
Chapter 3: Desperation

Somewhere in the City of Dalisi

September 20, 2021 C.Y.

1255 Hours

The men of of the 51st Greyhounds encountered heavy fire from the enemy in the City of Dalisi that noon. The men were dug inside an abandoned building where the enemy attempted to encircle them. The enemy were relentless on their assaullt. The Lieutenant and his men were what remained of the thirty-man task force that entered the city.

Task force taffy remained undetected by the enemy, they are hiding and observing from afar, keeping track of the progress that Lieutenant Luis Alfonso and his men had made so far. Captain Lucas who can be identified by his dark complexion, wearing a sleeveless vest carrying his rifle spits on the ground. He couldn't believe that the best of the country faced trouble in the hands of second-rate terrorists.

Simon "the Jackal" Robertson recommended to withdraw from the battlefield and leave the Greyhounds to their fate. Captain Lucas however refused what Simon had recommended and followed Jill, his right hand in the mission who suggested to help their counterparts in the Republic of Easting Army.

Captain Lucas decided to move out and take the highest vantage point in the city. He orders his men to move swiftly, keeping an eye of the enemy around the area. He then stopped after moving for a hundred of meters ordered his men to take cover. He saw two enemies who were patrolling the area. He scanned the area first to find an opening which he did to his right. He found a narrow path which leads the the building and told his men to follow him.

"Enemy dead ahead!" Captain Lucas said and hid behind cover to prevent from being detected.

He coordinated his team through hand signals, assigning each and everyone of them targets. After that he began to move after seeing an opportunity. Captain Lucas fastly rushed towards the unsuspecting enemy and swiftly stabbed him from behind of his neck. He covered his mouth muffling his screams while the other of his teammates did the same on their assigned targets.

"You haven't rusted a bit eh?" A young Sargeant who was following next to him complemented their Captain.

"Is everything clear?" Captain Lucas asked his comrades behind of him.

"Clear!" Each and everyone of them said in order.

"These guys are amateurs!" Captain Lucas said mocking on their counterparts. "I cannot believe the disservice they have committed today." He referred to the Greyhounds who were pinned down below their position.

After confirming that the area is clear Task force Taffy occupied the building. They looked for the Greyhound's position and spotted them at least two kilometers away from their position. Captain Lucas then orders his subordinate Matthews to deploy a UAV to observe the area where the Greyhounds were positioned.

After confirming of their location, Captain Lucas contacted Lieutenant Alfonso who is still pinned down on the building and said.

"This is Task Force Taffy, be glad that you have an oracle watching your back. It seems like you got yourselves encircled. What shall we do to help?" He jested on the Lieutenant.

Hearing the transmission from Task Force Taffy, Luis felt relief which was immediately turned to anger and replied to Captain Lucas and said.

"I would like to punch you in the face, wherever you are! But be glad that I have my hands full right now."

After their small talk, Task Force Taffy saw an opportunity for the Greyhounds to escape. Captain Lucas advises Lieutenant Alfonso to maneuver from his position. He then directed Lieutenant Alfonso's team to move fifty meters south of their position and then to the right. He can use the ruins for cover.

Seeing no other viable solution, Lieutenant Alfonso did as what Captain Lucas advised. At the south of their position there were only few terrorists who were around the area. Lieutenant Alfonso sent his two remaining men who were equipped with Exoskeleton Armored Unites who engaged and eliminated the enemy easily, deflecting the rounds that fired against them and destroying them with superior firepower.

The men of the 51st Greyhounds made progress in their escape, destroying every enemy they see that oppose them until a terrorist with an R.P.G. encountered them.

"R.P.G. at three o'clock!" One of Lieutenant Alfono's men detected too late and fired retaliatory shots at the enemy.

The rocket fired but missed the two leading Exoskeletons but managed to injure the operator inside due to impact. Seeing this the men of Task Force Taffy who were observing were worried. Knowing that the Greyhounds were in a pinch this time, Simon "the Jackal" Robertson grabbed a sniper rifle and tried to help them who were pinned down once more.

Captain Lucas took away Simon's rifle and shook his head, "We can't compromise our position. Enemy Snipers are around! Unless help arrives, we cannot expose ourselves."

Jill continues to watch the situation from her binoculars. She sees the Greyhounds who are sitting ducks once again as the enemy tries to once more encircle them. The situation proves to be disadvantageous to them and to make matters worse, the enemy is familiar to the terrain.

At the nick of time the sound of bombs dropping from the air was heard from above, huge explosions suddenly followed as shockwaves rocked near the location of the Greyhounds. The men of Task Force Derby of the Greyhounds cheered as their beacon of hope arrived to save the day. The enemy was in disarray after the first wave of airstrikes terrorized their positions.

The men of Task Force Taffy sighs in relief seeing the turn of events. They were happy that their counterparts made it but they know that their ordeal is far from over.

"What shall we do now Captain?" Jill asked her superior officer facing him.

Captain Lucas lights a cigarette from his pocket and calmly puffs a smoke to the air. Jill shrugs her shoulders in reply whle Jackal distastefully remarks on the men of the Greyhounds hiding his worries for them.

"That airshow may have save their asses but doesn't mean that their ordeal is far from over!"

Captain Lucas and his men hearing this laughed at Jackal who in response turned his cheek, raised his arms in the air and walks away. He may not show it but Simon "the Jackal" Robertson is the person to show compassion to his counterparts, especially to their times of need.

After leading his men to safety, Lieutenant Alfonso sighed in relief and was extracted safely back to base. He admits that it is a rough day for them and almost got himself killed but realizes that it is not yet the time for them. He got lucky this time and realizes that if it weren't for the help of Task Force Taffy he would have been long gone that day.

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