
Boy With Luv k.th

Música e Bandas
Contínuo · 56K Modos de exibição
  • 14 Chs
  • Avaliações
  • NO.200+

Rowan is an average American girl who takes a trip to Korea and gets a once in a life time chance. Life changes and emotional struggles come one after another but is it all worth it?

Chapter 1Chapter 1

After saving for months I was finally getting on the plane to South Korea. I was so excited. For starters I have never been on a vacation before, let alone go to one of my favorite countries.

I looked out the window listening to music until I fell asleep.


Exiting the airport I immediately went to the hotel where I would be staying for two weeks. I set my phone on the charger and took a shower. The flight was long and tiring but I wanted to jump right into. Seoul was beautiful and I wanted to see as much as I could.

After I was done, I dried my hair, redid my makeup, changed and everything before grabbing my things and heading out the door. Korea was even more beautiful in person then seeing pictures and videos. The scenery, the architecture, and the culture was just amazing. I had been reading and looking at pictures for so long, but to actually see all of it in person was breath taking.

My father's martial arts master, who was considered his 'Korean father' was from Korea and told me so much about it. These two weeks were going to be amazing.


I had taken so many pictures, sent so many videos back home, and spent so much money of stuff here it was insane. I had been here a week and as much fun as I had been having it was kind of boring. I hadn't met any locals, I hadn't go to any major attractions like theme parks or such, I just went places and took pictures with my camera.

"So have you done anything other than take pictures and stuff?" My sister, Stephanie, asked me as we facetimed each other. It was about 1 in the afternoon here and close to 11 at night there.

"I mean what else can I do by myself?" I asked her.

"You like music there. See if there's a concert or something. Go to a festival, park, something fun. If you don't you're gonna be upset."

"I know. I'll find something, I promise."

"Alright. Well it's getting late and have school in the morning."

"Alright. Get some sleep. I'll talk to you later."

"Ok." Then we hung up.

I looked up at the window and saw it was a nice day out. Sunny and had a slight breeze, perfect for going to a park and enjoying it.

I had been walking around for a while, I left over an hour ago and thought about what my sister said. My phone went off and I saw my sister's name pop up again. I sat on a near by bench and answered the call.

"Can you sing that one song? Someone's having a hard time sleeping." She asked. I said of course and sang the Serendipity by BTS' Jimin. A song that I knew well and always did the trick.

I've sang this song several times and it worked just like it always had. After I was done my sister thanked me, we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.

After I hung up I was approched by a man who sat next to me. He introduced himself and I did the same. He spoke english very well and I was thankful for it.

"Do you sing often?" Si-Hyuk asked me.

"I do. When I get the chance."

"Do you speak Korean or only the song?"

"I'm currently working on it. I don't too much time to sit and learn at home."

"Busy back home?"

"I am yes. I managed to save up and come out here."

"Do you like it so far? Korea?"

"I do. I really enjoy it here."

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"I've just been doing this vacation day by day."

"Would you be interested in coming to my office tomorrow? There's someone I would like you to meet."


"I would really like for you to meet me there. Just to talk about an opportunity."

"I'll think about it. Thank you." He nodded his head, said goodbye and left the park. It definitely was weird. He didn't really say anything about what opportunity or any details at all for that matter. I would talk to my sister about it later.


It was about 10 in the morning the next day so about 8 at night back home.

"I mean you're a carful person Ro. If you don't think it's something to worry about then don't go."

"Maybe I should see the building or something and go from there?"

"Do that then. If you think something's off then go back to the hotel."

"Alright. I'm gonna go ahead and head there then. I'll call you later ok?"

"Alright." Then I hung up, grabbed my stuff and headed out.


I arrived at the address I was given and was shocked that it was Big Hit Entertainment. The last place I was expecting to go to. I walked over to the front door and rang in. I explained to the person who answered who I was meeting with and they let me in. Giving me directions to his office. It was surreal being there. I obviously knew about the company because BTS was becoming a big hit back home currently.

I arrived at the office and saw that the man I had actually talked to was one of the CEO's of the company, Hitman Bang. I felt I was dreaming right now. After gathering all of this in my head I knocked on the door. His response was in Korean so I wasn't sure if he was telling me to come in or asking who I was. I simply announced myself and he told me to come in.

I came in and he asked me to have a seat in front oh his desk. I did and continued to look around in awe. I was still in disbelief. How was I here? Was this real? I had to be dreaming right? My train of thought was interrupted when he spoke again.

"I'm glad you came here. I was afraid you wouldn't." I let out a nervous laugh.

"I wasn't given many details so part of me assumed I was walking into a kidnapping." He let out laugh before continuing.

"My apologies for that. I wanted to make sure I knew what I was going to propose before you came." He paused before getting out a few papers from a folder. "Have you thought of becoming a part of our trainee program?"

"Trainee program? Like become an-"

"Idol. Yes. I heard you yesterday and I had a great idea. I wanted you in this program."

"I-I." I didn't know what to say. "Sir, I'm only hear for a few more days. I have a job and family back home."

"I can bring who you need here and I can also get you a work visa. We can take care of all of that. As for work, I'm offering you a job. There's a group I want you to join. Crash course training and hard work but I guarantee you will debut." I sat back in my chair. This was completely unreal. Move to Korea? "I have a group that's willing to help you with training as well. So you have more people to work with. They're here if you want to meet them. Talk with them. Get a feel for this before you think it over."

"Sure." He stood up and I followed him out of his office. We came to big open room with a wall of mirrors and seven people were there. One turned around and I recognized him as RM from BTS. Shortly after they all looked this way.

"Boys. This is Rowan. The girl you're helping mentor."

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