
#Chapter 5: The Last Two Stone to recover

[Esmeralda's POV]

Im Too late, The abyss got the highest number of stones and now im chasing after the last two.

i need to go now and find the fourth Stone at the Celestial Palace.

Lunox Sacrificed herself and trapped her self inside the twilight orb to balance every thing, but it failed.

i need to separate the stones in order to seal again The Great Conquerer.

but now, im too late the three other stones are at the hands of the Dark Abyss.

They will soon attack the celestial palace to get the fourth stone.

and if they got the fifth stone, its doom for all of us.

"Esmeralda, Where are you going?" Fanny Asked while tapping my shoulders.

i couldnt move because of guilt.

"He-- Help me." I whispered to her with my tears falling down through my eyes.

she smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"Everything will be okay Esmeralda." She explained as i stood infront of her.

"Come on girls, we need to hurry." Hanabi said while walking toward us.



[Miya's POV]

I know i should not follow them, but i feel safer when i see him.

its like he is the perfect king for the kingdom.

"H-- Hey! stop stalking us." Alucard shouts as he and harith stopped walking.

"How? how did you know that im following you?" i asked.

"its obvious, im a demon hunter and my senses are great!" He explained turning his face at my hiding spot.

" Alucard! please we need to hurry! i need to go to the Moniyan Empire!" Harith Shouts as he pulls alucards leather jacket.

i walked towards them holding my bow in my right hand.

"Want to join us?" He Said.

"Yeah." I Replied and started to walk with them.

"Its so sad to say but, this fella right here lost his family." Alucard said pointing at the child on his left side.

"ohhh, is he a leonin?" i asked.

"Yeah, Not the last kind but i know that he is special than the others." he replied while smiling.

we talked and talked untill we reached the walls of the moniyan empire.

i was amazed on what ive seen.

Im finally seeing the extraodinary.

and i saw the next king of our kingdom.

We walked to go through the gates and as we entered the Moniyan Empire i feel Free and Safe.

maybe it is because of the wall sorrounding the Palace.

"Lets Go to Tigreals Lair." Alucard said while grabbing my hand thight.

He opened the door and barged in.

"Alucard? what happened?" The Mighty Tigreal Asked as He walk towards us.

"Its about the leonins, They were captured and the only one left is this little fella here." Alucard said with a high tone of his Voice.

"Whats your name Leonin?" Tigreal asked to the little Leonin.

"I----i-- i am Ha--- ha-- harith." The little leonin said.

"Harith my child, youll be safe here." Tigreal comforted harith as he touched the young leonins head. "Nana! Bring harith to the room and give hime some new clothes." Tigreal shouts as the little cute girl came and grabbed Hariths hand.

"Lets go! Im Nana and This is Molina!" The little Girl introduced her self and her pet/Friend.

"I need to go Alucard i have someone to talk." Tigreal said while walking away.

"Miya, Lets go outside and walk for a moment?" He asked me out and started to hold my hand.

"Its My pleasure." I replied giving the new king a smile.

<=== To Be Continued

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