
Girls day out

Jean wanted to let out another sigh but stopped herself short as she looked at everyone else moving about. Being woken up on an early Sunday to drive into Manhattan for a 'girls day' had not been in her plans, especially as the one who had been suggesting it had been Rogue!

Sometimes spending 4-6 hours at the mall would have been perfect, but today just hadn't been the day, or it was possible that Jean was just too tired to truly get into the activities. 'mmm, maybe if we quickly grabbed a coffee and then went to that salon I've been hearing great things about. I'm sure Rouge wouldn't mind that…it was her idea to come out.'

As the thought travelled through her mind, she placed down the 3 shopping bags that had been resting in her hand and took a seat. Rogue was currently in the changing room of a nice lingerie shop, who she was getting it for, well if Jean was being honest she really wanted to know.

Some of the pairs she had come out with so far had been…. racy for a simple word. A small teasing smile tugged at her lips as she went through the list of boys she might be trying to impress. Kurt, Bobby, even Gambit appeared in her mind for a few seconds, before she shook it. Gambit was a bit old for Rogue, though she could see them working out.

Just as her mind started to drift off, Rogue finally walked out of the store, having paid for her chosen item, safely tucking it away in one of the 4 bags she held. The smile on her lips and twinkle in her eye were all Jean had to look at to know, she was thinking of someone special, without the use of her powers of course.

Not wanting to let a good opportunity go to waste, she quickly corralled Rogue to the side and whisked her to the closest cafe she could find. Not that it was hard, Jean always did wonder why there were around 5 or 6 of them in one mall, sure it was a big place, but damn, too many options wasn't always that good, outside of clothing and shoes.

Sitting down and taking a sip of the glorious drink known as coffee, her eyebrow slightly raised as she looked up at Rogue. Compared to the start of the day when she seemed confident, she had turned meek and wasn't even sipping from her mug.

Jean knew she shouldn't do it, but a quick surface grab of her thoughts was sent out to understand what was going on. Doubt, fear and a little expectation tinged Rogue's thoughts as she kept stealing glances her way.

Finally not being able to hold her tongue Jean spoke up. "Ok Rogue what is it?" Rogue didn't respond right away, her eye met Jeans for a few seconds before going back down to the mug, the indecision in her mind was clear, her hand roamed out slowly going around the rim of the cup.

But Jean was patient, she knew something was up from the get go, and this shopping trip had lead to this moment, Rogue had something she wanted to talk to her about, and it was definitely something important.

A sigh escaped her lips finally as a new found determination entered her eyes, Jean could tell when it happened as she finally looked her in the eye. Their gazes seemed to clash for a moment before she spoke up.

"I know how much you like Peter..." Before she had even finished, that one line sent warning bells into Jean's mind. 'It couldn't possible be that she...likes Peter, not another one!' Though her mind was frantic and a small frown did grace her lips, she didn't say anything.

Though Peter and Jean were close friends, it had been a long time, she had no right to keep Rogue away if she wanted to ask him out. The fact that her hands had turned into fists was counterproductive to that thought, but her mind was completely focused onto what she would say next.

'He's Mine' The other voice inside her head completely blocked out for her follow up words. "... He seems like a great guy, though I haven't talked to him much, I only saw him on the way out when he came to visit you; I can see how happy he makes you."

A little bit of tension left her shoulders, Jean knew the look of someone that was interested in Peter, she could see it in a certain platinum haired thie.... cat. The look in Rogues eyes was completely different, she was generally happy for her friend.

"Seeing as you're off the market so to say, I guess you wouldn't mind if I asked....Scott out would you?!" The last part was rushed, the red tinge to her cheeks and shifting of the eyes the easy tell on how hard the words truly were for her to say.

Jean could say nothing back to her for a few seconds, as her mind started to trail back through her memories of Rouge and Scott, or more precisely how Rogue acted around Scott. Though it wasn't always obvious, she did like sitting next to him on the Black Bird, and she always was one of the first to come to help him after each battle.

A smile came to her lips as small little things started to add up in her mind, she rolled her eyes as she thought how Scott would have noticed already, if he would just look at someone else once in a while. Did the others know? She hadn't heard any gossip though; Rogue must have been playing it pretty close to her chest.

Not to mention Jean was one of her best friends, maybe she was trying not to ruin their friendship. A gentle smile finally settled onto Jean's lips as she looked at Rogue. Though it was hard to tell at times, with her super strength, flying and everything else she had going on for her, she knew what her background was like.

Her first boyfriends was put into a coma when they had thier first kiss, she couldn't touch another person without it physically hurting them, something the professor and beast still couldn't help with, she had to cover every part of her skin to make sure nothing touched another.

The only one that could take a long exposure and survive from what Jean knew was Logan, which possible explained why they were so close with each other. Well other than both of them being pretty big loners at times and Logan being the one to find Rogue.

Though it would be hard for her, it would be good for both her and Scott to get together, of course that would be up to Scott. As Jean looked at Rouge, she could see the doubt behind her eyes, reaching over the small table they sat at, she grabbed onto one glove covered hand and squeezed it.

"You don't have to ask me Rogue, Scott and I, are just friends. Ask him out, I think you would both be great for each other." Rogue didn't say anything for a short while, looking down at the smooth hand on her glove, before a radiant smile tugged at her lips.

The determination that seemed to have wavered came back full force as she nodded to herself. She would ask Scott out, and she would make sure he said yes! She would think about her other problems later.

With that weight off her shoulders finally Rogue reached down for her cup and took a sip, truly enjoying the taste with a clear mind. It was just as she was about to speak again that a loud explosion rocked the building.

Screams could be heard further down the mall, as the ground beneath them rocked. Other patrons jumped to their feet in surprise as others already started to moved towards the stairs. If there was one thing about New York that could be trusted, when there were explosions, it was likely a super villain and if there was a super villain you wanted to be as far away as possible.

This time a sigh escaped both of their lips as they placed down their cups and threw down some money. "Why can't we ever go to a mall and not have something happen?" Rogue just let out a small chuckle at Jean's words.

"Don't you remember what happened when we first found Jubilee?" Jean shook her head in exasperation. "Don't remind me." With that they both started to make their way towards the noise, they had work to do and people to save.

Hey guys it's been a long while.

So why is there a chapter out? Well I thought this would be better than doing an update chapter.

So recently I started doing a few small chapters over on fan fic . net for a different, to get back into writting after a few months off. This has lead me to finally write the next chapter of spider man, yay!

That is this chapter. Honestly don't know if I still have it. I think this chapter turned out good, better than I thought it would go anyways.

So now onto the plan. Next update is going to be in december, I don't know when in december, but sometimes. Same goes for my Star Wars Novel.

Peace out, Zevren.

Zevrencreators' thoughts
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