
Chapter 1:

"You have been chosen to reincarnate into a world of your choosing with a new name, new body, new life. You are able to generate any body your desired form and minus asking for the ability to become a god you can ask for anything. So, what do you say?" The woman looked at Michel with clear expectation. As for Michel he was contemplating on what to wish for before he made up his mind.


World: High-school DXD

Name: Dante Grood

Body: Dante (Dante from DMC 4)

Wish 1: Have a sacred gear that works like Noctis's armiger from Final Fantasy XV.

Wish 2: In his sacred gear include all of the weapons from the 4th and 5th DMC games that includes Dante (from game) and Virgil. With no limit.

Wish 3: Instant mastery of all weapons, martial arts, magic, and abilities.


When the woman heard his wishes, she smiles because she knows that Michel loved the DMC games because the MC (Main Character) lived his whole life with cursed blood but still lived a life of cracking jokes and smiling. After confirming that he didn't want to alter any of his wishes she said, "All of your request has been accepted and because of your desired body you have been made into a Nephilim like the original, also I have removed Issie Houydou from the world and have made you his replacement, as a result you will also be getting his boosted gear. Also, since I removed Issie I also replaced his parents with more suitable ones. Now then, I wish you luck in your new life, Dante." With this everything went white for Michel or now Dante.


When Dante felt things settle down he felt a sharp pain on his bottom and started crying as his body felt overly sensitive. "Ah! It seems he has an excellent set of lungs madam. I suspect he will be quite the looker when he grows up." Dane tried to open his eyes and when he did he saw that he was being carried by a young nurse. "Let me see my baby boy." When Dante heard this, he saw a woman on the bed with her arm extended but what shocked Dante is that she had a beautiful figure, with pearl white skin, slender arms, and a face that would put a goddess to shame, but what really caught Dante's attention is her blue eyes and platinum-white hair. When the nurse handed Dante to the woman assumedly his mother he saw her give him a look that could only be described as unrelenting love. "Hello my son, my Dante." Her calm bell-like voice made Dante feel something he only experienced once with Rose a long time ago. For the second time in his life he felt safe and loved. With this he gave his mother a long look before smiling and drifting off to sleep.

In the middle of the night Dante woke up hungry and decided to act like a baby and started crying to get his mother's attention. Not long after his mother came in and started to breast-feed him, when he finally drank his fill he gave a small smile and went back to sleep.

<<Time Skip-7 years>>

First thing in the morning one day you could see a young boy running around his house like he is running laps, he had a lean figure and white hair. This was Dante, when he turned two he convinced his mother that he needed to be strong so that he can protect her, so he began his training. Now that he was seven his regimen consisted of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 20km run, and standing while holding buckets of water on his arms for up to 2 hours. After is followed with various martial arts practicing with his shadow. If any normal person saw this they would think that he was a monster, but for Dante this was a regular thing. After he finished and was cleaning up he heard his mother call him in for breakfast. "Okay mom just let me clean up and take a quick shower!" he called back. When he took off his clothes you could see that his while body was lined with muscles, but he wasn't buff. On the contrary, of you never saw his figure you would think that he is scrawny and very weak. Dante and his mother loved in a small two-bedroom, one-bathroom house in Queens, New York. When he came down for breakfast, he saw his beautiful mother dressed in a white summer dress with an apron. Growing up he learned that his mother's name is Eve Grood, her husband named Sparda Grood disappeared shortly after her pregnancy was confirmed. Whenever Dante asked about Sparda Eve would always brush it off or change the subject. "Morning mom. Breakfast looks delicious as usual." Giving Eve a kiss on the cheek he sat down and started eating his breakfast that consisted of eggs, rice, fish, and miso soup. This was the same thing as always, but Dante never complained because he knew that his mother made it with love, something his last mother never gave him. After he finished eating he saw his mother beckon for him to sit next to her in their living room, "Dante I know that you always wanted to know about your father, so I decided to tell you as it may save your life one day. First, I should tell you that not only humans exist in this world. There are humans, angels, fallen-angels, devils, demons, and dragons along with a few others. Your father was named Sparda, the Demon King. Since he knew that demons were so dangerous he used his powers to seal off the demon world forever, afterwards he became as mortal as the average human. One day when I was looking for a job I met him in a store, when some thugs tried to rob the store one of them took an interest in me because of my looks. Knowing what was going to happen to me I tried to escape but before I could Sparda stood up and beat the man and his accomplice. After he just made sure I was okay before leaving saying 'I just didn't want to watch something like that when I know I can stop it.' After that I ran into him a few times and slowly we started to develop feelings for each other. When we finally became a couple, he decided to trust me and showed me the truth regarding the other races and himself. When he showed me his true form I was surprised, and he almost mistook my surprise for fear and actually tried to leave, but I stopped him and proved to him that I truly loved him. We later got married and soon we discovered that I was pregnant, and he told me that he had to go away so that we could be safe as your presence is seen as a taboo, but we weren't ashamed. I was sad knowing that I might not ever see him again, but I also knew that it was necessary for you to live happy. You are the son of Eve and Sparda Grood, the strongest Nephilim to ever walk the earth and I want you to always remember that you are not a monster, you are a miracle." Eve finished with a loving look in her eyes and waited for Dante to take everything in, she knew that Dante was abnormally intelligent for someone his age. Dante gave a sigh, "I understand now. Thank you for telling me mom, but why did you tell me now?" While Dante had a curious look, Eve had a depressed one, "Your father left you two swords and a pair of pistols so that you could protect yourself and recently the swords woke up meaning that we have been discovered. This means that soon a group of very powerful demons will come here to kill you. I decided that I should tell you everything now so that you can be prepared, I know that I will not survive but I can guarantee your survival. Come with me to my room, only you can touch your fathers' gifts, it was a failsafe to prevent them from being stolen before you could wield them." With this Eve stood up and gestured for Dante to follow. He followed behind her with a calm demeanor but internally he was getting ready to explode. 'HOW DARE THEY!!!' He was fuming, and his demonic energy was almost leaking out, a bit more and, he would unlock a psuto-devil trigger state. When they reached Eve's room she opened up her closet and pressed a few buttons, soon Dante saw the closet open up to reveal a silver claymore with a skull and bones on the hilt, a white katana with blue accents, and a set of pistols, one white and the other black. "The claymore is called Rebellion, the katana Yamato, the white pistol is Ivory, and the black one Ebony." Eve clarified. When Dante approached the weapons, they started to shake almost in excitement, and they shot toward Dante blade/barrel first. Instead of impaling Dante they turned into red and white lights and went into his body. When Dante turned to Eve she was beaming with smiles and said, "I guess that means they accept you now. You need to get used to them soon because I give a max of three years before the demons catch us. I expect you to work hard my son." Dante looked up at his mother with a cold resolve, "Yes mother. Even if I cannot save you I will destroy those monsters and avenge you. Now then, I guess I need to take my training up a notch." Eve smiled at Dante and thought, 'Sparda, our son is going to do great things. He may even surpass you one day. I look forward to it.'

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