
Galactic Patrol

When we got back home, everyone returns to their home and I left with Videl back to our 'little' house. For some reason, Paragus didn't do anything while we were away so I left him alone. Broly's group decide that they won't be living on Earth and left to look for another planet to settle down.

Without Frieza and with Broly having control of himself, the event of Dragon Ball Super Broly didn't happen. Since Goku and Vegeta won't be able to grow stronger without fighting Broly, I decide to challenge them to a fight in an effort to get them to grow stronger.

It turns out to be a bad idea because after losing the first time, they always come back to try and win after a bit of training. During one of the match, Goku finally 'masters' Ultra Instinct. Vegeta didn't want to be left behind so he pushes himself and manage to unlock SSB2. After that event, I finally got some peace as Goku left to train his UI form and Vegeta is trying to get used to SSB2.

Some more time pass and they come back again to try and beat me. I have to turn Royal God to beat Goku whenever he manages to use UI and use my SSB2 to fight Vegeta. After all the fighting and training they did, they are now more powerful than LSS Broly from the tournament.

If Goku is fighting someone like Vegeta, he can't enter UI. So far only I have been able to push him far enough to enter UI. It probably has something to do with me pressuring Goku enough for him to use it. Even then he rarely succeeds in doing it. So after a while, he stops relying on it and pushes himself to unlock SSB2 too.

"Ken! Dad called. He said someone is trying to take Buu away." Videl

"Buu?" 'Is it time for the Galactic Patrol Arc already? I guess I should help this time with how annoying and dangerous this enemy can become.'

"Alright, I'll head over there to see what's going on." After I answer her, I lock on to Buu ki and teleport over. When I arrived I saw that Goku is also here with me. A few seconds later Vegeta joins in too. Goku attack the patrolmen that were trying to take Buu. Since I know what going on, I acted first and took the Galactic patrol's best agent, Merus's stun gun away.

"Goku, they are with the Galactic Patrol, you should listen to what they have to say first." I call out to Goku as he was about to knock out the last guy.

"Huh? Galactic Patrol?" Goku

"Remember the guy with many tentacles. They are part of that his group."

"Oh! Him, yeah I remember. So why are you guys kidnapping Majin Buu?" Goku ask the guy that he was going to knock out.

"It seems we can finally talk now. Let me introduce myself, I'm Agent Merus. Due to our negligence, a dangerous criminal escaped. To capture him again we'll need the help of the Grand Supreme Kai that is inside Majin Buu." Merus

"Why don't you just kill him when you capture him?" Vegeta

"It was due to the Grand Supreme Kai sealing his magic that we are able to capture him but even without his magic, he still has a considerable amount of power. We are not capable of killing him." Merus

I interrupt everyone. "This seems important. Why don't we get in the ship so we can discuss it on the way to the Galactic Patrol headquarter where we can take care of this mess."

Everyone looks at me…

"I'm sorry but who are you?" Merus

"Oh, you seem to know Goku and Vegeta so I thought you know me. My name is Seru Ken. You can say I am the current strongest being on this planet."

"Strongest? Stronger than them?" Merus point to Goku and Vegeta.


Merus look at Goku and Vegeta who nodded, although Vegeta looks like he was reluctant to do so.

"In that case why don't you three come with us to the headquarter." Merus

"I already said that."

"Right… let's go." Merus.

When we got to the headquarter, Merus already explained to us what's going on from who the prisoner is to how he got sealed and why they need Buu who have the Grand Supreme Kai power. What we learned is basically Moro went around devouring the life energy of a lot of planets. Grand Supreme Kai try to stop him. Grand Supreme Kai fail so he used a move he created to seal away Moro's magic at the cost of his divine power.

Even after that they still can't kill Moro so the Galactic Patrol took on the responsibility of keeping Moro locked up. Moro escape and they have to bring him back before he can absorb the life energy of others to get stronger. The current problem they have is that Buu is still asleep and won't wake up so Goku volunteers to catch the prisoner.

We landed on the headquarter, a giant space station that looks way too similar to the Justice League Watchtower, the one with the giant ring around it.

"If you are going to help us, we need to do the induction ceremony first. I already called ahead so we should hurry, the Galactic King is waiting." Merus

"Galactic King?" Goku

"The guy that looks like an octopus," I answer

"Oh, that guy. Come on let's go." Goku said walking ahead of the group.

"Goku, it's this way." Merus points at the opposite of where Goku is going.

"Hahaha, right." Goku

After we meet the Galactic King and Goku shake his "hand." Then the Galactic King begins the induction ceremony.

"Today proceeding are for three pe…" Galactic King starts before I interrupt him.

"*Cough* Sorry, but I won't be joining," I said out loud.

"Huh? Then why are you here?" Galactic King

"I heard that the escaped prisoner knows magic so I'm just coming along to make sure nothing happens to those two." I point at Goku and Vegeta

Everyone is quiet not as they are not sure what's to make of the situation. I'm sure everyone they know thinks highly of the Galactic Patrol and would be excited to join so seeing someone that turn it down would be weird. The quietness lasted until Merus went up and whisper something to the Galactic King.

"In that case, you should stand back until the ceremony is over." Galactic King

I move back so they can get some more room to do their ceremony. While they are doing that, I'm talking to Oracle.

'Hey Oracle, is there a way to stop Moro from absorbing Goku and Vegeta's energy or whatever it is that he absorbs?'

[Yes, there are hundreds of ways to do so.]

'I don't need that much, just tell me the two best options for this situation.'

[Host can buy a magic technique to counter Moro's magic or buy a magic seal that stops outside sources from interfering with a person's energy.]

'What are the pros and cons?'

[The magic technique will be able to be used anytime and for as long as Host has enough magic but Host will have to be within a mile distance of the target. The magic seal store magic and protect the person with the seal no matter where they are. If the magic runs out, the seal will disappear and have to be reapply again.]

'Hmm… how long does the seal last?'

[The seal lasts a whole Month if charge fully.]

'If I remember correctly Moro is going to New Nemak. I might need to go do something about that so it's best to buy the magic seal instead. Alright, buy me the magic seal.'

[Magic seal brought.]

'Thanks, Oracle.'

[No problem Host.]

After buying the seal, I look back to how the ceremony is going. Jaco, I didn't notice him before, is currently showing Goku and Vegeta different type of poses.

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