
More gains

Only two people were standing next to the coffin box. Sesa and his doppelganger sent a glance at each other, unable to believe such a story that they just heard. More importantly, Sesa was the one that got caught up in it. Necroussary, a gear that doesn't follow the system set by God. It is a gear that came into existence by a devil's wit.

S.Sesa: Hey, gramps! You still around, taking a nap maybe?

Sesa: .....

S.Sesa: ....

Sesa: I think he's gone for good.

S.Sesa: Looks like it.

Sesa: Are we going to search for the Brothers?

S.Sesa: You crazy! We're basically trash right now. The only thing we can use to defend ourselves is a sword and gun.

Sesa: Yea'! Now that I think about it, isn't there a legend in the underworld? The legendary 'living weapons', what were they called again?

S.Sesa: Satan Arms!

Sesa: ....Yeah!!!

Second Sesa and the first became quiet again, another revelation struck them. They continued to stare ahead at the stone box, Twelve Satan arms, now a thirteenth. What kind of luck did they have? Isn't thirteen an unlucky number? The two approached the coffin to look inside again, they remembered what the old devil said something about storage space. When they took a glance inside they found another surprise, the comfortable pillow mattress was no longer there and instead they discovered a gateway to darkness. Literally all they could see was darkness.

S.Sesa: Hey, man! Poke your head inside.

Sesa: WHAT!!? NO, you poke your head inside. At least you won't die.

S.Sesa: Ya, you right!

Second Sesa is practically an immortal existence so as long as nothing happens to Sesa. He made his attempt, he climbed over by placing a leg over, entering the darkness. Just as he began Sesa shouted, "Wait!" He saw something inside the darkness coming towards the coffin gate, it was a set of papers. It was coming forward just like how the the waves of water at the beach brings garbage to the shore. "Their is something floating here. Grab it", said Sesa, Second Sesa already stopped his attempt and again moved his hands instead to grab the papers. He tried to take out the papers but a force was preventing him from taking out the papers from the coffin.

S.Sesa: Argh! It doesn't wanna come out.

Sesa: ....Hmm, maybe.... We're not in the real world, we're inside the Mask of Deception. We can't bring something material inside here.

S.Sesa: Ahh! Isn't the Mask of Deception a by product of the coffin. But it doesn't give of the same feeling as the Necroussary.

Sesa: We... We won't understand complicated things, move over.

Second Sesa was holding the papers, it looked very old. However, it was kept in very good condition. Sesa came over to look at it as well, they both skimmed through it. It was written in a foreign language, Sesa didn't understand a thing but the Second seemed to be in deep thought.

Sesa: What's going on?

S.Sesa: It's very interesting.

Sesa: What does it say?

S.Sesa: Don't know.

Sesa: Bastard!!

S.Sesa: Hey! I was just thinking, what if this is the documents that the grandpa used to make the gear?

Sesa: WHAT!? Put it back inside, That thing is dangerous.

S.Sesa: Yeah

As the doppelganger threw the paper back into ther darkness another object floated in front of them, it had the form of a book. 'Must be a diary', one of them guessed. They could see the title 'Necroussary Abyss' on it, Sesa took hold of it. It to couldn't leave the coffin so he opened it to read while leaning over.

"Oh!" Sounded Sesa, "This I can read." He read the first page, then looked into the second and third. It all seemed like useless information, what was wanted was the info on how to use the gear. "There we go", said Sesa as he began reading. S.Sesa was looking into the darkness hoping that he might find another surprise.

S.Sesa: So?

Sesa: Pretty simple, this black space is the storage. I can practically throw anything in here but this space is also the Inverter.

S.Sesa: Inverter?

Sesa: Yeah, any kind of energy that is sucked inside this space, including Holy power, gets turned into demonic power, plus it can absorb mana from the environment but only in small quantities like skin breathing. While the Necroussary Abyss remains unmanifest inside me, I can borrow that power.

S.Sesa: Cool!

Sesa: Yea', plus I can move it according to my will, If it goes to far then it will unmanifest and return to me.

S.Sesa: That's good, this thing is heavy.

Sesa: I just thought of something, Inverter and Impersonate are similar. They absorb foreign power for there own use.

S.Sesa: You right.... That's why it appeared here. Getting a devils constitution must've awakened it.

Sesa: ..Yeah!

Both Sesa exchanged quite the number of words, soon some realized that the time spent inside the gear was long. Sesa pulled himself out of the inner realm, when he came to, he found himself on the floor. The night prior was an eventful one. He saved Momo, gained weapons and most of all he got dibs on Sona Sitri.

Sesa pulled himself off the ground, saliva still happened to be pouring out his mouth. After wiping it off he went to check his the phone...16:30pm. "Woah! It's so late", Sesa dashed into the bathroom. In an hours time he'll have to start work, his first day to make an honest living and he might be late plus he has to move all his things to the new room above the restaurant.

In no time Sesa was refreshed, wearing a new set of clothes. He checked all his belongings, including all the guns and swords he stole, "phew, how did I manage to carry all that." With a flick of a wrist Necroussary Abyss materialized, Necroussary Abyss seemed to be the proper name for the gear. When it manifested it shocked Sesa, there was cracks all over the stone. In his shock, control of the coffin was lost and the gear dropped, landing with a thump. Luckily it wasn't to high of the ground otherwise there would be more serious damages. Speaking of damage, when the coffin hit the floor all the stone turned into debris revealing a spectacular sight. There in the room, Necroussary Abyss sat, the coffin was very beautiful. It was blue and all around it you could see the runic designs in shining gold.

S.Sesa: Looks like that grandpa knew how to hide his toy well, Hahaha!

Sesa: I thought I broke the thing.

Another hand movement was made by Sesa and the coffin's cover levitated, he looked inside and again saw a fitting pillo mattress. It began sinking, revealing the gateway to the abyss. Immediately he gathered his things throwing them inside. He didn't forget to experiment, holding a bag in hand, he pushed it through the gateway and pulled it out again. Sesa had to make sure he can get his things back. When he was done, he made the casket disappear.

Next was to get to the restaurant in the shortest time possible. How was he going to that? Teleportation. Sesa was well aware of the accident the night before, he only had enough magic to cast teleportation and then he collapsed. But now was different, with the connection between him and the coffin, he had ample supply of power. Just like he had seen yesterday, Sesa cast the teleportation magic. His target was the room that was his, above the restaurant.


A few days has past since Sesa began work. His shift, of course, is in the late evenings until 20:30 p.m. How would he work whole day, soon he is going to be a second year student at Kuoh Academy courtesy of the lovely Student President. So far, during the day, Sesa would go out and explore. He even went to see the local residential areas, there, he happened to meet Motohama in his yard. There was no need to use any of his abilities to hide, Sesa was not some kind of loner, he definitely likes the company of friends. At least from the pervert trio Motohama is the smartest. Sesa invited him to come to his work place.

As far as work was concerned, the first day was slow but popularity increased in the following days. Right now he was hard at work. The pizza place wasn't inside the restaurant, on the contrary, it was outside. Sesa was making firewood pizzas, that is to say, that the oven operated with firewood. 'Here comes old man Gerald, the owner', Sesa thought eyeing the man's approach.

Gerald: Ah! My money maker. Hahaha! I have some news for you.

Sesa: Is it?

Gerald: Yup! Some pastors have come to meet me during the day, they are planning to open up the abandoned church at hills of Kuoh

Sesa: So that's how it is?

Gerald: That's how it is. If they come here, just gemme a call. I'll come over quickly.

Sesa: You are serious.

Gerald: Of course, I'm a devout believer.

S.Sesa: (Bullshit!!)

Sesa internally laught at S.Sesa's remark, people just blindly follow without seeing the truth. Opening up the abandoned church? All those people are stray exorcists. 'Does that mean that Raynare is making her way here?' Sesa questioned. He continued with his work, if the excorcists do appear he would need to make plans for them. Gerald left, leaving Sesa to his work.

"Ah, yeah! Finally over", Sesa said, wiping his hands dry on a dish cloth. He had just finished the cleaning of his space, now the only thing was to turn in for the night.


That was the ability of the Mask, Sesa could feel the ominous intention come this way. 'These must be the excorcists', confirmed Sesa when they came into view. Both Sesa had debated over a plan, there was something that they wanted to test and now was the best opportunity.

????: Father, look! I've never seen such a beauty in my life. Hehehe, she must be a devil in disguise.

Father: I do see, I do see. Hehe, Pastor, She really is a devil. It is our duty to purify her, through every hole we can find.

Sesa: (I don't see any weapons.)

S.Sesa: (We search them afterwards, lucky, it's just these two shits.)

The hostility that these men were giving off increased after they took notice of Sesa, only it was not him they were seeing. Actually that was the remarkable power of the Mask of Deception. Camouflage was activated and the illusion was cast, the two men in priestly attire came forward. They didn't show any motivated expression but Sesa could feel the intent through the Masks detection skill.

When the men were close enough, Sesa summoned Necroussary Abyss right behind them. It was so silent that they didn't notice, how would they? They weren't thinking with their heads. The coffin was floating just a foot or so above the ground, it was up in a vertical position. With the wisp of his will the cover separated, opening the casket.

Pastor: My child! Why are you out alone at night.

Sesa: I live here.

Sesa didn't wait any longer, a sharp thought came to him and just like that the open coffin moved. It was fast, too fast. Necroussary shifted behind the excorcist that appeared to be of higher rank. The excorcist was literally swept of his feet, he fell backwards into the coffin. the only problem was that he kept on falling inside. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!", was the last thing that was heard when he disappeared into the abyss. Necroussary turned to the other man who was now staring at the darkness. Before he could make a move, Sesa already willed the coffin cover into action. Sesa used the rectangular cover like a cricketbat and slammed the stray excorcist causing him to enter the abyss.

S.Sesa: The second guy went in much easier.

Sesa: He passed out.

S.Sesa: Oh! I can't believe that this shit worked

Sesa: Me too!

This was the plan that these two came up with, it's almost ridiculous. Necroussary lifted it self higher into the air and turned horizontal. Sesa could still see the excorcists falling in deeper, He wanted them to come closer to him and thats what happened. Everything in the abyss was in Sesa's control, it was someting he theorized along with the idea that anything can be stored here. It just got confirmed.

As the men were coming closer, two excorcist guns floated at the gateway. Sesa grabbed them and pointed at the victims. Bang bang! Just like that it was over. When the bodies arrived Sesa searched them, he took what was valuable such as the hilts he found on them. Those hilts weren't ordinary, they produce light energy laser blades.

Sesa: These are holy swords.

S.Sesa: Hahaha...great! I always wanted to be a Jedi, now the force is with us.

Sesa: Hahaha, how we gonna get rid of the bodies?

S.Sesa: huh! um... just dump them somewhere, they bad guys anyway.

Sesa: ....


Devil constitution, Sesa let out his wings and flew into the air. High above all the buildings he stationed himself, Necroussary Abyss followed him. He willed the the blue box to face a random direction. By his will Sesa shot out the bodies from the casket like they were bullets. They disappeared into the night, Sesa unmanifested the gear then cast teleportation, disappearing himself. Little would he know that he created a mystery that will never be resolved.


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