
Night Tracking 2

S.Sesa: I think we still falling.

"Ah, you right!"

The blue coffin is still plummeting, with my next thought I put a direct stop to it. Thus, if anyone had to see now, will only see a floating box.

I exit the box from the darkness, first my head then my torso appears. "Um, I forgot to turn the coffin."

As I leave the blue box, I see the forest above my head then I realize I'm upside down, I'm lucky to not shoot straight out of the abyss. It could very well have some unfavorable circumstances.

In the next moment Necroussary Abyss flipped in 180 degrees with me along with it.

"This is much better."

Now that I'm right side up, I'm feeling much more comfortable. The rest of my body starts to get expelled from the gate way to darkness.

I use the edge of blue box's opening as a step while I cautiously revolve the coffin to it's side. With my next step I'm already standing on the surface of the Necroussary's side. I try my best to look as cool as possible.

"Do I look cool or what?" I ask my doppelganger.

S.Sesa: Sure you do. I could've done better without holding back.

"Hehe, I'm sure you can." While rebutting, I seal the gateway to darkness then turn to have a look at the oncoming guest. The reason why I was trying to act cool.

When I first poked myself out of the dark the Mask of Deception signaled me of another's arrival. I can see a young man whose age appears to be no different from mine.

He is approaching me by flying on a carpet. It's the first time I'm seeing such a thing, I can't really be surprised, though. My abilities are much more magnificent.

????: Friend, it's dangerous to be in the forest all by yourself.

"I'm not here for myself. I'm here to help out with the hunt. Do you perhaps know where Tommy or Bradley are?"

????: Y-Yes I do.

"Cool, I'm Sesa by the way. What's your name?" I asked to be polite. Also I was eager to meet up with the hunting party, after all, I have a mission given to me.

????: Call me Terrance. Did you capture the beast?

"Okay... Capture?" Now that I think about it, I could've just did that and given the beast to Ajuka Beelzebub for his research. Why didn't I think about that?

"No... I killed it without leaving any trace behind." Replying to Terrance question, I felt a little grief for not thinking about keep it alive, my mission would've been completed, right?

I have to go and find another one and imprison it.

Both Terrance and I exchanged some words after our introductions, he then lead me to find the hunting party. Apparently, one of the beasts fled and Terrance was chasing after it. It just so happened that it came towards me. It was unfortunate instinct that lead to it's demise. But, whatever!

Terrance brought me to the gang after a short while. The place we arrived at was a bit of a mess. Several corpses were lying on the ground, one was even hanging on a tree. Sadly, the number of human corpses were higher.

The hunters really did get a large number of people to participate. I heard from Terrance that the majority were actually novices who hadn't made a single hunt. They joined... or should I say they had entered this lifestyle because they lost a loved to these beast creatures.

S.Sesa: Those beasts are despicable.


Terrance and I land on the ground with a loud thump. The significance of that was to alert others of our presence. Immediately many eyes faced us with extreme prejudice.

Bradley: Terrance, Sesa. You came. That's good. I'd be very worried if we kept on losing our people.

Immediately those eyes that were staring at us with hostility, softened. It would seem that Bradley is a leader figure here. Well... That's good, I made friends with a leader figure, I guess.

Tommy: Did you get that thing that fled?

Terrance: Yeah! Actually, Sesa is the one that killed it in one swoop. His sacred gear took care of the beast.

Bradley: You have a sacred gear? I could not have known, They usually give off a distinct scent with a certain method.... Regardless, it raises the chances or our survival, even if it's a little.

Tommy: That's cool.

Bradley: Let's move on.

Bradley starts to instruct, he closes his eyes and inhales through his nostrils. The guy then points to a direction and leads us through the forest.

I'm not sure as of yet, but it would seem that Bradley got some powerful ability to smell. His literally leading us by the nose.

For this night, it's a decent skill for tracking.

Before long, another pack of beasts happened to be on our route. Bradley's nose lead us in the right direction.

Bradley: Hold up. Get ready for another battle.

I can already sense that the pack is coming our way. I can only guess that Bradley is not the only one that has a good sense of smell.

"Should we lay some traps?" I ask, I would think it obvious for hunters to do that.

Bradley: We tried, they too smart for that. And the time to lay a good trap as well as lure them is to little.... Their numbers are more than we expected.

"Got it."

That's all I can say. All we can do is prepare for battle. Necroussary Abyss appears beside me at my command. Turning the lid I retrieve my light attribute swords and an exorcist gun.

Author: AnantaKesh


1) Phantom Instinct

2) Crossing Over: Chronicles of DxD ( fan fiction )

3) _


http//www.pa tre on.com/anantakesh

Sesa_Nagacreators' thoughts
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