
I was in junior high school.

"Never mind, Our Little Harley looks exceptional without makeup." AG stepped forward, "Let me have a look."

AG took the bag from her hand and kept aside, Then held her both hands and complimented. "Beautiful!"

Sky's lips curled up. AG swung her hands left which made her twirl once. A light flashed on them, Sky turned towards the source of light. Her dad was holding a camera.

"Dad!" Sky looked at her dad.

"Hey, David, let me see." AG ran towards David.

'Hey, David?' Sky looked at them confusedly. 'Are they close? why didn't I notice when they were talking to each other.'

"Do you guys know each other?" Sky asked as she took the camera from them.

"Yes, we know each other." Both said in a unison.

"Oh! That's the reason behind this great hospitality." Then she checked her picture.

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