

Nothingness.... and unknown how long it has been, Ron suddenly opened his "eyes".

Ron felt as if he had been asleep for so long that he almost who he was.

When Ron opened his eyes, he wanted to see where he was. Then Ron saw everything, stars, holes, and , he saw the WHOLE Universe!

Ron wondered where he was and how he could see it as if it were the universe. Ron looked at himself. He found that he didn't have the body at all. He seemed to a void, floating quietly in the cosmos!

The startled Ron, he tried to move, only to found that he could not move, not even turn his head. Of course, if he still had a head.

Ron could only just watch and watched. There was no sound and no time!

For an unknown time had passed, even the stars began to diminish away, Ron began to feel something, at last, he began to fade away as well.

Ron began to feel "pain", but the process was slow. Ron had been in ' pain ' for an umpteen time until he lost again. Then the world fell back into darkness and nothingness!


It's still dark. It's still nothingness.


Slowly, Ron gradually gained his feeling again. However, this time Ron's feeling was not that he had when he opened his "eyes", but that he began to hear something.

"... The universe... everything... "

Everything! These voices were not spoken to Ron by anyone else or anything else, they came directly into Ron's without warning!

Again, the unknown time had passed, Ron finally felt that the voices in his became clear.

"Hello, I'm _I, and of course, you can call me None Or Gaia!"

It was the first thing he, she, or it said to Ron, who was excited as he finally felt something else after a long time since he was in the darkness and nothingness.

Even though Ron wanted to speak, as much as he wished to, he couldn't utter any single word.

"Ugh... you don't have to think about talking, just think about it, so I can see what you're talking about."

It seemed to understand Ron's awkwardness and smiled and reminded Ron. Ron wondered how it could know what he was thinking.

Then Ron followed what it told him and came up with what he had to say directly in his mind. "Hello, I'll just call you Gaia, I'm Ron, and I want to know, why do you know what I'm thinking, and how did you come in my ;

"Why do I know what you're thinking? Why do you show up in your ; ,"Gaia" first asked Ron rhetorically, then quickly answered Ron's , "Ugh... it's because I'm actually you, and you're really me, and we're the same."

Ron was startled and "Are you Ron Branstad?"

"Who is Ron Branstad? Do I know him?", "Gaia," thought it was strange that it had no idea who Ron was talking about.

Ron breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard those words, knew that he had just been mistaken. He had come to the Marvel Universe by "resurrected" directly from the body of Ron Branstad, he had never seen this world Ron, or his so-called "soul" before, except for some simple memory of this world Ron.

But when he heard the bizarre words of "Gaia", he really thought that "Gaia" was Ron, who should have been dead already, but who "Gaia" was, if it wasn't Ron?

Ron asked the "Who the hell are you? And how did you come into my ;

"Gaia" laughed again and then said, "Remember the time you became universe I, no, it's us, we're the universe that's gone. I'm you, and if there is any of this right now, it's that we're talking to ourselves. To be honest that's stupid!

"You and me? We are a universe?" Ron was stunned.

"Yes, you know? In a certain and , we had ? a universe, we can be anything, the universe, , nothingness, or even time, and we are everything!" 'Gaia ' again.

After he heard the words from "Gaia", Ron shocked for a long time. He never doubted what ' Gaia ' had said, he had been through so much before and he was now deep in darkness. Only "Gaia" could talk to him if he doesn't believe "Gaia" who he will believe. Ron had felt something wrong, after his coma, how did he suddenly a part of the universe and watch it all by himself?

But then, since he was a universe, how could he now be in darkness? Shouldn't he, as before, directly incarnate as part of the universe, and then continue to observe his own universe?

Ron asked Gaia again. "Nope, since you say we're all one universe, we should turn into the universe and observe everything. Why are we in the dark now?"

It showed some sentiment after it heard Ron's words, and this time, it said, "Don't you know that since we didn't in evolving the universe, we actually disappeared with it. We were universe when we were alive, but now that we are dead, we are no longer the universe..."

"We may live forever in this darkness and nothingness and never have a chance to wake up again!"

"Err...?" Ron became confused when he heard this.

So, they are "dead", and now they were nothing but a deformity, living in this darkness and nothingness? Ron began to despair. Now he was nothing, he could not feel anything, he had lost everything. Although he had nothing to worry about before, he would not want to be an "anything" in this darkness and nothingness!

Ron began to think of a way to get back to his old world, even the Marvel Universe.

He suddenly realized that he began to feel something, he seemed to have his feet, his hands, and his body again and Ron began to excite.

If It is possible for him to be a human again, instead of the darkness and nothingness of the present, so there should be a way of returning to the old world?

At this point, "Gaia" felt the change in Ron as well. "Gaia," said happily, "Ron, we feel as if we have a body which we can go inside that body, and maybe we can live on." And it started laughing again.

Ron smiled excitedly at the thought of his white-skinned body. "Maybe we can go back to the universe!" Then He used all his strength and began to think about going back to his original body. In the end, Ron ! Ron finally felt himself again, knew he should be alone.

Ron then opened his eyes. A pair of eyes that of a real human

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