
Beloved Father

Meanwhile, outside Ninoy Aquino international airport were Father Jessie, Mother Fely, Arnold, Arnel, and Arman. They have no idea about the surprise that about to happen. In which Arthur will be arriving with Ashley and Tanaga from America.

They arrive early to make sure that Arthur will not have to wait for them if they get stuck on the traffic on the way to the airport. There were plenty of People waiting and welcoming their relatives, so it was slightly cramped while waiting at the railing.

"Did Arthur said what flight number he would be at? Why is it that there are plenty of people that have gone out yet we can't see even his shadow?" Mother Fely asks excitedly to her oldest son Arman.

"He didn't mention mom! How many times have you asked me that." Arman replied, clearly annoyed.

Arman received a slight pain as his Father gently smack his head downward. *Boink*

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