't a struggle at first. But unlike those books that I would just skim through and pass on by, with these online stories I actually took the time to get the hang of and it's not like the stories were any different from those books that I would skim through and pass in by - I mean they're still words on a page just accessed through a different medium, and yet I was drawn into them like a moth to the flame.

This is just something I wanted to get off my head. But truly I have always wondered. Why?

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