
The ‘Confession’

The 'spar' I had with the Young Miss was really broadening my horizons little by little. The thought of going offensive didn't cross my mind as the weapons I held moved to form a solid defence.

Holding a sword and a knife, I used my new Combat Body 'Universal' Art to keep up with the storm of Astral Swords swarming around my body. There was not even the faintest glow of energy underneath my skin even though the multiple enhancements made by my new Secret Art were easy to see.

Although I couldn't fight on even terms with the Young Miss considering how she was exploiting my weakness of ranged-combat, my mastery over the new 'Internal' technique I personally created increased as I learnt how to smoothen the circulation of the various powers within me.

As time passed, my fighting style became more stable and focused. Each sword movement become more fluid as my sudden deflective attacks connected to my next movements elegantly.

This wasn't due to any enlightenment I got in the midst of battle. Instead it had more to do with how I was slowly getting used to my Combat Body Universal Art and how to properly apply its power.

I had already discarded the ordinary Aura Clad sub-technique of the Aura Manifestation Art in order to concentrate on the subtle intricacies of my new Secret Art, allowing me to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of my new Art without having to go into ACTUAL combat with someone else.

With that being said, the only flaw I could find in my new Combat Body Universal Art was my lack of defences against techniques that used a lot of Mana like the Young Miss' Infinite Swords and it's lack of ranged abilities that could be used at long distance... It's almost like I've met the bane of my existence.

I may have greater amount of magical energy now that my Mana Flame isn't the only reserve for Sun Mana, but that doesn't change the fact that my innate limitations still remain...

Unfortunately I've come to the realisation that having more Mana doesn't mean being able to increase my overall output of Spell or Arts. It seems like my F Rank Magical Talent still acted as a restraint that stopped me from expelling Mana any size bigger than a thumb. As a result: Although I now have a wealth of Mana, the amount that I can spend on Spells or Arts is no different than it was before.

Meaning I'm going to have to make due with thumb-sized projectile-type magic from now on...

It's a good thing I've been secretly preparing a countermeasure for this sort of situation in my room. A mere lack of magical firepower won't be a problem. High hurdles can't keep me down for long!

With a swing of the Young Miss' index finger, the ethereal 'spines' of many of her Astral Swords smashed my body into the ground as I was lost in thought. However, the damage done was ineffective as I had properly defended myself using my weapons from the frontal attack. Though I'm sure she could've bypassed my defences if she was serious.

I only have two arms after all...

How was it that I was still able to get up and fight normally despite the extra damage that came with smashing into the floor? It's actually quite simple to tell you the truth~ All I did was use my 'Kinetic Muscles' to absorb the physical force of the impact that came with hitting headfirst into the ground!

I know, I know: This new ability that I luckily got from my Secret Art is practically cheating~

Not that it mattered to me.

Well... It's not like I was using the full strength of my Combat Body Universal Art anyway.

The condensed Sun Mana refined into my bones still hadn't been released into Spells or Arts of Time Specialists (which I fulfilled the conditions for due to my Mana's purity) while the Moon Mana within my blood also hadn't been used to gain access to a sort of 'Space Specialisation' only I'm compatible with.

Although it's farfetched to think I could become some sort of 'Spacelight Specialist' with the help of the purest form of Moon Mana, but I'm definitely capable of displacing myself and manipulating my physique if I properly trained to use my Mana.

This is not even mentioning the fact that my Ether Skin is capable of blocking and absorbing natural phenomenons created by Mages. I'm sure that if I was to go up against a Mage instead of a Swordsman like the Swordwick Household's Duke, then...

In truth, I am actually a little disappointed that I've lost my ability to make unpredictable attacks after discarding Aura Manifestation. If my previous form of swordsmanship was unpredictable before due to the constant changes in my Elemental Auras then my current sword style looked more 'normal' in comparison. There was a need to readjust my swordsmanship to fit my new Universal Art.

There were no longer any need for tricks in my new style of swordsmanship. That's why I only displayed both flawless and intricate swordsmanship that was adjusting to defend the Young Miss' attacks. Even she seemed surprised at how nimble yet forceful my sword was as I danced around with a sword in hand.

"Nice work~ It seems that personal swordsmanship of yours is improving... I'm absolutely sure you will be able to attain a higher and more intrinsic level of mastery over the sword if you keep this effort up!" A voice could be heard not too far from me.

I didn't even bother to be distracted by her sudden praise because I already knew of her intentions to break my concentration anyway. Her 'generous' words were quite lacking in my point of view.

While I was trying defend myself from the technique that was known as the bane of all Swordsmen, she just casually relaxed with her Personal Maid and was having her lunch while manipulating swords!

I might have been embarrassed by how disinterested she was in taking the spar seriously if I had the noble dignity of a Swordsman... Good thing I don't~ It's better than suddenly being beaten into submission.

Even as I nimbly jumped about the Training Grounds, I was able to secretly peek at what those two little girls were doing from time to time. They seemed to be silently arguing despite her words...

A frown of dissatisfaction was curved on the poker-faced Maid's face as she gestured her hands at me.

"I'm not bullying him for my own enjoyment... He's just weaker than what I expected. You can also 'spar' with me instead if you feel like taking his place. You know Aura Sharpening is meaningless when there's this many levitating swords flying around." The Young Miss lazily spoke as she shrugged her off.

The doll-like girl briefly paused before letting out a silent sigh, deciding to let the matter go. I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off my back when the Young Miss eventually got bored of attacking.

I really didn't expect that the Young Miss would shamelessly lie without blinking to her Personal Maid. No, even before that: Why did she seem nervous? She cares about Sylphy's opinion?

"Give me a chance to rest first." I groaned in great pain before sweatily falling to the ground.

Of course, I wasn't feigning weakness at this moment. Although I may be able to use Mana to enhance my stamina, that doesn't entirely change the fact that my body needs rest from time-to-time.

"I'll give you half an hour." The Young Miss informed before opening the book that young girl called Sylphy had brought. The maid walked towards me curiously and handed over a towel.

"Thank you." I gratefully thanked the expressionless girl who was looking at me as if I was some kind of rare breed of an Animalistic Beast that had never been discovered before on Sphera.

"Why is she just silently standing here and staring at me? Am I some sort of rare species?" I couldn't help but ask the Young Miss, who was busy reading. Is there something on my face or what?

"She was born mute... I think it's best that you ignore her unless she really wants to inform you of something. Plus, you ARE a rare species." The Young Miss replied without bothering to lift her head.

"You probably haven't noticed since you've lived here for so long, but every part of our household is monstrous to the point that just displaying the fact that you originate from our household is enough for you to be labelled as a freak." She continued with a tone of helplessness concealed in her voice.

At her words, I couldn't help but lift my head and look towards her. I never expected that those of the Swordwick Household would have such a strange reputation in the Drakeyol Kingdom.

As for the doll-like girl who was expressionlessly staring me down, I'll consider ignoring her a form of mental training since I don't really have the heart to say anything bad towards the benefactor that allowed me to rest. I'm sure the Young Miss only stopped attacking on account of her opinion.

"The Swordwick Household is the only Duke lineage that has so many Healers, Rangers, Mages and Swordsman working for them as servants. Not only that but the ridiculous requirements our Noble Household has for its successors are so insane that they cause a regular person's spine to freeze." The Young Miss complained. The book in her hands was slapped shut as her face darkened. I was unable to make out what the Younger Miss was thinking...

I didn't respond to her words since there was nothing I could do or say to lighten the mood. I calmed my mind and looked towards Sylphy who was still trying to glare a hole in my body.

You know... I'm actually starting to get annoyed. Is she romantically interested in me? No, it kinda feels more like she's trying to figure out my current condition through sight alone. Does she have x-ray?

What a strange girl...

I looked back towards the Young Miss, who was dispiritedly staring off into space, and suddenly got a nice idea. I hid the smile on my face and tried to make the greatest poker face I could muster.

"Hey, girl, you look fine~ Go out with me~!" I expressionlessly confessed to the maid who was looking like she was trying to glare holes into my flesh. In the next instant, those eyes turned as round as saucers after she heard my roguish confession.

Sylphy, who was still looking like she was trying to find something interesting on me, suddenly looked at me with blank stare after widening her eyes. It looked like her mind short-circuited from shock!

"Hahahaha! What in the world?!" The Young Miss laughed uproariously after hearing what I said.

Now look at that~ Even an old man like me can be make jokes sometimes! After praising myself a little for my great social skills, my eyes couldn't help but peek at Sylphy, who had finally reacted.

A blush was on her face as she seemed to be unable to look at me in the eyes after hearing such an embarrassing confession. My heart suddenly felt like it was struck by lightning, hit by a truck, and blown up as I suddenly found her to be quite... cute~!

This is new to me... Why is it I'm able to ignore the painful sensation in my head to think of her as cute?

Ah... I wish she would talk to me. I really want to understand this girl more. Actually, this joke of a confession I gave still counts, right? I don't care how embarrassing it sounds, it still counts! I'll have to focus and watch out for her answer to my boldness.

"..." She shook her head, then she gave me a respectful bow before running away in embarrassment! My heart felt pained as I watched her swiftly leave with bitterness in my eyes.

"I seem to have underestimated you. To think that you'd actually give her such a roguish confession out of nowhere?! Were dropped on your head as a child? No, sorry. That was going too far." The Young Miss viciously commented with a newfound interest in her eyes, but I didn't care. A foreign feeling of depression spread across my heart as I stared foolishly at the exit this her Training Grounds.

Hah... Why do I have to be such a dense guy? I hope we can still be friends in the future, if not lovers. She is the only one who has ever caused my heart to sweeten with such a warmth. It makes me want to ignore the alarms going off in my head~!

"I think I've fallen in love." I spoke in embarrassedly as a hint of red appeared on my cheeks.

"You sure you didn't just 'fall' for her naturally pretty face?" The Young Miss asked with an unconvinced expression on her face. She looked as if she was disgusted by how I was able to say that so seriously.

I didn't feel angered by her venomous words since only the opinion of a select number of people actually mattered to me. The rest were unable to even dream of moving my heart at all!

Actually, I have to praise her lack of delicacy.

Wait... now that I about it: My confession wasn't delicate at all! When did I suddenly become so foolish? I don't remember being the type of character who pull this kind of stunt out of nowhere.

"You are the one who has a prettier face, right? I would have confessed to you if I merely wanted to pursue a beautiful girl. So don't belittle the genuine feelings in my heart!" I retorted thoughtlessly.

A smile curved onto my face as I closed my eyes. I was planning out how I would try to get closer to her. She's so mysterious that my instinct has been going mad from the very moment I met her...

When the Young Miss tried to get closer to me, my instincts yelled that getting intimate with her equalled getting further from a quiet life, but the feeling I got from Sylphy was different.

I could somehow feel that getting any closer to her meant getting closer to death! I didn't know what horrors she would go through in the future but I knew that the current me would be unable to protect her! I have to become a Skill Holder as soon as possible! All to protect those I care about!

"You're as narcissistic as Jack if you think you're worthy of me. However, if you're able to win your bet... Hmm, there might be some hope." The Young Miss shook her head before leaving the field.

"Also, thank you for admitting my beauty. You can come back here anytime you want." She continued as a pure smile appeared on her face while she was waving a goodbye. It seems that this girl really is hard to understand. I wonder why she talks so venomously when her smile seems to display such goodwill... I feel she's a little similar to my mother.

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