

"Talking with General Piell can be worse than fighting a thousand droids."

Lieutenant Thire patted CT-4063 on his good shoulder and walked away. CT-4063 made his away to where the master jedi was. The small Lannik was still giving orders and butchering any distracted clone with his words.

"Lieutenant Thire said you wanted to talk with me general."

"Yes. I am Master Even Piell. We received word from the command center that your group seemed to be stuck with problems. That droid tank I presume. I have to say you were very... creative. I like it, but I like it even better when you don't die while you are at it."

From this CT-4063 could see that although General Piell was very serious he was still a jedi, caring for the others.

"Now go find someone to heal that arm of yours. I can't let such a fine soldier become handicapped."

"Yes sir!"

CT-4063 turned and left, but General Piell called him once again.

"Trooper! Do you have a name? I mean a real name, not a bunch of numbers."

"No I don't sir."

"Humm... And under who you are serving?"

"Commander Keeli and General Di sir."

"That old man? Ha! He and I are good friends, I'm sure he won't mind that I do him a little favor. When you meet him again say that Master Piell gave you a real name."

"And which name is this sir?"

"From now on you are no longer CT-4063, the squad leader, but Hell Squad leader Dageer."

"Dageer... Dageer. Thank you sir! I will be sure to tell him."

CT-4063, Dageer now, first went to find his squad. He talked to CT-2891, who had become something like a deputy to him.

"CT-2981, what are Hell Squad casualties?"

"We lost CT-2976 and CT-2894 sir. Also, CT-2876, CT-2893 and CT-2845 will be out of the battlefield for some time sir. They got hit pretty hard, especially CT-2845. The doctors aren't sure he will survive."

"I also will be out of the battle for a few days. Meanwhile you are in command of Hell Squad, unless command send someone to take my place."

"Yes sir. Good recovery sir."

"Thanks. Also, before I forget, my name now is Dageer."

Ct-2981 smiled.

"Ok sir."

After that he went to talk with the rest of his squad, and bid his farewell. He and the other wounded clones would take a gunship to one of the cruisers, where they would be immersed a few days on a bacta tank, accelerating their recover.

Of course he didn't forget to tell them his new name. He was quite proud to be named by a master jedi.

His time on the bacta tank passed in torpor. Before long he was on back on a Laat, descending to Geonosis.

The invasion had progressed really well. On the entirety of the planet Republic forces were advancing. However, it was said that Count Dooku and Poggle escaped, together with many other important CIS leaders. If this was true Dageer could predict that the war would go on for a lot more than expected.

Now, holding on the loops of the Laat, Dageer looked through the contents of a tablet. According to it, there was now only one massive droid factory on the south hemisphere of Geonosis that was still holding on. The clone army wasn't able to invade it because of the huge number of droids and narrow chock points.

They also couldn't bomb it, because the chief of the factory, a geonosian bug called Tharrg sent a hologram of two captured jedis. They were identified as Djinn Altis and Depa Billaba.

Hell Squad was part of a massive offense mounted to cover the operations of a so called Delta Squad, that had already destroyed three droid factories with minimum casualties.

CIS means Confederation of Independent Systems, and for all purposes it is the same as Separatists. I know there are differences between them, but one originated the other

Reis123creators' thoughts
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