
Chapter 5: The Trials of a King 4/9

When Dante woke up, he saw that he was laying down on a bench. When he sat up, he saw a young man in his late teens, early twenties, leaning against a wood fence. The young man was kind of short for his age, he had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. This was Prompto from FFXV. "Yo. I was wondering how long you were going to sleep princess." 'Prompto' had a very cheerful demeanor. Dante looked at him and said, "I know that you are not Prompto. My guess is that this is the Trial of the Clever and you took this form to help me relax and because he was a gunslinger from Noctis' age, right?" Prompto gave him a big smile and said, "Man you are spot on. I was hoping to at least give you a bit of trouble figuring things out. Anyways, you are right this is the Trial of the Clever and as my weapon suggest this will be a shooting contest, you are free to use any weapon, but you can only fire once." Dante gave the king a long sigh and said, "Alright. So where is our target?" The king gave another smile, "I'm so glad you asked. It is right this way, come on." Dante doubted that he would be able to treat this seriously if the king continued to act this way. When they arrived, Dante was somewhat surprised that the target was a Dragon. "You have got to be kidding me?" Dante looked at the king with an annoyed expression. "No kidding. Want you to kill this Dragon with one shot from any weapon that is a gun, crossbow, or regular bow. Now then, chop, chop!" The king clapped his hands to emphasize his point. Dante just gave a frustrated sigh and gave the Dragon a long look examining every part of it. That's when he noticed something, the Dragon wasn't breathing, and its eyes were glossed over, meaning it was already dead. Dante gave a smirk and pulled out Ebony and Ivory and set them down in front of the king. The king gave Dante a curious look. "I thought I told you to kill the Dragon, why are you setting down your guns?" Dante gave the king a smirk, "Why should I waste a bullet on something already dead?" The king had a surprised, he had made this test as a trick, a very good one. Hell, he had even fooled the True King Noctis with this test years ago, but here comes this kid who didn't even take thirty minutes to figure it out. He gives Dante an embarrassed smirk, "Well I'll be damned, you didn't even take half an hour to figure out a test that managed to fool every other king minus the Oracle who can read life signs. Well, a deals' a deal. You now have my power, just make sure that you never miss with it." With one final smirk the king turned into a crystal two-handed crossbow and entered Dante. Feeling the coma coming Dante muttered, "I will never get used to this shit." As the world went white.

This time when Dante woke up, he wasn't greeted by a king's projection, instead he was laying on a stone floor. When he stood up, he saw that like the floor, the walls and ceiling are made out of stone. He noticed a scroll on the ground with a small tent-shaped note that read: 'To Dante. Please read the scroll. Sincerely Wandering King.'

When Dante picked up the scroll it read:


Hello Dante,

I am the Wandering King. You may or may not be wondering why I did not meet you with a projection like some of the kings, well I did so because I believe that one must find treasure not simply do a minor labor and receive it. Your task is to navigate this everchanging labyrinth. The walls and chambers will alternate every five hours, you are permitted to use anything you wish to help you traverse the labyrinth. If you look to your right there will be a black stone in contrast to the normal grey and white ones, behind this stone are some tools that might help you in your task. I will also mention that in this labyrinth there are some monsters, but I doubt it will be anything you can't handle. Also, before you try the walls are indestructible. One final tip, I will be waiting at the end of the labyrinth for you with your reward. See you then.

------------------------------------------Wandering King.--------------------------------------------------

When Dante finished reading the letter it erupted in flames and burned to ashes. Looking to his right he saw the stone the king mentioned. When he pulled it out, he found a compass, a blank sheet of parchment paper, a pencil, a knife, a ball of golden string, and a bag to hold it all in. Dante put away all of the items minus the knife and string. When he turned around, he saw a wall and decided to try something. He kicked the wall with a good amount of force, but it did nothing. 'Guess it couldn't be that easy huh?' he thought to himself with a smirk. He grabbed the knife and cut three strips off the string and braided them together. When he saw that his attempt to make rope was successful, he put the rope in his pocket and started walking.

After a while Dante finally found a dead end, he gave a helpless smile and sigh before turning around. It had been three and a half hours since he started. How did he know? Well one of the things he found out when he started his journey is when he first pulled out the compass when he was a cross road. He found a button on it and to Dante's surprise it turned into a wrist watch and he was able to keep track of time. He also discovered a few other things about the tools the king gave him. First, the parchment, when Dante flips the page up it becomes a notebook with an infinite number of pages. Second, the pencil never runs out of lead or dulls. Third, the knife is the only thing that can mark the walls. Lastly, the ball of string, it never runs out of string. With these discoveries his path through the labyrinth was made much easier due to this. He only came across a few monsters, such as a pack of minotaur, a group of slimes, and a few drakes, you know nothing special. He had been making marks on the corners of halls he had traversed. He had also been leaving a trail of string. Its base is back at the start of the labyrinth. Seeing his first attempt failed Dante decided to finish this before the labyrinth shifted. Turning around he sprinted off, but if anyone else was there they would have only seen an afterimage.

Dashing through the halls Dante was going so fast that his steps were only heard after he had been ten steps further. Left, right, straight, left, right, right, dead end, turn around, left, right, dead end, turn around, straight, straight, left, left, right, right, left, straight, straight, straight, left, right, left, and jackpot! After running for another hour Dante finally found the end of the labyrinth, but he didn't just make a mad dash for because he could sense a Naga hiding on the ceiling. {[A Naga is a snake-like creature that has snakes for hair and a female human face with snake eyes.]} As he was about to pass under the creature Dante jumped up and sliced off its head before it could cause any trouble. Seeing that there were no more interruptions and that he only had twenty-five minutes, Dante mad a dash to the finish at a speed that would make the Flash shit bricks. When he reached the end, he saw that there was only a stone door, when he opened the door, he saw a pedestal with a parchment on it. Dante read it and it said:


Hello once again Dante,

This is the Wandering King again. I wanted to say congratulations on reaching the end, and in record time. It took Noctis a week to figure this place out, anyway, you are probably wanting to know why my weapon isn't there right? Well, I wanted to make you read this, so I will automatically transfer it to you after you read this and before you move on. Once again good job and I look forward to where you will take those blades of mine. Remember Dante, a man's journey is never over until he is in his grave, so stay curious.


----------------------------------------Wandering King-----------------------------------------------------

When Dante finished reading the letter, he saw it burn to ash like the first and saw that the pedestal was glowing with a bright light. When it finished shining, he turned to see a large siege weapon, it almost looked like a bow if one of the ends wasn't a blade. What surprised Dante is that before entering him the blade split into two in the middle and the individual blades looked like large daggers, but the blade bends over and covers the handles. Once the blades entered him, he sat down and waited for the world to go white, and as expected it did.

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