

"My name is... Disharmony." It was a play on my previous name since I couldn't call myself the same person as 'Harmony' anymore... Who knows? She might have died in the same timeline Bob did.

"What concept do you rule over?" The Spacial Beast continued interrogating me without end. It was to the point that a large portion of the Demonic Beasts she brought were returned home.

"Pardon?" What was that supposed to mean?

"The Elemental Gods rule over Attributes regarding nature, the Metal God rules over power formed through refinement, and the Blood God has powers just as its name implies. You, what is the Attribute you rule over?" This gave me a idea of the answer.

"Destruction." My Ability Cores within me fused together, allowing her to sense changes outwardly.

If Skill Roots normally manifested outwardly, then Ability Cores manifested as part of the user.

[Ability Core- Arm of the Destruction God]

The form it took was similar to the one it had once manifesting as my Skill Root. The light half of my body suddenly had its arm turn grey, allowing the power of destruction to fluctuate on top of it.

Even though the Spacial Beast was strong, she didn't look down on my ability as the Demonic Beasts surrounded me. They seemed to be under the impression that they could protect that Spacial Beast should I try to destroy everything in sight.

It was a useless thought on their part. There was nothing that could stop the power of Destruction.

"So you are a 'Destruction God'?"

"I consider myself a 'Goddess'."

"You don't look like fema-" I made my spiritual body grow boobs and changed my bodily shape.

Now I looked no different from a female Enigma.

"Ahem, you were saying?" I even added long hair on top on my spiritual body's head for the final touch. Even though I was just an outline, it was hard to call me 'Male' with such a fine figure.

"Forget it. You, follow my instructions or die here."

"What do you want?"

"Lend me your power for the Holy War."

"Is that all you want?" I held some doubt. My eyes turning to look at a strange genie that was floating not far from her. I didn't know why, but the Attribute of this person was too strange.

I couldn't even grasp what it was.

"I agree." I gave her a nod and let myself be captured for the sake of her not touching the village. It didn't look like she had anything against the village itself as she brought me away.

Through teleportation, I arrived in front of a throne where the Spacial Beast sat with prideful eyes.

"You are the Beast Empress...?"

"I'm surprised you didn't know. Aren't you a Beast as well? Have you not been in touch with society?"

"About that... I've been living amongst Humans for quite some time." I tried to hold back my shock.

"How boring. Take him to the dungeons."

"Wait!" I couldn't let myself be confined. If I was going to stay here, then I wanted my freedom.

"What do you want?" She asked me suspiciously.

"Please allow me personal freedom."

"Your Majesty, this creature shouldn't be confined elsewhere..." The genie spoke up as well.

Was it trying to help me out?

"...It should be killed right here!"

"..." Scratch that, this bloody genie wants me dead!

"I disagree." Another voice spoke out from beside the Beast Empress as he stroked his whiskers.

The humanoid Cat Beast must be an Advisor considering how he looks and talks to the Empress.

This absurd situation was so funny~

"What are you laughing at?" The genie looked at me with blatant killing intent for all to see.

"Nothing. I just thought everything was dumb. I'm not even sure what I want to do anymore. Hehe, Hahahaha~" This situation was so hilarious~ Ha, Hahahaha~ I cant, I can't stop laughing~

"Silence!" The Spacial Beast ordered, but my laughter seemed to reach beyond common sense.

I couldn't help but feel emotional. Even though I was thrown back in time, I couldn't stay with the person and talk to the one guy I've been wanting to interact with whatsoever. Instead, I've gotta talk to these Beasts who essentially just kidnapped me.

[Spacial Art- Imperial Suppression!]

[Main Skill- Magic Destruction!]

As soon as her magic touched my right arm, it was destroyed with ease. My own battle intent went sky high as we were no longer anywhere near the village anymore. I could go all out if I want~

"Stop!" The genie shouted at me, but I didn't hear a word he said as my spiritual body morphed.

The heart of a Dragon, the wings of a Harpy, the gill of a Merman, the massive and eclipsing physique of a Giant (which ended up making me so large I broke through the roof), and the forked trident of a Deva, were the first transformations.

Then the Body Tattoos kicked in: Blood became my clothing, Wood became my accessories, Metal became my armour, and Death became a skull-like helmet that covered my beautiful features. My body became corporeal at this exact moment:

This was my 'true form' as a Beast once I'd put all my power into one place, but the Beast Empress wasn't to be underestimated. As soon as she saw me transform, her own body grew large as well using the magnification power over space.

I guess... it be used like this as well...?

Truthfully, I was shocked once I saw how powerful my opponent was. She truly was an S Rank Beast.

Both our hands entwined as we started going into a contest of strength, causing a fragile deadlock.

We were perfectly even...!

[Divine Variant- Destruction Blast (Charging)]

My mouth opened as the power of destruction focused into a ball that would release into a annihilation beam that would destroy half of this empire she built in one shot. I felt a chill in those hands I was holding as she tried to stop me

[Spacial Art- Greater Lockdown!]

She tried distorting space around me, but it was once again stopped by the power of my main skill.

"Stop!" She roared while pooling her magic at me.

"Leave me alone or die." I spoke while my Destruction Blast was still charging menacingly.

The Beast Empress made a look as if she couldn't decide between her pride or her citizens safety.

"...You are my prisoner." She finally spoke angrily.

"I am no one's 'prisoner'."

"Then become my subject."

"And what benefits would that give?" I'm not even going to pretend she has anything I want.

"I'll let you destroy things." This answer she gave was given as if I was always looking to break stuff.

"I know you want to use your Attribute more and prepare an Apostle for the upcoming Holy War." A keen awareness of the overall situation of the world could be sensed from the way she continued.

"Why would I need an 'Apostle'?" I was already this strong by myself. I don't need anyone's helps

"Because Gods will be unable to do anything once the war happens. You won't be able to protect 'that village'." It looks like I underestimated her wisdom as she saw through my intentions pretty quickly.

Once my Destruction Blast charged up into a ball of energy, I stabilised it and kept it from detonating.

"Is that a threat?"

"I'm not threatening you. It's an actual fact." She smiled as her words seemed coated in venom.

"Why should I trust you?"

"You don't have to trust my word, just the actions I do as an Empress. I will never go back on my words." A memory from the distant past arose in my heart as I looked the Beast Empress before me.

It was of the Fiend Emperor of the past who talked forthrightly yet had a throne of human skeletons.

"I'm unconvinced."

"Then let's set up a partnership and conditions on each other. Join the Naga Temple and become a Demonic Beast." Telling me what to do even though I said I wasn't convinced? She has big guts!

"I'm not becoming a Demonic Beast." I spoke while pushing the sphere of destruction closer to her.

"I'm giving this condition for your own benefit."

"Oh?" I stopped in my tracks.

"There are now branches of Evolutions for Demonic Beasts now. If you want to be able to survive as an irregularity, you're going to need to become one before the Holy War happens." These words seemed to sound like the truth from her.

"I'm not suffering any drawbacks."

"That's only due to your perspective. Don't you think that you were really 'unlucky' that you came across me as soon as you messed with time?" Her words now sounded more reasonable. We stopped fighting each other, but I kept my ball of energy up.

"It was a coinci-"

"Do you really think do? Time isn't a reasonable or rational existence. It is like a living entity that had its own 'feelings'. You've destroyed the balance of this world using time, and now time itself will do everything it can to kill you from now on."

"..." Although I was convinced, I didn't like playing into the hands on this woman I'd just met.

"Then I'll make a condition as well."

"Speak what you desire." Her expression hardened as she looked as if I'd make a big request to her.

"I want full autonomy."

"...That's it?"

"That's it." I nodded my head. The sphere of destruction before me dissipated into the air.

"So you almost destroyed my empire for such a reason..." She seemed to be holding her anger.

"It is a big reason."

"Fine. I approve as long as you don't go spying into our ranks and handing information to the Humans."

"Now why would I do something like that?"

"You are bias towards them." I couldn't quite retort to these words since they were understandably true. It wasn't like Beasts had been in my good books considering how I had always been Human.

After we came to a peaceful agreement, my body shrunk down back to its regular size as my appearance stayed the same. What she said about me needing an Apostle stuck in my head as well as how the concept of time seemed to hate me.

Although it sounded absurd, when I think about it a little more. It didn't seem to be all that contrived.

My luck had always been bad, but to attract the attention of the Beast Empress and 'break the worldly balance' as she said was probably going to attract enemies. Even if I she hadn't brought up becoming a Demonic Beast, I needed to evolve anyway in case someone else of this Spacial Beast's strength was to come looking for me.

The Evil Attribute of Beasts can be ignored for now considering I could always sever away any qualities of myself seen as wicked if I needed to. Though this decision will probably also make me a wanted target amongst Priests if I actually did so...

Should I do it or not? I need to make a decision.

"I'm going to think about it." I spoke before my Phantom Body split from my current one.

Although my Ability Cores had fused, my Omni Body still stayed the same at it was before.

"Can you send this Phantom back to where I came from?" The audience of Beasts watched wide-eyed as the Beast Empress agreed and sent it back to the village. Even with the distance, my conscious mind still connected to the Phantom that returned.

Since it would be embarrassing to return after that emotional moment I had with Chaos, I just sneaked a peak on what he was doing and saw that had stayed at the village while keeping my Identity.

He didn't try getting close to Bob and acted the way he wanted while wearing my face. Using my Platinum License as he pleased to join in the recon force that looked around the village periodically.

But I guess I gotta finish things here before I even think of interacting with the village once again.

"Take her and treat her well. Disharmony, we'll talk later about the specifics after I've cleaned up." She spoke before leaving me with the Advisor and genie who was after my life not too long ago.

Now this was awkward...

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