
Chapter 13

#### Time Skip : 3 years : Date: 1 Sept. 1991 ###

I am currently sitting in an empty cabin of Hogwarts Express, going for my 4th year of Hogwarts. This will be the year when the main characters start to attend Hogwarts and storyline from books start. The train has already started running a while back. I did see Harry Potter when he was boarding the train from my cabin. He looked just like he was described in the books. He was shorter than an average of 11 years old and wore old baggy clothes. Though I pity him I will not get involved with him or his friends, especially this year since Dumbledore will have his test for Harry and his friends set up with Philosopher's stone and whatnot. No, getting involved with him might get me entangled with Dumbledore's web of manipulations and currently without being strong enough and with no backing, it might prove fatal to me. I know Dumbledore might not be as bad as I think and just be little manipulative but I am not risking my safety on assumptions. So, true to my original plan, I am going to lay low, get stronger and bide my time. Though thoughts of stealing Philosopher's stone did cross my mind but the risk of getting caught will be high since Dumbledore won't leave it unprotected and there will surely be other protections aside from traps to test Harry and his merry band of do-gooders. Also, the stone may turn out to be fake since Flamels are more than 5 centuries old and they won't just hand out their lifeline or they would not have survived all these years by being idiots.

On a high note, the last three years were very productive and fruitful. My core has grown much larger in these three years due to high ambient magic in Hogwarts and my constant magical exercise. At this rate I expect it to take another 3 years to transform. On the topic of magical core transformation, I had a big breakthrough. All the hours upon hours of going through magical theory, I was able to come up with a way to increase my magical core strength. According to my research, as core transform from gaseous to liquid to solid density and potency of magic increase and thus overall magic output. Means increasing the density of core will directly increase potency and overall magic available. So, instead of having my core transform from liquid to solid, I am going to arrange my magic in a diamond like atomic structure and thus transform it to crystal core instead of a solid core. This will increase my core density much more than a solid core and my magic potency and overall available magic will increase much more than a solid core. Though I still won't be able to match Dumbledore's it will take me closer. Due to the crystal being a stable structure, it will also make my magic easier to control.

Next, I was able to several of the goals I set for myself earlier. I acquired (stole) marauder map from Filch's office in the first year. Even though it was made of various complicated calculations and spells, I was able to make one of my own map 'Marauder Map V 2.0' or 'MMV2' with RoR and chamber of secrets on it. After doing so I put back the original one in Filch's office for twins to find since it plays a big role in Harry's 3rd year and I want the timeline to be as close as possible till I make my move.

Next, I completed all the material I set for myself including warding, curse breaking, Healing, Alchemy and ritual magic up to NEWT levels. Due to the increased size of my core since then and the years of wandless magic exercises, my control over my magic has grown and I am now able to easily do all spells up to NEWT wandlessly.

Legilimancy has also come along nicely, though not as good as my Occlumancy which has already progressed to an advanced stage with Mindscape, I am able to read minds of anyone without occlumancy training. One of most interesting use of legilimacy was that I read minds of few of muggle martial arts trainers and a few muggle special force veterans to learn hand to hand combat. As a result, my physical exercise intensity has grown and it is reflecting quite nicely on my body.

Even though Apparition was easy enough to learn, I had to practice a lot in RoR to Apparate silently and instantaneously. The interesting fact is if you put a very high amount of magic during Apparating, it is possible to break through the Anti-Apparition wards. Though I am not nearly strong enough to break through Hogwarts wards.

I hit jackpot on Animagus front. Why? you ask. Because I have 2 animagus forms. Yes, that's right 2 forms. I was shocked too when I found out. You see, I mastered my first animagus form of a 'Golden Falcon' at the end of my 2nd year. Though not as great as I hoped it to be, it still has its advantages as it is able to fly. An interesting side effect included increased eyesight. After mastering my form, I thought that was it but I found that I have another animages form after I took another animagus revealing potion. Though I am still not sure what it is. Its a little blurry and looks like a dog or wolf. But the interesting thing is that I don't have enough magic to be able to transform into this form. That's right, not enough magic to transform into 2nd form while I can easily transform into my first one. I am guessing it is some sort of magical creature which is weird enough as books on animagus say that it is not possible to have a magical creature as animagus form. Then again books also say that it's only possible to have 1 one animagus form but I proved that incorrect. I am guessing, the reason I have 2 animagus form is related to me being transmigrated. Meaning one form belongs to me while others belonged to the original Aiden Canis. While unsure I think to have magical animagus form may also be attributed to this.

On a side note, Snape always scowls and seems to be very annoyed when I hand over my homework, I wonder why?

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